15 pounds to lose challenge February 1-May 1, 2022



  • lizziebtothec
    lizziebtothec Posts: 402 Member
    Nov - Jan: 203.4 - 195.6 - 7.8 lbs lost
    Happy new challenge!!

    Feb: 195.6-196.0 lbs: 0.4 lbs GAIN (ave weight 198.25)
    Mar: 196.0-196.6 lbs: 0.6 lbs GAIN (ave weight 196.4)

    4/1: 196.6 lbs
    4/2: 195.4 lbs
    4/3:194.0 lbs
    4/4: 197.6 lbs - AHHH! I hurt my back yesterday so this is probably due to swelling.
    4/5: 196.0 lbs
    4/6: 196.0 lbs
    4/7: 195.6 lbs
    4/8: 195.4 lbs
    4/9: 197.4 lbs
    4/10: 197.0 lbs - so much fast food and gluten this weekend!
    4/11: 197.6 lbs - this weekend... I did not make the best choices but on to a new week! :)
    4/12: 195.6 lbs
    4/13: 195.2 lbs
    4/14: 197.0 lbs - fast food may or may not have been consumed late last night. :)
    4/15: 196.4 lbs
    4/16: 195.6 lbs
    4/17: 196.0 lbs
    4/18: 196.8 lbs
    4/19: 196.8 lbs
    4/20: 196.4 lbs
    4/21: 196.6 lbs
    4/22: 197.0 lbs
    4/23: 195.4 lbs
    4/24: 194.8 lbs 😎
    4/25: 195.4 lbs
    4/26: 196.8 lbs - I started a new job last week that has me going into the office a few times a week. I'm trying to figure out some easy gluten free meals to bring in with me. Also, wow this office is filled to the brim with free sodas and snacks. I try to stay out of the breakroom except to fill up on water. 😊
    4/27: 196.6 lbs
    4/28: 196.4 lbs
    4/29: 196.2 lbs
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,504 Member
    Thank you RubyRed for continuing this challenge!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    72 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 148.5
    Challenge Goal: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0
    02/01 - 148.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.25 miles in 109 mins
    02/07 - 148.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    02/14 - 147.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    02/21 - 147.0 at 7:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    02/28 - 147.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    03/01 - 148.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.02 miles in 126 mins
    03/07 - 148.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    03/14 - 149.6 at 8:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    03/21 - 149.0 at 8:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    03/28 - 148.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    03/31 - 147.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    04/01 - 147.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/04 - 149.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/11 - 149.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/18 - 149.5 at 8:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/25 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.16 miles in 133 mins
    04/30 - 148.7 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    Hello! Am 34/F, living in Oregon and restarted my journey to better health last June after some not so good lab results gave me the kick I needed. I’ve lost weight before but gained it back and more by letting stress turn into apathy about my health. I am planning on this time being the one that sticks, making healthy habits and learning how to cook healthy foods.

    I have lost 44lbs since I started, can now fit in clothes two sizes smaller and have lowered my resting heart rate by 15bpm. My lab results have also improved. I’ve been trying new(to me) food and have found spices and dishes I’ve really enjoyed that are healthy and delish. With exercising regularly, I can now go up stairs without getting out of breath, am able to go up hills and on hikes without feeling like I am dying and have more energy and better mental health. Some days I have to remind myself of the above benefits so far, when I am feeling tired and my motivation is waning.

    My current deficit is set to lose at least .5lbs each week, with the goal to not eat any of my exercise calories. My main exercise right now is walking and playing ring fit adventure. By the end of this period I should have a basic strength training program going.

    May 28th 2021 Weight 240lbs (also my highest weight)
    Ultimate goal weight 170lbs (I’ll reassess once there but that feels more like a doable goal right now)

    Challenge starting weight- 196
    Challenge end goal- 188
    Sunday is my weigh in day

    2/01 196.2
    2/06 195.2. Had a good but busy week. Had first pt appt for a creaky knee and have home exercise to do to try and help correct patella tracking disorder a bit. Have been working on increasing the distance of my walks when I have time, and doing an extra hill. It been nice surprising nice out and have really enjoyed my walks
    2/13 192.0 -3.2lbs this week, 4.2 this month and challenge. What a whoosh! It’s bound to go up next week as will be my monthly but I am enjoying seeing the number. My goal is to lose 2 to 3 lbs a month, to see it all in one week is odd. Had a nice week, 1 hike, 4 walks and did my pt exercises 4 days, under my calorie goal all this week, though did depend on exercise calories some days.
    2/20 191.6 -.4 lbs this week, -4.6 the month and challenge. Super surprised it didn't bounce up but I will take it. Had a good week, went on a hike and a few walks and finally started doing some basic strength training. Already had the same things needed out for my pt exercises, so I got started on what I remembered, even if I still don't have my plan written out yet.

    2/27 192.6 +1lb, -3.6 this month and challenge. Was over my calorie goal Friday and Saturday had delicious but calorie and sodium heavy food. Hopefully is mostly water weight
    2/28 192.4 -.2
    Total for Feb -3.8lbs!

    3/01 192.0 -.4
    3/06 193.2 +1.2, +.8 this month, -3lbs this challenge
    3/13 190.1 -3.1 lbs this week, -2.3 this month, -6.1 this challenge. 50lbs lost TOTAL!! Finally I realized I tend to hold onto or gain weight near the middle of my cycle and have a bit of a loss or a whoosh right before it starts. Getting the pattern down helps keep things in perspective. I’ve been keeping up with my home ot exercises and strength training a few times a week and been getting walks in and doing pretty well food wise. Nice to have it eventually show on the scale. Weeded out more clothes that are too big for me now this week and went through my storage and found more clothes that now fit again as well!.

    3/20 189.8 -.3 this week, 2.6 this month, 6.4 this challenge
    3/27 188.6 -1.2 this week, 3.8 this month, 7.6 this challenge
    Total for March 3.8 lbs! (Again! Wonder if can lose 3.8 next time too)

    4/03 188.6 No loss this week. Was over calories Friday and Saturday with a bit more salty food so am happy it wasn’t a gain. Kinda been in a blah mood the last couple weeks, have not kept up this challenge but have mostly been keeping up with daily check ins ins another challenge I’ve been doing. This month is going to be focusing on maintaining my current good habits, instead of tweaking things or trying anything new. Doing strength train at least twice, if not three times a week and drinking more water.
    4/10 187.2 -1.4 this week and month, -8.8 this challenge (Challenge goal reached!)
    4/17 186.6 -.6 this week, -2.0 this month, -9.4 challenge had an off week again due to hormones/weather. Only exercised twice and was over my calorie goal most days, surprising had a loss still,
    4/24 185.0 -1.6 this week,-3.6 this month, 11lbs this challenge. Had another partially off week, am again surprised by that much loss. Part whoosh? That or maybe my TDEE is more than MFP thinks it is by just a bit. Did try new recipes for using all of a fennel plant and tried Harissa sauce.
    4/30 185.8 +.8 this week, -2.8 this month, -10.2 this challenge.

    My challenge goal of -8lbs was met! I had a very carb/calorie heavy day today so I am sure weight will start a bit higher for the next challenge. Am happy overall with how things went with this challenge. Consistency, especially with my strength training will be my main focus next challenge. Also like always I need to drink more water!
  • GinLee61
    GinLee61 Posts: 1,212 Member
    edited May 2022
    I am a 5'4" 60 year old retiree living in upstate NY. I started back up using MFP on January 3rd but did not weigh myself for the first time until February 7th.

    Feb 7: 222.2
    Feb 14: 220.9
    Feb 21: 218.8
    Feb 28: Skip week since I was away from home

    Mar 7: 216.6
    Mar 14: 213.6
    Mar 21: 212.1
    Mar 28: 211.0

    Apr 4: 209.5
    Apr 11: 208.1
    Apr 18: 207.6
    Apr 25: 206

    May 1: 204.3 – down 1.7 for the week, 17.9 lbs for this challenge and 25.7 lbs overall

    Challenge Goal: 15 lbs (207.2)
    Challenge Actual: 17.9 lbs (204.3)

    Congratulations to everyone for completing the challenge!

    Personally, I never expected to be able to meet the challenge, let alone exceed it. I surprised myself and this has reminded me that it really is possible.

    I believe that participating in this challenge motivated me and has helped to keep me accountable, even if only to myself.

    Thank you to RubyRed427 for continuing this challenge. I'm looking forward to the next 3 months!
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,616 Member
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    Feb 1 Start Weight: 144.0 pounds
    Apr 30 Goal Weight: 130 pounds (maintenance buffer weight)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 pounds

    Feb 1: 144.0
    Feb 8: 144.8
    Feb 15: 142.4
    Feb 22: 141.1
    Feb 28: 140.2
    Total weight loss/gain to date in February: - 3.8 pounds

    Mar 1: 140.4
    Mar 8: 138.4
    Mar 15: 138.2
    Mar 22: 136.9
    Mar 29: 135.6
    Mar 31: DNW - traveling
    Total weight loss/gain to date in March: - 4.8 pounds

    Apr 1: DNW - traveling (using 135.6 from Mar 29 as starting weight)
    Apr 8: 138.2
    Apr 15: 133.8
    Apr 22: 134.0
    Apr 29: 134.9
    Apr 30: 135.6
    Total weight loss/gain to date in April: +/- 0 pounds

    Total challenge loss/gain to date: - 8.4 pounds

    Although I hit my goal during April, I also managed to come just above maintenance range these last couple of days of the month. I'm still learning about dealing with social situations and travel. Thank you all for this great challenge - it has been fun!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,241 Member

    My name is Donna and I am 61 years old. I live in the Midwest of the USA. 5' 5" tall. My starting weight was 253. I have relapsed in the past year and need to get back on track. I am type 2 diabetic and in remission for breast cancer. Health is my #1 priority.
    Thank you Ruby Red 427 for starting another challenge.

    Start Weight: 197.0 (Weight on January 31, 2022)
    Goal Weight: 182.0
    End Weight: xxxxx

    Short term goal: To lose about 5 pounds per month.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Feb 01…..197.0…..(Trend Weight: 195.1)…..
    Feb 03…..195.8…..(Trend Weight: 195.4)…..
    Feb 10…..196.0…..(Trend Weight: 195.2)…..
    Feb 17…..196.0…..(Trend Weight: 195.7)…..
    Feb 24…..198.0…..(Trend Weight: 196.0)…..
    Feb 28…..198.2…..(Trend Weight: 196.5)…..

    Feb Goal: 192.0
    Feb Actual: 198.2
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 1.2 lb GAIN

    Mar 01…..196.6…..(Trend Weight: 196.5)…..
    Mar 07…..198.0…..(Trend Weight: 196.8)…..
    Mar 14…..198.2…..(Trend Weight: 197.6)…..
    Mar 21…..198.0…. (Trend Weight: 198.3)…..
    Mar 28…..199.6…..(Trend Weight: 199.1)…..
    Mar 31…..199.6…..(Trend Weight: 199.3)…..

    Mar Goal: 193.2 based on Feb end.
    Mar Actual: 199.6
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 2.6 lbs gained

    Apr 01…..199.8…..(Trend Weight: 199.4)….. Wrong way.

    Apr 04…..198.2…..(Trend Weight: 199.5)….. Really no change in behaviors here (though there should be more!) I’m not sure why I go up and down but here it is today. Lowest weight since Mar 14. I’ll take it, shake it and see what I can do with it.

    Apr 11…..201.8…..(Trend Weight: 200.5)….. A travel day really turned this entire week upside down! Starting fresh today!

    Apr 18…..204.4…..(Trend Weight: 201.8)….. Did someone say Easter Dinner?

    Apr 25…..202.2…..(Trend Weight: 201.6)….. Glad to see a drop. Time to get out of the 200 prison I’m in.

    Apr 30…..203.2…..(Trend Weight: 202.3)….. April was not kind to me. Or I was not kind to it. Yeah, I think that is it.

    Apr Goal: 194.6 based on March 2022 end weight
    Apr Actual: 203.2
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 6.2 lb Gain for the challenge. Ugh!
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,456 Member
    CHALLENGE: lose 10 pounds by May 2nd (13 weeks)
    highest weight: 330 (7/10/2020)
    January 31st starting weight: 229.3 (7-day average)
    May 2nd goal weight: 219.3
    ultimate goal weight: 210-220 (whatever gets me down to ~20% body fat)

    Jan 31 : 229.3 (starting weight) (Weigh-in day: Monday)
    Feb 07 : 226.6 : 🔽 2.7
    Feb 14 : 224.8 : 🔽 1.8
    Feb 21 : 225.4 : 🔼 0.7
    Feb 28 : 224.4 : 🔽 1.0
    Mar 07 : 223.2 : 🔽 1.3
    Mar 14 : 224.8 : 🔼 1.7
    Mar 21 : 228.5 : 🔼 3.7
    Mar 28 : 227.2 : 🔽 1.3
    Apr 04 : 224.4 : 🔽 2.8
    Apr 11 : 224.5 : 🔼 0.1
    Apr 18 : 224.8 : 🔼 0.3
    Apr 25 : 226.9 : 🔼 2.1
    May 02 : 226.7 : 🔽 0.2 total loss = 2.6

    Goal weight : 219.3 : desired loss = 10.0 pounds in 13 weeks
    Actual weight : 226.7 : actual loss = 2.6 pounds in 13 weeks

    Well, it's a long way from 10 pounds, but at least I managed to lose some. See you all in the next round!