New and in need of support...

Hello! My name is Deva. I am new here and looking for some MFP friends to help keep me motivated with this. I've always had a hard time trying to lose weight and i'm at my worse and it has affected my health in terrible ways. I am nearly hitting 25 years old and at 480 pounds. I also can't walk properly because of this and it has affected my daily life and work. I am getting rather emotional writing this, because I know how badly I need this, but it's so hard doing it alone. Any love and support is appreciated, maybe even tips.


  • 88AViva
    88AViva Posts: 499 Member
    Hi 👋🏼 I'm Viva. I'm new too. Just signed up today. I hope your journey goes well. I too need to start feeling healthy and happy again. I find it hard to do it on my own as well... Maybe we can motivate each other 🙂
  • AKM0282
    AKM0282 Posts: 36 Member
    Good morning! Congrats on taking your first steps to get your life back! I am back on MFP after losing nearly 100 lbs and gaining it back after 5 years. I'd love to be friends on here to share motivation and support.
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Try and find an activity you enjoy. I swim laps first thing in the morning. It's something I look forward to. I'm 357 down from 388 in a little over a month. You got this!
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    Hey Deva, first of all, congrats on taking the first step to getting control of your health (and life) back! You've got a long road ahead but these forums are full of people who will give the best advice and support they possibly can, so don't ever feel like you're having to do this alone!
  • NatashaA84
    NatashaA84 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Deva, I'm Natasha and I've literally logged onto the app looking for exactly the same thing as you. My weight has gone up and up and I really want to get control but I'm such an emotional eater I find it really hard. I'm a little bit older than you (37!) but would really like to find someone to share support. Well done on getting started 🙂
  • KNoceros
    KNoceros Posts: 324 Member
    Hi all! Welcome to the world of MFP.

    There are lots of people here who either have lost large amounts of weight (or are looking to) and I am sure some of them will be along soon…
    In the meantime, why not pop over to the “success stories” board where there are threads documenting some of the larger losses, including several of well over 100lb. There is also a group called “larger losers” which is aimed at those with >75 to drop.
  • BbSmith1984
    BbSmith1984 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Deva!! & All the other beautiful ladies that have commented..I to am in the same boat as all of you :/ 38..5”7 & 285…at my biggest i’ve ever been and my health has never been worse. My problem is the meal plans and what to eat. I know a lot of things I need to change but can’t get the i umph and organization i need to do it…hoping to find help getting that here. I don’t know how to add people yet but look forward to making friends with all of you!!
  • carolhemma3415
    carolhemma3415 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Deva! I'm Carol and great job by taking your first step towards losing weight an getting healthy. I'm just returning to MFP an in real need of losing weight myself. My weight went up an my health has gone downhill since.
    I'm 50 years old but am willing to help by being a accountability partner, we can exchange recipes or friendly reminders.
    If there's a tip I can give it would be Remember your Water intake. It's my biggest challenge because water is not my favorite thing.