What part of your body did you first notice the weight loss?



  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member

    Gone from a size G to D (so far), my face but my stomach and thighs are defs clinging

    how long did it take these to go down? i went up two cup sizes while prego, and even with all the weight i've lost, they still haven't gotten smaller. i have shirts i still can't wear not bc of tummy, but bc of the girls lol
  • rebarnette82
    I lose weight in my face...then my waist...then my boobs. The hardest park for me is from my hips to my calves. At 5'3", I have pretty big calves and legs in general. However, I am truly an hour glass (large bust, large hips, small waist), so I have just learned to accept that that's how I look. When I am really toned, I really love how I look. I'm just trying to get back to being toned and fit (with some weight loss to get me into a healthy BMI, too!)
  • mamabearr
    I first noticed in my waist and legs. It sticks to my butt though. That's where i wish it would come off.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    My arms!!

    LUCKY YOU! i wish i had my arms go skinnier ! i hate them! and i hate the fact that my thighs thin first ..GRR

    find a fun song, use two lb weights, and keep your arms up and moving for the entire song. do it every day for a week and i promise you'll see results. then just up the weights as you build resistance. :)
  • Allyson1985
    I noticed it off my face and butt first. It just won't stop from my tummy!
  • moonflower09
    moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
    My waist got smaller very quickly, which in turn made my hips look quite enormous!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    Always the boobs! :(
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My hips. I don't really store fat on my hips or mess much, it all goes on my tummy and arms, so my hips were the first thing to shrink. My tummy fat seems to be the last to go, and I still have a bit of flab on my arms too.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    The first part that changes start to show, is the face in 90% of the times.

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    Sucks to be the other 10 % lol.... For some reson my face and arms don't seem to go down at all!!! It sucks big time but then I have a really flat tummy working on a six-pack !
  • jakecan4sure
    I'm seeing my belly go down, which in turns makes my love handles seem more pronounced. boooooooooo, love handles! They are getting smaller. They are just taking longer.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    From my face and my shoulders - they're surprisingly, bony! Belly fat is hanging on strongly but as I've dropped
    from size 26 pants to size 18 jeans it must be coming off there as well, even if I can't see it.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    The face and then it slowly worked its way down.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    The first part that changes start to show, is the face in 90% of the times.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Sucks to be the other 10 % lol.... For some reson my face and arms don't seem to go down at all!!! It sucks big time but then I have a really flat tummy working on a six-pack !

    You have a very slim face!
  • Lisanita
    Definitely my face. The extra neck-chin and chub next to my mouth comes and goes so easily. My arms never seem to get smaller.