Body by Vi

I decided I wanted to shake up my diet a little bit and try the Body by Vi shakes. I've tried the Special K and slim fast ones and I thought they were horrible!! Anyway, I decided to give these a shot, if only to have another breakfast option. Anyone have any good recipes for them?


  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    why do you need to have shakes? why not have real food?
  • why do you need to have shakes? why not have real food?

    Why do you have to judge my diet just by my question? I have lots of REAL food... I have found that a shake/smoothie in the morning makes it easier for me to have breakfast with my limited time available in the morning as a teacher.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I use vi every day so thought: hurrah! I might be doing some good!

    Sadly, it's not about the ancient unix text editor :-/

    Edit to be on-topic :) and say that I'm all for having shakes to add a bit of variety, but I generally have vanilla or choc flavoured shakes and they get a bit samey after a while.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    why do you need to have shakes? why not have real food?

    Why do you have to judge my diet just by my question? I have lots of REAL food... I have found that a shake/smoothie in the morning makes it easier for me to have breakfast with my limited time available in the morning as a teacher.

    not judging just a question and you answered it for me.
    why not have a fruit smoothie with a bit of oatmeal and ground flaxseed in it?
    cheaper than ready made shakes and yumm!
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    I don't have any good recipes, but I know a couple people that are doing that and seem to really enjoy it.
    When I want a quick breakfast in shake form though, I like to make green smoothies with kale/spinach/leafy greens ( 1-2cups) and fresh fruits like apples, peaches, bananas etc, and some almond milk. I get fruits/veggies with that and they are good and give me some energy, and I still have something like an egg white, wheat toast or yogurt with it. (You can also add yogurt to the smoothie for added sweetness/smoothness.
    My main concern for myself with any type of plan where you switch a meal up for a shake, is that you run a greater risk of gaining the weight back whenever you are done with the plan because you are replacing the shakes with meals that probably have greater calories then you are used to with the shakes. Not trying to offend, clearly just my own opinion.
  • why do you need to have shakes? why not have real food?

    Why do you have to judge my diet just by my question? I have lots of REAL food... I have found that a shake/smoothie in the morning makes it easier for me to have breakfast with my limited time available in the morning as a teacher.

    not judging just a question and you answered it for me.
    why not have a fruit smoothie with a bit of oatmeal and ground flaxseed in it?
    cheaper than ready made shakes and yumm!

    I used to buy some amazing smoothies with oats in them before I moved (from a smoothie place) and they were amazing. I do miss them! Thank you for the idea.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    why do you need to have shakes? why not have real food?

    i tried every shake/gimmic ect on the market and a few made up ones i think,the best i have found is "real" food! just healthy eating and exersice. the problem is with shakes and others stuff like that is yes you loose weight no problem...BUT you go back to "real" foods and still have all your old habits! so then put the weight back on like it or not.
    i promise you healthy eating is the healthy cheap way to go and you can learn to be a bloody good cook at the same time too!
    and no i hate rabbit foods too! lol
  • Thank you for the ideas! My normal breakfast is usually only about 200 calories to begin with so I'm not too worried about gaining weight back after stopping a shake or smoothie. I'm usually not that hungry in the morning, but I like to make sure I have something so I can get my metabolism going and I won't over eat later. Thanks for the ideas!
  • why do you need to have shakes? why not have real food?

    i tried every shake/gimmic ect on the market and a few made up ones i think,the best i have found is "real" food! just healthy eating and exersice. the problem is with shakes and others stuff like that is yes you loose weight no problem...BUT you go back to "real" foods and still have all your old habits! so then put the weight back on like it or not.
    i promise you healthy eating is the healthy cheap way to go and you can learn to be a bloody good cook at the same time too!
    and no i hate rabbit foods too! lol

    This is not a breakfast to try to lose weight faster for me... It is to make sure I have breakfast and it is something I can mix up at work if I need to. I know about healthy eating... If you look at my diary you will see I eat LOTS of REAL food through the day
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I hated the Special K shakes too and they are actually pretty horrible for you anyway, way too much sugar! But I actually like Slim Fast, I usually mix it with almond milk and really like the Strawberry one. I like Carnation Instant breakfast too.

    I've never tried the Vi shakes, but when I Googled them I found this
  • I hated the Special K shakes too and they are actually pretty horrible for you anyway, way too much sugar! But I actually like Slim Fast, I usually mix it with almond milk and really like the Strawberry one. I like Carnation Instant breakfast too.

    I've never tried the Vi shakes, but when I Googled them I found this

    Thank you!
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    I've never heard of Vi, but I do use protein shakes. For pre-made shakes I love the Atkins ones. Other than that I use Pure Protein and Designer Whey by Body Fortress both of them I really enjoy. When I make them I use vanilla flavored almond milk, or Silk vanilla flavored coconut milk and I normally add frozen fruit and sometimes oatmeal. You can also add cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, almond extracts....whichever you prefer. There are so many ingrediants that you can add to your shakes and they'll still be healthy.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Carnation Instant breakfast is great!! I like to add a handfull of fresh fruit to mine :)
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Have you tried Carnation Instant Breakfast or Ensure/Glucerna? I have a Glucerna strawberry shake pretty much every day of the week (except on weekends when my very sweet hubby makes me some eggs) and I LOVE them. I think they are super tasty!
  • To answer you question, My favorite is Orange Dream, Just mix 2 scoops of the shake mix with 10 oz of orange juice. You can mix it with any juice and add some ice to crush in it to make a wonderful smoothie. I like mixing it with chocolate almond milk and a tbs of peanutbutter for a reese shake for some added calories and good fat. I love the Body By Vi stuff! I loved it so much I joined as a distributor of it. The stuff is amazing and lots of prople are getting great results, good luck to you and add me as a friend and message me if you have any other questions.

  • pammypk1
    pammypk1 Posts: 83 Member
    I decided I wanted to shake up my diet a little bit and try the Body by Vi shakes. I've tried the Special K and slim fast ones and I thought they were horrible!! Anyway, I decided to give these a shot, if only to have another breakfast option. Anyone have any good recipes for them?
    I have them on the way to work sometimes. There is one that is my fav..4 oz. Diet Root Beer, 4 oz. fat free milk (or choice of milk) , some ice, two scoops of the powder...It is easier for me in the am on the way to work to have these,because I am always running late no matter how early I get up!
  • Ive never heard of Vi, but like others i use carnation breakfest. some mornings i'm really not up to eating a big meal, or if i'm in a rush. nothing to do with losing weight.
  • kileemae
    kileemae Posts: 9 Member
    One of my favorites in the fall is using pumpkin puree!
    i use 1/4 cup pumpkin puree, 1 tsp cinnamon, sprinkle of pumpkin spice, ice, 8 oz of water, and the 2 scoops of protein powder!
    Some of my other favorites:
    -Putting blueberries and frozen banana's with the shake powder/water/ice
    -Using PB2 (both chocolate and normal!)
    -Instant coffee!

    Sometimes freezing coffee and using that as ice cubes works well!
    Just mix up the shakes! I love them! :)
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 437 Member
    You can google the body by vi shake creations, theres tons and there all delicious !
    My favv is the banana bread shake :)

    2 scoops of powder
    1 Cup soy milk
    Half of a partially frozen banana(This is a good oportunity to use your black frozen bananas)
    1-2 teaspoon cinnamon
    6 ice cubes.
    ......... Blend and yuuuuum heaven :) ! !
  • I ised body by vi... my favorite is 2 scoops of body by vi..1/2 of banna and 1 tsp of butter powder(molly mc butter fat free butter flavor sprinkles) ice and almond milk... i also like 1/2 banana and 2 tsp of coconut extract, ice almond milk. i do not drink cows milk due to the sugar content and carbs as i am a diabetec.. i love almond milk.