Linking IOS Premium to Website?

MountainMinimizer Posts: 23 Member
I am sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. I purchased premium on Iphone 11 pro, logging into the website on laptop, I do not have premium features although my steps are linking? I am ready to get active with a low carb lifestyle. I am not sure if I should just unsubscribe on the app and go with website version? I understand there may not be the exercise and recipes though. Very confused. Recipes on the website would be easier to read on the laptop, print, etc.. Any advice how to use the premium tools on both would be appreciated. :)

Best Answer

  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,285 Member
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓
    Whether you have a premium account or not, the features on the website or the app will differ a bit anyway. But if you log in with the same account, the data itself (food and exercise log) should be carried over between the two (barring synchronisation issues...).
    I barely use the website, since I find it less user friendly, but in the end its just what you prefer. MFP is what you're using: you don't subscribe per device, you simply have an account which you can use on multiple devices.

    That being said, and since you mention low carb: the net carb feature is only available on the app.


  • MountainMinimizer
    MountainMinimizer Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you. That helps me. I thought I was unable to see my low carb plan with the tasks, etc. Sounds like I am on my way, as is. I appreciate your help!
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