
merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
Hypothyroidism-i’m on medication for it. Has anybody had the same issue, trying to lose weight. I am going to turn 40 next year. I have no issue working out but I know I need to be better about what I eat. Looking for more support here and motivation. My daughter will be turning six in a few weeks and it’s been that long since I felt good about my body. I feel like it’s getting harder and harder to lose weight.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    There's a good thread here on MFP, written by a guy who's a scientist in the hypothyroidism field, himself hypothyroid, who lost weight by calorie counting. Unlike a lot of the nonsense on the subject out in the general blogosphere, it's solid and science-based.


    I'm severely hypothyroid, but properly medicated. I was diagnosed more than 20 years ago.

    Getting on 7 years ago, I used MFP to lose 50+ pounds, class 1 obese to a healthy weight in just under a year, and I've been at a healthy weight ever since. I'm now age 66; weight loss started at age 59. I'm female, old, menopausal, hypothyroid - many things that some people will claim are weight loss doom. I think they're not.

    It can be harder for some to lose weight as we get older, but some (maybe most/all) of that is about less physically active daily life patterns, less exercise, loss of muscle mass and of physical ease due to less movement/higher weight, plus maybe sub-ideal nutrition. Fortunately, all of those things are things we can change, if we commit to doing that.

    IMO, the only point in thinking about obstacles (age, hypothyroid, menopause, whatever) is to plan how we're going to get over, around, through, or otherwise past them on the way to accomplishing our goals. Ruminating on how hard they make it is IMO pretty much a waste of time and energy.

    You can succeed, if you commit to it.
  • SuzieC2003
    SuzieC2003 Posts: 54 Member
    I am also hypo, I have about 40 lbs to lose, I find it really hard to lose anything, but I am not gaining either. Feel like I'm stuck. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I’m also hypo and hsvr been struggling to lose about five pounds I put on after having foot surgery. I just had my labs done and although the numbers look ideal, I was sure they would come back off. I’m still not as active as I’d like to be due to my foot healing so maybe that’s part of it.
  • mirandajling
    mirandajling Posts: 23 Member
    I’m in a similar boat, I never had to worry about my weight before but I got diagnosed with hypothyroid/hashimotos when I had my first (now 7) and I’ve been struggling with weight ever since. Im hoping that by having more support, I’ll stick to this more consistently. Feel free to add me! 🙂