Newbie with 30+ to lose

Hello everyone *waves* I'm Niki. New to the site. I was brought here by some friends here where I live. Can't wait to get started and look forward to meeting others and hearing their stories.


  • kittyblackstar
    kittyblackstar Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat! Just started again (for real this time!) today! I'll add you and hopefully we can keep each other motivated :)
  • marbear1397
    Hey I hope you will add me! It would be great to motivate each other. Congratulations on getting started! :)
  • Niki_Jo
    I read your about me Kitty and I laughed because you and me do the same thing, I too tend to snack more than I eat real meals haha. I looked at my snack section and thought "um this could be fixed" lol. But I'm just starting so I wont be too hard on myself. I accepted the add! More motivation is great. Especially since that is an area I lack lol. Marbear I added you dear!!! Good luck to both of you and may we all Shed the pounds!!!!