Turbo Jammers 3/9-3/15



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Snarf...I'm w/out a HRM (yet) and I eat 1/2 of my exercise calories. Good luck to you and welcome to the TJ thread:flowerforyou:

    Sara...once I heard you were going to have a site I said to Eric "Now, I can get my stuff via Sara":wink::love: WTG on joining the gym...enjoy your Turbo Kick class and spinning class. Quite a few of my friends take a spinning class and love it! I cannot wait to hear what you think! You are going to be one hot mommy:drinker:

    DH is working tonight, kiddos just went to bed, and I'm bummed about having my cardio routine cut short this afternoon. I think I'm off to do P,K,&J:smile:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Wow...reporting back w/ P,K,&J for the day as well. I don't do too much cardio at night (let alone P,K,&J), but for starting it after 8pm I'm surprised by how awesome that felt!!!! WooHoo!!!

    Good night all:love::flowerforyou:
  • TashaT29
    TashaT29 Posts: 12
    Wow...there's a Turbo Jam thread.

    I do it...and I love it!!!

    My favorite workout to date is Cardio Mix 3...especially the first set...love it...the music, perfect.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    2 newbies WAHOO...we love to see more addicts :wink:
    Snarf and Tasha so glad you found us. I hope you will stick with us. We love new energy.

    I think it would be kind of all of us to wait until Sara is up and running, if you are on the verge of buying some new workouts. Sara unfortunately unless they come out with something new soon I've got my fill (unless one gets scratched or broken and then I'm coming after you!!)

    Kelly great job on your late night work out. I've been thinking about changing my workouts to just before bed, but I haven't weighed the pros and cons of that yet.

    Well I'm going to try something new in the morning, I'm gonna workout before I eat. I never do this. I eat breakfast and then wait for about 45 mins to an hour and then workout.
    How many of you workout on an empty stomach? I'm pretty sure I will be ready to faint by the end but I'm pressed for time tomorrow morning and that's the only way I can see to get it done. YIKES! I don't know if I'll have time to check in in the morn, so I hope everyone has a great day!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - I workout on an empty stomach about once a week. I try to make sure that I get in at least 8 oz of water before I start, though. Sometimes I feel fine, sometimes I stop in the middle & scarf down a yogurt. :laugh: It isn't my favorite way to work out, but sometimes it is necessary. Thanks for the encouragement, too! My box is on its way! YAY!

    Tasha - Welcome to the group! We all love us some Turbo Jam! :laugh: Another fan of CP3, huh? I'm leaning more & more in that direction for my next purchase!

    Kelly - When Doug was still in school, I'd do most of my cardio at night & it was GREAT, except for the fact that I had a hard time "coming down" after the fact. My body would just be buzzing! Glad you enjoyed doing it that way! I'm going to Turbo Kick tonight & I just know I'll be up until at least 11. :laugh:

    Megan - thank you! My box of goodies is on its way & my profile is being "reviewed" (whatever that means) with beachbody so my website should be up in the next couple days! YAY! Glad you are feeling better!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    So, since I did my happy dance on the scale this morning, I thought I'd check out my measurments & see how far I've come.

    Starting the beginning of June 2008, I was the heaviest I have ever been at 196.0...well, non-pregnant at least. I don't want to go there. :sick:

    I got down to 189.4 on my "own" on July 25th (in about 7 weeks...none too impressive looking back). I joined MFP & started Turbo Jam August 14th and here are the stats from August 19th:

    Weight - 188.4
    Chest - 38.5
    Waist - 35
    Hip - 45.5
    Thigh - 26.5 (I only did one b/c 2 would have been too depressing :laugh:)
    Bicept - 13.5
    *I didn't do my torso measurements for some reason...

    Anyways, here are my stats this morning:

    Weight - 146.6: 49.4 lbs overall, 41.8 lbs since starting TJ)
    Chest - 33.5: -5"
    Torso - 31.5 (I looked back in my notebook & it was 33.5 mid-September so I think I've lost at least 2.5" since I started TJ)
    Waist - 30.25: -4.75"
    Hips - 39.25: -6.25"
    Thigh - 22.25: -4.25" off each
    Bicept - 11.75: -1.75" off each

    49.4 lbs
    30.5 INCHES!

    YAY! Holy junk! Even though I'm not quite at my goal yet, this made it really feel like a change, kwim? I'm a happy girl this morning. :bigsmile:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Lyn, I'm one of those people who can't even look at food until at least 11 am. :laugh: I know breakfast is so important, and I've tried over the years to eat at least something, but I just can't....so I almost always work out on an empty stomach. I definitely don't advocate that, but it works ok for me. I agree with Sara, I drink alot of water before and during my workout and I never have a problem, but then again, my body's used to doing it that way.

    I'm getting ready to do PK&J...still a little queasy, so I want something not too jump, I may just end up w/ Booty Sculpt and Abs.

    Kelly, good job on the late workout...were you able to sleep well after it?

    Tasha, welcome to the thread! :flowerforyou:

    Sara, how exciting to have your own BB website! I definitely need to get CP2...and I'm sure I'm going to be ordering Chalean Extreme in the near future! WOO HOO :drinker: Have fun at Turbo Kick tonight!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    49.4 lbs
    30.5 INCHES!

    That's awesome Sara!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I also see you're 2 lbs away from your goal!!! WTG!!!!! :heart:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Sara...that is awesome, girl! I know I have already told you what an inspiration you are, but you ROCK! Two more pounds till your goal...how exciting:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Megan - I did PK&J one time on an upset stomach. It was not a good idea. :sick: Thanks for the kind words! Your ticker is an inspiration to me! :happy:

    Kelly - Aww, thanks! :smooched: You're too sweet! :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Right now I'm feeling really crazy (well and a little dumb) for never taking my measurements in the beginning.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara that is freaking amazing! Those numbers are so inspiring! I pulled out my measurement card to compare numbers and my measurements at 185 are very close to what yours were at 188. I hope to be as tiny as you some day soon. Congrats on moving another 2 lbs closer to your goal!

    Thanks for the info on working out on an empty stomach ladies. Fortunately for me the baby decided to get up at the butt crack of dawn so I got my breakfast in and now I'm gonna exercise in about 20 minutes. Probably gonna do CP today, not my fav but I haven't done it in a while.

    Hubby is off work today, just for me. I need to go into work this afternoon without the baby so he took the day off. He was suppose to have this week off but I don't know what's up with his schedule. He tells me one thing and the next day it's changed. No complaints mind you...as long as he's working I'm happy.

    I'll try to check in after my workout otherwise it'll be late this evening.
    Have a jamtastic day!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Right now I'm feeling really crazy (well and a little dumb) for never taking my measurements in the beginning.

    dont feel bad or dumb I'd rather have no numbers than wrong numbers. I'm pretty sure I measured some areas incorrectly so I have to measure them incorrectly every time!
  • snarf1234
    snarf1234 Posts: 19
    Sara, I'm new to the blog (not new to MFP, just blogging on it), but joined when I saw a thread on Turbo Jam because I just love it.... anyway, I wanted to tell you congratulations!!! You have done soooooo well! You need to treat yourself to a mani and pedi and some rock'n new panties and bra to accentuate your new fab measurements!! Girl is gonna have a naughty body for summer so guess you need a new swim suit too! :wink:
    Great, great job! Such an inspiration! After all this work you have done... you need to look at yourself in the mirror each day and just say.... damn, I look gooooood! That should be your new mantra.
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Hi everyone.

    Welcome to our newbies. Now I'm not the only new one, YAY!!

    Sara you just inspire me. Thanks for sharing your journey in numbers with us. You give me new found hope!! Can'lt wait till your sites up, I'd planned on ordering Chalene Extreme but will definitely be waiting so I can order from you.

    I'm a morning exerciser and I always wait till after my workout to eat. Usually don't have breakfast till around 10 or so. So it works for me.

    I went out for a very brisk walk this morning. We live up against a mountain, so I walked up the trail behind our house and then all around the neighborhood and back up. It was good, and it was cold outside but I came in sweating. Shows you how hard I worked. YAY!!! I'll be ready for hiking weather soon.

    Hugs to all today
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody and welcome to our Newbies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    So glad you all are here with us ~ the more the merrier!!! The support and encouragement on this thread is amazing!!

    Sarah ~ your stats are incredible and extremely encouraging. I've got another 30 lbs to go (i think) and some weeks it gets frustrating not shedding the pounds as quickly as I would like:grumble: I should know better .... it's a process. At least TJ makes it so much more fun!!
    Checking in today w/ CP2 , added the 20min and 10 min of Ab Jam last night. My computer is back up, hurray!!!! One of the neighbors but a line while building a fence and knocked out the whole side of the street ... mystery solved.

    Drevansmom - you are really wrong for quoting lyrics... now all I'll be thinking about for the rest of the day is ... "all you dance fans let me hear you clap your hands.... awwww clap ***" I bouncing around right now:laugh: So, I'm stuck on that and " ...red beans and rice didn't miss her..."\
    I am definetly doing CP3 when I get home!
    What is the name of the song in the beginning of the 2nd part of Ab Jam ~ it sounds middle eastern, like belly dancing music or something ..... I love it!!!!

    Hope all are doing great today and getting your groove on:happy:
    Gotta run, but I can check ya'll from home again, Woo Hoo!! ( It must be the music):heart:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Michele...WTG on that walk! I cannot wait till it warms up a tad bit more around here so I can the kiddos out on a regular basis to walk! Keep up the good work girl!

    Dragonfly..WOOHOO-you go!!!! Glad your computer is back up!!!

    Checking in w/ CP...planning on Ab Jam and pilates later tonight!

    Sara...have fun at your class tonight, BTW:drinker:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Holy cow...I think I have really been putting a little extra in my punches and turning to the side when I throw said punches! My shoulder blades are killing me!!!! It's a good feeling though:wink:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hey Sarah OMG those stats are Terrific !! Well done you !!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I will definetly wait for your site to be ready and I will be ordering CP 2&3 Cannot wait for them!

    For some reason I have a queasy stomach (Think I got a dodgy latte). I'm just home from work so I will take it easy but hopefully i will get in PK&J later as 2moro is my weigh in day :grumble: I offically managed to work off those 2 extra pounds I put on over the weekend so I am not expecting the scales to move much tomorrow..

    Oh and Lynn, the HRM is a godsend! I would be soooo lost without it!
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Dragonfly LOL at the songs running around in your head. Now you've got them running around in mine. All you dance fans let me hear you clap your hands! Catchy but once caught hard to get rid of.

    gottaluv WOOHOO"s on sore shoulders. WTG

    deedun hope your queasy tummy is feeling better soon.

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