how to get the most out of personal trainer?

Hi all, I decided to go to the local gym and that if I got a PT that would motivate me to go and get me back into the whole gym and fitness mentality.

It is of course quite expensive and I am not sure what is the best way to do it. Should I spread out the meetings with the PT or should I see them every week for 5-6 weeks?

Also do you have any advice on how to get the best out of them, results and value wise.

I was quite fit and healthy 3 years ago and was always in the gym but have had two babies in the last 2 years so my fitness is not good at the moment. Very determined though to get my body and fitness back.

Appreciate any advice, thanks

PS went for 1st session and did basic treadmill warm up and then alternate upper lower body strength training (approx 5kg weights).


  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I would go every week. I would also get there early and do the treadmill warmup on your own. That way when it is your time with the trainer you can say you already warmed up and get more exercise out of it and less dilly dally.
  • Nichole1981
    Nichole1981 Posts: 65 Member
    I got a PT at the gym as well. I wanted to switch up my routine. I would see the PT every week if will help keep you motivated. Also, when I started with my PT I already knew how to do most of the machines at the gym so I told him I wanted to focus on total body, high intensity, circuit type work outs. I would never do these types of work outs on my own and I wanted to learn new exercises besides weight machines and standard free weight exercises. Do stuff with your PT that pushes you out of your comfort zone....this will improve your workouts when you are by yourself.

    Good luck! :smile: