
Hey MFP friends, I just brought P90X, I haven't started it because I was reading the manual last night and it really scared me a bit! Has anyone ever tried it and if so what is your opinion? I Welcome the Feedback!


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    My advice is 1) Don't be afraid! 2) Just modify to fit your ability. Do what you can and gradually increase intensity or push harder when you are ready. Don't feel like you have to keep up with them!
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Have not tried it either. I bought it several months ago and realized I'm not quite ready for that. I just started Power 90 last night, which I guess is the intro to P90X and it was just enough for me, yet slightly challenging. Good luck if you try P90!!
  • koutwater
    koutwater Posts: 47 Member
    I did a full 90 days last year. Modify, modify. Stick with it. If you can't do as much as they do then don't. Lesson your weight. DRINK A RECOVERY DRINK afterwards - you won't be as sore. The hardest part is finding the time to push play every day. Block out the times you'll work out for the next month. If you miss a day because of "life" etc. don't beat yourself up and keep going the next day. When I did it I think I took 110 days:) ( I work full-time, have 4 kids, got the flu a few days, etc.) Keep up the great work!
  • JustMichelleB
    My advice is 1) Don't be afraid! 2) Just modify to fit your ability. Do what you can and gradually increase intensity or push harder when you are ready. Don't feel like you have to keep up with them!

    Exactly!!! I have done it twice through (the lean version, which some will say is the sissy way to do it, LOL).
  • koutwater
    koutwater Posts: 47 Member
    Also - I definitely recommend trying Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred first. It's only like $10 at Target. It's a 20 minute commitment a day so it's not as intense. It's a good place to start to work your way up to P90X :)
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I am of the belief that if you want to get better at something, practice that something! Don't do something else! Do the P90x that you already purchased. Modify it when you have to and just push yourself a little more each workout to do it a little more or a little harder than the last time. It's very gratifying to see yourself progress and get stronger!
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    You can do it! Don't let it scare you. You don't have to keep up with the people in the dvds yet. Just do what you can and next time add a little more. It's really not as bad as it looks. Promise!
  • Shawnda1730
    Thank you so much for the advice....I am going to try this out! I do have the 30day shred too...I didn't even realize I had that one. My friend brought it over and left it for me. One thing I did not purchase the pull up bar and was worried that I would need that for most of the P90X workout, I hoope not because pull ups are a far reach for the moment!
  • MobileRanger
    P90X is great. I am currently on week 7. It was very difficult at first, but I hung in there, and boy am I glad I did. If you can make it through week 1 you will be good to go. Make sure you do the diet along with it. Eating right goes hand in hand with the workouts if you want optimal results. I was able to drop 13lbs in my first 7 weeks, and now I am to the point where I am putting on weight some days, almost all muscle. Just put it in and hit play. You will be so glad you did.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    The pull-ups are really a big part of it! I would recommend getting the bar and they show you how to use a chair to modify and make it doable! You support some of your weight with a foot on the chair.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Exactly!!! I have done it twice through (the lean version, which some will say is the sissy way to do it, LOL).

    How did you like the lean version? My sister is about to do her 2nd round of classic P90X and I tried it (classic version) but I didn't care for it. I like strength training but I don't like it as much as she likes it. She even said she thinks I'd prefer the lean version.
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    You can use bands instead of the pull up bar if you have them. I used them on my first round and they worked just fine.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Great response from jamie1888.

    Yes, approach it with the right attitude. It IS tough - so be prepared for that. If you want an easy workout do something else.

    Also, while you do want to work hard, remember to modify, modify, modify. On the weight discs don't be afraid to put down some weights that are too heavy (or add some weights, if they're too light). And don't be afraid to use the pause button, if you find yourself gasping!! With things like chin-ups you can use a chair to help you and just lower yourself from the top position, if that's all you can do. Or maybe, buy some resistance bands to use until you're stronger.

    You may also find it useful to gradually work your way through the discs for a couple of weeks before you start the actual program. I did this and I was so glad I did. After Plyometrics my glutes and legs were so sore I could barely climb the stairs! And after Ab-Ripper X my hip flexors were sore for days afterwards (and I only did the first 3 exercises!). If I had stuck with the schedule for that first "try-out" period, I don't know if I would have completed it as I was so sore I couldn't contemplate doing anything else for days afterwards! But honestly, P90X is a tough routine but you see your fitness improve week on week. When I first did Plyo I only did the first four rounds of exercise before giving up and the second time I was determined to do all of it, even if I had to pause after every move and it took me 2 hours! However, within 6 weeks I was doing the whole thing, without pausing, something I thought was an unimaginable feat of fitness when I started.

    Apart from that, just remember the usual stuff - get plenty of sleep and eat well.

    And remember if Plyometrics is too much for you, they have included a disc called "Cardio X" to use, until you think you're up to it.

    One last thing - a few people have problems with the Yoga X - not only is it hard but it can be a bit boring till you get to know it. Don't skip the Yoga - I now have several Yoga DVDs because I love it, and I would never have tried it without P90X. And again, you'll notice it gets easier, very, very quickly. If you do find it tedious, however, there are several other alternative DVDs on the market you can use, or you can do what some people do and just split the workout in half - do the first 50 minutes one day (all the vinyasas), then do the rest on another day (the balance moves, stretches and ab work). But give it a fair crack of the whip - its worth it.

    Good luck - it's definitely a shock to the system but a lot easier once you're a few weeks in. I no longer stick to the schedule, but I rotate over half of the workouts into my weekly routine, even now. Ab-Ripper X is gold-dust and Plyometrics is a great way of burning the flab at home.
  • JustMichelleB
    Exactly!!! I have done it twice through (the lean version, which some will say is the sissy way to do it, LOL).

    How did you like the lean version? My sister is about to do her 2nd round of classic P90X and I tried it (classic version) but I didn't care for it. I like strength training but I don't like it as much as she likes it. She even said she thinks I'd prefer the lean version.

    I liked it (enough to do it twice). I wanted more cardio then the classic version allows. I do like strengthening, and have notice vast improvements in my upper body. I'm not going for size, so Lean fit the bill. I'm now doing P90X+ and really love it - shorter workouts, a bit more intense, better cardio. Will go onto P90X2 after the holidays, most likely.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I was a bit disappointed with P90X+ although I do throw them in occasionally - good weight-based cardio, though.

    The exception is Interval X+. I love that workout! Do it every week, if I can. It's about as hard as I want to go without doing Insanity - I'm nowhere near fit enough to think about that yet (although it is sat next to my TV goading me to try....).
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    P90X was my first introduction to Beachbody workouts. It was HARD but like many others have said, you modify as you go along and I guarantee you by the end you'll be doing so much more than you were doing at the beginning.

    I lost 18 very stubborn pounds (had them hanging around for 15 years!) and dropped several dress sizes.

    You can do it!
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    Im on my 5th week of P90X! it is very difficult, but also very rewarding! at first i couldn't do the yoga and now it's one of my favorites...and I'm not flexible at all! You don't need a bar to start with...Use the bands then progress to the bar...I also agree with doing Jillian michaels first...she really got me ready to do the moves...I'm doing the Lean session...and anyone who wants to call it the sissy one can kiss my size 8 1/2 shoe because they are all challenging! lol good luck!
  • Taskcr
    I did a full 90 days last year. Modify, modify. Stick with it. If you can't do as much as they do then don't. Lesson your weight. DRINK A RECOVERY DRINK afterwards - you won't be as sore. The hardest part is finding the time to push play every day. Block out the times you'll work out for the next month. If you miss a day because of "life" etc. don't beat yourself up and keep going the next day. When I did it I think I took 110 days:) ( I work full-time, have 4 kids, got the flu a few days, etc.) Keep up the great work!

    What is a recovery drink?
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member

    What is a recovery drink?

    A recovery drink is a drink that is made specifically to help your body recover from the workout. It's typically 4 parts carb to 1 part protein. That helps shuttle the nutrients in the drink directly into your cells to help begin the recovery process.

    I use the recovery drink after strenuous workouts and after heavy weight training days. It really helps to reduce soreness and helps with my energy level for the day.

  • Shawnda1730
    Wow! you guys have really been motivating me! I started watching last night and thought to myself ok, I can do this and I will have to modify, modify, modify. I am so ready to make this major change in mylife...I want to feel better and look better (I am a vain girl, yes I admit it) I want to wow my husband who will out of town for a while with work, when he comes back I want him to do a double take. I will try it without the bar first and will order the bar in a few weeks. I've made some great new friends and gained a lot of support from all of you!