Juicing fruits and veggies

futuregill Posts: 73 Member
I want to get into juicing again, That is juicing fruits and veggies. I was just curious if anyone would like to share some of their favorite juices.
Here is mine:

4-5 (raw) beets
1 apple (granny smiths work the best, but what ever you have is fine)
1 peach (if available, if not the juice is still pretty yummy.)

*be careful cause beets stain and don't be afraid if your urine is red


  • I just watched a documentary/movie on this last night called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead'. Have you seen that? I am buying a juicer on Friday. What type/kind do you have or recommend?

    Thanks! ~ Jill
  • I love to juice kale.

    BE CAREFUL with beets! They made my blood pressure way too low! If you have high blood pressure they are great, the effects last for up to two days after. But I already have low blood pressure so it was too much. Just a warning. Otherwise JUICE AWAY!!

    I like:

    4-5 leaves of Kale
    2-3 handfuls of spinach
    2 carrots
    1/2 an apple
    1 lemon (peeled of course)
    1 inch piece of ginger
    YUM, I think I'll go make one now!
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    i have just got back into juicing as well! my fav combo is

    1 apple
    1 cucumber
    1 thin or short carrot
    broccoli stems
    2-3 kale leaves
    2-3 red chard
    1/4 lemon ( i don't peel mine?)
    bit of ginger

    as of kinds of juicers, i suggest doing your research. for me growing up we had a champion, and unless things have changed we barely used it because it was a pain to clean!! i have a Green Star juicer, i looove it! but they are on the pricier end, but if you can swing it i highly recommend them! i have friends who have breville's and like them a lot :D but i've never used one.
  • futuregill
    futuregill Posts: 73 Member
    I have the Juiceman 2, the only problem I have with it is there is sooooo many peices to clean and put together. Some adivce would be to get one that doesn't have a lot of peices. I've never seen that documentary I'll have to look it up.
  • futuregill
    futuregill Posts: 73 Member
    I have the Juiceman 2, the only problem I have with it is there is sooooo many peices to clean and put together. Some adivce would be to get one that doesn't have a lot of peices. I've never seen that documentary I'll have to look it up.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I love to juice kale.

    BE CAREFUL with beets! They made my blood pressure way too low! If you have high blood pressure they are great, the effects last for up to two days after. But I already have low blood pressure so it was too much. Just a warning. Otherwise JUICE AWAY!!

    I like:

    4-5 leaves of Kale
    2-3 handfuls of spinach
    2 carrots
    1/2 an apple
    1 lemon (peeled of course)
    1 inch piece of ginger
    YUM, I think I'll go make one now!

    Are you my twin? That is my favorite juice recipe too!! Except I do like to add a beet in once in awhile, but I agree, too many beets can be hard on your system. They do make for AWESOME juice though!! I don't peel anything though if it's organic it's not necessary. :)

    Also the Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Juicer is the BOMB!.... for those wondering and looking for a reliable, inexpensive one...check it out on Amazon.
  • futuregill
    futuregill Posts: 73 Member
    I love to juice kale.

    BE CAREFUL with beets! They made my blood pressure way too low! If you have high blood pressure they are great, the effects last for up to two days after. But I already have low blood pressure so it was too much. Just a warning. Otherwise JUICE AWAY!!

    I like:

    4-5 leaves of Kale
    2-3 handfuls of spinach
    2 carrots
    1/2 an apple
    1 lemon (peeled of course)
    1 inch piece of ginger
    YUM, I think I'll go make one now!
    I didn't know, but good to know. I think I've made something similar to this, but it sounds great. I'll have give it a try thanks!