Good morning! I'm back again.

AKM0282 Posts: 36 Member
Hey everyone. I'm back on the wagon after turning 40 this year and being very close to the heaviest I've ever been (nearly 300 pounds!!!). Being 40 and out of shape is no fun! I'm starting this journey by easing myself into things in hopes that I don't burn out too quickly. I've joined an easy walking plan and am tracking everything I eat. Today is day two.

I know I need to walk more, I get barely 3000 steps on a good day, and sugar and snacks have become a problem unlike I've ever seen myself have before. Here's hoping seeing everything written down and measured out will help my brain and tummy work together to stop the snacking (or at minimum stop snacking on sugar filled donuts and stuff)!

I had very good luck with MFP the last time I used it about 5 years ago, and my spirits are high that it will be just as helpful this time around.


  • ellatwo
    ellatwo Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I am almost 50 and close to 300 pounds. If you want, we can kind of check in with each other.
    Sugar and sodas are my major downfall. I haven't setting on an eating plan yet. Do you have an eating plan?
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    I turned 40 earlier this year too! Best wishes for you reaching your goals!
  • AKM0282
    AKM0282 Posts: 36 Member
    Good morning @ellatwo ! Thanks for the reply. I'd love to have a sort of accountability buddy. That's a great idea!

    My only real "plan" is just lowering my carbs and sugars and trying to stay under the calorie goal MFP gives me lol. So I don't know if that really counts as a plan or not. Sodas are definitely one of my vices as well, but hopefully now that I'm tracking water I'll be more likely to at least get 8 glasses in a day instead just what I have at night to wash down my meds lol.
  • tristatriesagain
    tristatriesagain Posts: 22 Member
    You're right, being 40 and out of shape is no fun! :( I'm 41 and have only recently started getting back on track after taking a couple of years off. Take little steps, little changes and you'll get there. Is it ok if I add you as a friend?
  • AKM0282
    AKM0282 Posts: 36 Member
    @tristatriesagain please do!
  • ellatwo
    ellatwo Posts: 7 Member
    AKM0282 wrote: »
    Good morning @ellatwo ! Thanks for the reply. I'd love to have a sort of accountability buddy. That's a great idea!

    My only real "plan" is just lowering my carbs and sugars and trying to stay under the calorie goal MFP gives me lol. So I don't know if that really counts as a plan or not. Sodas are definitely one of my vices as well, but hopefully now that I'm tracking water I'll be more likely to at least get 8 glasses in a day instead just what I have at night to wash down my meds lol.

    Happy Easter. I'm new to this app. Is there a way on here we can message?