Help Motivate me please. Before and After pics

I am in need of some serious motivation. And i love to see before and after pics. I have to lose 130 lbs to be at my goal weight and i am starting to get discouraged. Help please.


  • norawatson
    Don't get discouraged....just take it one day at a time...Do your best for the moment...we get discouraged because we look at the big picture - I started around where you did last November and I am down 70 is very hard...but this isn't going to end when we reach our goal - this is a change we are making and having to do the rest of our lives.

    I am here for support if you need me!

    I wish you great success!
  • Dandersonjr32
    130 is a big goal, and not one you'll be able to achieve quickly or without adversity. Hell, my first 50 pound weight loss was rife with adversity as I'm sure everyone's journey is.

    You can do it.
  • dez_yaoichan
    set smaller goals on your ticker. for mine, my first goal is to move from obese to over weight, so my ticker is set to what my weight would be at that point. next, ill change my ticker goal to what i need to be for a healthy bmi. once i get there, then i'll set it to my true goal. it helps me to see it in smaller steps. when i had my ticker set to my main goal, i felt like it wasnt moving at all. now, i can see the hard work paying off.
  • jjameli
    This is what I tell myself when I start getting discourage...Even if it takes a year to reach goal o'well, a year is gonna pass whether I continue eating right and exercising or not, and do I want to be unhappy this time next year or do I want to feel happy with what I've accomplished.

    I hope that makes sense, it does for me and it works when I start feeling discouraged.
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    It happens, everyone gets discouraged but you have to move on. Just think of this as a break-up. You are breaking up with food and your "inner fat girl". You have to thank her for making you strong and thank her for everything she has done for you but now you need to let her go. Tell her its not her but its you. lol I know it sounds silly but I wrote a blog "breaking up with my inner fat girl" and it really helped. It made me realize all of the stuff that I was going to improve on and be able to accomplish with the weight loss. I know you can do it and if you need help you just feel free to friend request me and I'll do my best!!

  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I have been a member of MFP for a long time, but never really utilized it until January of this year. I took a break in March, you just need to sometimes. I weighed 220 pounds on January 1st 2011, today I weigh 155. Your goal can be achieved, it will not be easy, it will take lots of dedication and determination. I may have had less than you to lose, but I had a lot of things against me. That made it hard to lose. Lots of medical problems including PCOS, high Prolactin levels, post-menopausal at 35, a hypothyroid and a heartrate that was very low, stayed in the low 50s. I did it, you can too!!!

  • mdyoung6309
    Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate all rhetorically advice
  • Kassielin13
    I am on my 3rd month of MFP and you are more than welcome to look at my profile pics for my before and afters. I workout 3-4 times a week at Curves and walk 3-4 times a week also. I have lost a total of 22.5 lbs and 22.5 inches as well!
    Keep your head held high and give it your best everytime.
    Feel free to add me if you would like!
    Good luck on your journey.