Maintaining and venting! :)

For anyone who actually reads this- I apologize in advance... I just needed to vent.

In the course of one year, I have lost 47 pounds. This time last year, I weighed about 168 pounds, wore a size 12/13 and had no self-esteem whatsoever. These days, I weigh between 121-124 pounds and wear a size 2 or 4. This journey has been about more than just losing weight-- its been about overcoming emotional eating, falling in love with working out and being amazed with all the changes my body has made.

But now, I feel as though all eyes are on me... I hear the whispers-- "oh, she will gain it all back in a matter of months" or "Just wait- when she starts eating normally again, she'll gain it ALL back and then some". I find it both hurtful and amusing. The fact that people think I dont eat "normally" is downright hilarious to me... the only things I've changed in my diet have been decreasing my soda intake, cutting back on portions and adding in as many fresh fruit and veggies as possible...that's it! I still eat wings and bread and have a beer on occasion... how is none of that normal? And why is it that no one believes that even the smallest dietary change can make such a big difference.

I went shopping last night with my fiance and was happy to see that I fit into a pair of JR's size 3 jeans... BUT what surprised me the most was my initial thought -- "Enjoy it now while it lasts because I probably will gain it all back". I was horrified when I realized what I was thinking. I decided right there and then that other people aren't in control of my life; I am! Instead of getting sucked into all of negativity and giving people exactly the downfall that they expect, I'm going to give it my all every time I go to the gym and continue on my healthy lifestyle change not diet!!! And I will do all of these things not to prove some kind of point but because it makes me feel good!

phew... I feel so much better now :)


  • hjfischer
    You won't gain it back unless you stop what you are currently doing. Who cares what those jerks are whispering behind your back. They are just jealous and want to see you fail, but you will show them how strong you are and that you made a change for your life, not just some dumb crash diet! Keep up the good work.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I'm glad this venting helped you out, People talking like that are just plain jealous of your succes, I'm getting this crap from co-workers, jugging what's in my plate and telling me oh maintenance is hard, and blah blah blah,.... don't mind them you know what you can do and you know how to do it, you corrected your mistakes and moving on from now, if everyone could be like you, we've have a healthy group! Take care and love yourself..
  • LaurieEReid
    These people don't realize that this is not a 'diet'. It's about a lifestyle change, one that you have successfully made and will continue. Stay strong and proved those doubters wrong!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    Unfortunately you will learn that 80% of people don't really care and 20% actually want you to fail. There is a small percentage of people that really love you and want success for you and those should be the only ones that matter. Don't be afraid to succeed you have done a tremendous job and mentally you need to accept that this is you going forward, not the old you. I fight this same battle daily because I have yo-yo-ed so many times but I have decided that this is the last time , I have a new lifestyle not just a diet. Best of luck to you and congratulations on all of your hard work!!!!!
  • Emmak789
    Congratualtions and well done on such a fantastic weight loss, thats amazing. I always say losing weight is the easy part but keeping it off is hard because you have to make sure you dont let your old habits creep back. What happend to me was I got to my target I was so happy I then made the mistake of relaxing and starting to over eat again because i thought i could afford to do it but then you forget how hard it was to lose it and get lost in the enjoyment of your favourite treats and slowly slowly it creeps back on again.

    What you need to realise is that you want this weightloss to be forever and so your new eating habits also have to be forever. Its tough coming to terms with it but you have to decide which you want more. Also do things that keep you happy, if I get sad and depressed, thats when I relaps. Now that I'm aware of it i call a friend or I cheer myself up with a walk in the park or a good movie.

    I wish you all the best with getting to your target weight and staying there. :)
  • LeslieAJ
    LeslieAJ Posts: 10 Member
    Maintain your confidence and keep up your committment. Remember not everyone who makes comments is being negative, but may believe they are helping you because of different perspectives and experiences. After I had a large weight loss, and took up running as a sport, I had many well meaning family and friends who warned me that at 50+ years I would not be able to keep the weight off, that I was getting too thin for my body type, or that .I was ruining my joints etc.. Forntunately none of those things is true for me at this time, but for others they can be true depending on health, and other life issues. Be proud of your accomplishments. Ignore the people who are just trying to bring you down, and be gracious to those who think they are protecting you from a let down. The key is what you think. Stay positive!
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    Good for you!! They are all jealous fools and want to look like you~!
  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    Unfortunately you will learn that 80% of people don't really care and 20% actually want you to fail. There is a small percentage of people that really love you and want success for you and those should be the only ones that matter. Don't be afraid to succeed you have done a tremendous job and mentally you need to accept that this is you going forward, not the old you. I fight this same battle daily because I have yo-yo-ed so many times but I have decided that this is the last time , I have a new lifestyle not just a diet. Best of luck to you and congratulations on all of your hard work!!!!!

    Everybody here, on MFP makes up the 1% of people who care...I agree with this post because I have been experiencing the same thing, and my wife and I are doing great with our life style change...everything else is blah, blah, blah!

    Just my opinion.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Re: the people who don't think you eat normally. Some of them may think that maintaining weight loss is not actually work. Some may think that - now that you've lost the weight - you're done, and that you can just go back to bigger portion sizes. I have one relative (never been overweight) she doesn't get it.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Just think how good it will feel to prove them wrong, year after year after year. Take THAT!! :wink:
  • roxyblack
    roxyblack Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I really appreciate the support.

    I knew MFP was the place to post this "Vent session" since a lot of us are going through similar experiences!
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    well said ignore others you know whats right way to go on your loss
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    All of you have sharred great wisdom.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Thanks for posting this... I'm starting to panic a little about maintaining. In this case it's me who isn't sure that I can keep the weight off, because I've lost weight before and always put it back on again.
    I loved reading your decision to keep doing the right thiing for you... that's what I'm going to do too!!
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