Please read me!



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Not sure why you would waste your energy typing this post. Everything you typed can be searched also. We've heard all these negative comments before. Sorry I wasted my time reading it. I only did because your topic said "Please read me"! Didn't learn anything new here, and only got some negativity vibes, which I'm not here for.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Not sure why you would waste your energy typing this post. Everything you typed can be searched also. We've heard all these negative comments before. Sorry I wasted my time reading it. I only did because your topic said "Please read me"! Didn't learn anything new here, and only got some negativity vibes, which I'm not here for.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Personally, I think the better question would be how are you (or we as a community) supporting others? It seems that factor is getting lost in venting and *****ing about what annoys us regarding other's behavior. The "all about me and my preferences" attitude gets really old, really quick.
  • RunnerPrincess
    :smile: You did make a few good points
  • livnlite
    Yep, agreed .. there definately is a search function on this forum, as in any ... You can look up any word, or subject and find information or your answers .. Come to think of it .. I wonder why anyone would even bother to come here for those answers ... when there is google. Why even waste your time coming to a discussion board? .. Oh wait a minute .. THIS is a DISCUSSION board .. where people discuss topics. search out information, ask questions or maybe even just simply have conversations and friendly chit chat about all kinds of things .. and maybe enter into some friendly banter now and then .. But, apparently .. THAT is not what you're supposed to do here.

    Hmm .. Now I am confused. Someone remind me .. Why did I join this forum again? .. Ooops .. Nevermind .. I remember now .. I am supposed to use the search function to find the answer to my question. My Bad!
  • aimibean
    SO true!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Google the word "hypocrite" because anyone commenting on here about me *****ing, is doing the exact same thing.
    We didn't start the fire...
    But we threw more wood on it.

    I don't understand when people start a topic and then are baffled/offended/irritated/[fill in the blank] when someone disagrees. Just because someone disagrees doesn't mean they shouldn't post a comment. How boring a world would it be if everyone who ever disagreed stayed silent? I like it it when people post comments...the more varied, the better.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Not sure why you would waste your energy typing this post. Everything you typed can be searched also. We've heard all these negative comments before. Sorry I wasted my time reading it. I only did because your topic said "Please read me"! Didn't learn anything new here, and only got some negativity vibes, which I'm not here for.

    So simple question....not to offend just curious....why after reading it or reading part of it and not liking it did you decide you had to post .....if its not what you like or are here for?
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    I didn't know there was internetz police on here? or even the spelling police?

    If you look up the meaning of a forum, its for people to speak to each other and learn... being a former person that's asked a couple of those questions... and now I answer them. Plain in simple, if you are tired of seeing them... then ignore them?
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    You would of found this same exact post by someone else if you used the search feature!

    And, if you had googled it, you would HAVE known that "of" is a preposition incorrectly used in your statement where the helping verb "have" needed to be. You are correct, however, in that there have also been multiple posts on just this topic.

    You just made me so happy.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    It's too early on a monday morning to read head hurts.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    All you're missing is..... end rant
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    It's too early on a Monday for you to act like a b*tch! That is all
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I don't understand when people start a topic and then are baffled/offended/irritated/[fill in the blank] when someone disagrees. Just because someone disagrees doesn't mean they shouldn't post a comment. How boring a world would it be if everyone who ever disagreed stayed silent? I like it it when people post comments...the more varied, the better.

  • BiGBeNcHiNnbrah
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    i think i love you...
  • javajunki
    LOL, I love the lose vs. loose, for some reason it just makes me wanna scream when I see people talk about "loosing weight" :)

    I am the same!!!
    I think words are interesting.. with my weight I don't want to just lose it.. as in not keep track of where it is.. I truly want to 'cut it loose' , as in gone forever, let go completely, released. perhaps subconsciously it is better to LOOSE weigh than to just LOSE it? IMHO
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    When will I get my period? I haven't had one. Does this mean I'm pregnant? If I'm pregnant should I eat more calories or less?
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    MAYBE IN MY NEXT LIFE I CAN BE AS PERFECT AS YOU THINK YOU ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    MAYBE IN MY NEXT LIFE I CAN BE AS PERFECT AS YOU THINK YOU ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ♥ U