4'11 - 5'2 ladies?



  • pbandalyssa
    pbandalyssa Posts: 86 Member
    i'm 5'0" and i started out at 210 at my highest and weighed in this morning at 135.5 still have a few to lost til i'm no longer considered "overweight" *u*
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Im 4ft 10in exactly :) my starting wieght after 2 pregnancies one day shy of 19 months apart I wieghed in at 150.5 as of Jan 1st 2013 I currently wiegh in at 120- 122, I feel a lot better now but not at my UG yet thats 106 .
    Starting : measurements
    hips 42
    bust 38
    waist 35
    thighs 25

    cw: 120
    hips :37.5
    waist :29
    bust :36
    thighs 22.5 or 23 cant find my measuring tape

    pants jan 1st: size 12 petite
    pants now 6 or 8 yippy :)

    goal weight 106

    I am still on my way but I am getting a lot closer
    I keep my calories in check but don't exercise much Im sahm currently so if its not a t home or can fit between naps it does not happen , I share a car with my husband so he has it most of the time since he work so much .
  • missbutton82
    missbutton82 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 5'2 and at 177 as of current. I would love to get back into the 140's and see where things go from there. Right now I'm just completely unhappy with my current weight. Especially after seeing friends who use to be bigger than me who are now either my size or smaller. :( I'm proud of them, I just wish I would of stayed small also..feel free to add me. I could use the extra support!
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    Hi there! I'm 5'1.25...and yea, all you short ladies know, that 1/4 inch makes a huge difference! My highest weight was 186 my senior year of college (6 years ago), I got down to 153 for my sister's wedding 5 years ago but then started creeping back up, and about a year ago, I got back up to 182. I've now been yo-yoing between 168 and 173 for the past few months. My goal weight (for now) is 140, and then I'll re-evaluate from there. I'd love to have more shorty friends so anyone is welcome to send me a FR, if you don't get one from me first :)
  • gotcardi
    gotcardi Posts: 19 Member
    I am 5'0" and started this 'journey' at 234.5 pounds!!!!! I have lost 47 pounds and still have at least another 50 to go. All of the "researchers" say I should weigh between 100-120 pounds, but I can't even begin to imagine myself at that range. I am aiming for 130-140. It's a process... a journey.... a life style change. But I cannot go back, will not go back, and WILL see single digit pants sizes!!!!! :)
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    I am 5' 2" and I weigh 234ish... measurements are W=43, Hips=54, Legs=30... I have a goal weight of 150 I want to have a large muscle mass so I can be fit, thin and curvy.
  • Propagatrix
    Propagatrix Posts: 4 Member
    5' and currently 192. Started at 264, which was quite something to behold. Aiming for 120. Fingers crossed for everyone!
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I'm 5'2", and I started MFP at 166 lbs in May.
    My measurements then:
    Bust - 41
    Waist - 37
    Hips - 42.5

    I currently weigh 127, and I'm working on getting down to 120 and I'll reevaluate my plans from there.
    My measurements now:
    Bust - 34
    Waist - 28
    Hips - 34.5

    I'd include pictures but I haven't got a recent body shot. I will remedy that soon! Until then, feel free to creep my photos, since I have a couple of progress shots in there.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I am 4'11, some days 5'0 when I'm over confident and I weight 208 pounds. According to my height and weight I am morbidly obese and should weight between 115 and 125 lbs. the last time that I was 130, I was 20 and it was right before I became pregnant with my son. I am 30 now. I would like to lose around 80 pounds or at least be in a size 8, I see and hear weight loss stories of women who lose 50 pounds or more but they are all 5'5 and up. 200 pounds on a five foot tall woman looks COMPLETELY different on a woman who is 5'7..and so does the weight loss. Here are my measurements as of last sat, waist: 43, hips: 50.5 and legs: 27.5 I would love to hear from you ladies who are my height or close to it who are going on this journey of weight loss OR have a success story to share. If you have pics and measurements that you feel comfortable sharing thats great! I really need the motivation and to know that I am not alone. If you are this height, what are/were your goals? Thanks in advance ladies!

    Hey! i am 4'11". Please read my fitness testimonial below. I hope it is motivating for you! please feel free to add me, my diary is public so you can see what i eat, also for my Before & After picture just go into my pictures on my profile you will see it. Please let me know if you need any advice or even just a pick me up!

    Here is my testimony:
    Before I deployed I had just gotten married and really comfortable with life and not in a good way. I gained almost 20lbs and was pushing 165. For someone that is only 4'11" that is not good. Then something terrifying happened, I barely past my PT test. In the military you can get kicked out for that. I knew right then and there I needed to change. Not only is being physically fit part of my job but I realized I owed it to myself to be healthy, I couldn't even climb stairs without loosing my breath. I got to Afghanistan and set a strict schedule for myself and I started off with Jamie Eason's LiveFit. I lost 33lbs, along with a good percentage of my body fat and gained muscle. I will tell you it was not easy and it took a long time for me to see results. There were days I wanted to give up so bad, between working 72hrs a week and finding time to talk to my husband and sleep. But by staying positive and having discipline, telling myself that I can do it and that no one is going to do it for me, I was able to lose the weight. I was so afraid that when I got back home that I would fall back into my old ways and all the hard work I did was for nothing. But coming home and seeing the look on my whole family's faces and all the compliments they were giving me, especially my husband, was enough to give me the motivation to keep going. My husband has been so supportive of my lifestyle changes. He is the cook in the family so he sometimes has to cook two different meals because of my clean eating lol. I am still not where I want to be, but I am closer than I was before deployment. My advice? Be patient it's a process. Some progress is better than no progress. When you don't feel like working out force yourself to go, be better than you used to be, work hard to be the person you want to be. After all isn't that why we all started this journey?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hello,

    I'm 5'2 and currently weigh somewhere around 236 down from a high of 254, and it looks like it's all in my belly! I just turned 40 in March and whereas I never felt the effects of being overweight, I now find that everything aches! My goal is to try and get down to around 160 (which for me is around a size 9) and reassess from there. I don't have any measurements to share, because from the beginning I chose to focus more on how I felt in my clothes, and how many fewer meds I was having to take, than the numbers on a scale or measuring tape. I work out with taller women and I feel that I have to work double on my walks and runs because my legs are so much shorter! I would love to be a part of a mutually encouraging support group.

    Good luck!
  • ra1williamson
    ra1williamson Posts: 42 Member
    I am 5'2 and weigh 160 my goal is 125-130. Anyone can add me:)! I am 23 been married 3 years and have 2 kids, both boys (1 1/2 yrs,3 months )
  • vanryswicksl
    vanryswicksl Posts: 16 Member
    4'11" here and I started out this summer at 145. This scared me since it was the highest I had been other than my preganacies and all I could see was a continued creep up on the scale. I decided that I needed to drop a few pounds so that I could actually try to keep up with my girls (2 & 4). I still have some more to go and need to get motivated to exercise more, but starting to see some progress.
  • naynayjhala
    naynayjhala Posts: 1 Member
    4'11.5 I build muscle easy and even at my lowest weight was 20 pound heavier than people that visually looked like the same body type. How many net calories are you all eating to lose weight? Anyone still on this thread?
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