New to this & looking for Advice and Support

My name is Phill I live in the North West of England and i am new to this site, Have tried other diets and fitness fabs before with various results but i always seem to get bored thought i would try this site to help me lose the weight i need to lose. I want to be a Healthy Dad for my five kids and run around the park with them without feeling like i am going to die.

I am looking to make friends on here for support and for advice both me and my wife are trying to do this together so that makes it easier but all advice and friendship greatfully received :-).... I'm 35 by the way


  • Bugsyzgrl
    Bugsyzgrl Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome to you and your wife!! I've found this site to be incredibly helpful. It gives you some accountability to your weight loss friends and allows you to keep an accurate record of just what you've done, not to mention all the little challenges on the message boards!!

  • phill27
    thankyou Bugsyzgrl i will have to take a look at the challenges on the message boards anything that helps me to lose weight is worth a look :-)
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    Welcome! I agree with Bugsyzgrl ... the accountability is a plus. Personally, I really like tracking everything ... I especially like tracking my cardio and seeing how many calories I burn. Makes me feel better knowing that I'm not overdoing it like I used to! For me, its a nice little guilt trip ... maybe I won't go get that ice cream I wanted :) best wishes to you both!
  • victor73
    victor73 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome fellow 30-something! I just started on this site, but I've been on other sites like this and let me just say that they are definitely a help. If you're looking for running, might I suggest trying C25K, which stands for Couch to 5K. You can get info on it here:

    The biggest thing though in my opinion is counting your calories. If you can manage that on a regular basis, you'll be seeing the weight shed right off.

    I personally am using kettlebells for 15-30 mins a day. It's a great cardio and muscle workout and it burns 300 calories every 15 minutes!

    Just remember, the first couple of weeks will be tough, but don't give up... after a while yo'll get used to the exercise and diet and feel better overall!
  • phill27
    thanks for the advice victor and chrissy :-) brand new multi gym set up yesterday so i am hoping this and my wifes wii fit and my kids playstation move just dance game are going to help.....and who said video games are bad for you :-) I dont know about runnin any time soon victor but went for a brisk walk today with my wife while i pushed my baby daughter in her pram with my 2 year old son on the prams foot board for added weight and even though i am a little achey now it was worth it planned on walking for 60 min 30 each way but decided to do double i was enjoying that much
  • phill27
    thanks for the advice victor and chrissy :-) brand new multi gym set up yesterday so i am hoping this and my wifes wii fit and my kids playstation move just dance game are going to help.....and who said video games are bad for you :-) I dont know about runnin any time soon victor but went for a brisk walk today with my wife while i pushed my baby daughter in her pram with my 2 year old son on the prams foot board for added weight and even though i am a little achey now it was worth it planned on walking for 60 min 30 each way but decided to do double i was enjoying that much
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    what's worked best for me (along with cardio) has just been portion control. I'm not one for dieting, really. I mean, I don't eat super bad, but not super great either. I have just learned that if I AM going to eat what I want, I need to not eat enough to feed a small country :) portion control is certainly a good starting point. From there, you can adjust your diet to where you want it to be. The walk with the kiddos probably burned more calories than you think! Do you have a heart rate monitor/calorie counter? I took my son to the fair this past weekend (pushed him in his stroller) and wore mine just to see what walking for a few hours would do and I burned over 600 calories! The funnel cake probably cancelled that out, but hey, can't win em all :)
  • SabreezyFoSheezy
  • phill27
    I'm doing really well at the moment with the portion control chrissy my 12 year old daughter was laughing the other day that she now eats more of her meals than me but like you say it means you can still eat the food you love so it is a great idea :-)