how often do you have a "cheat" day/meal?



  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Once a week. But I still log it.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't have cheat days or cheat meals. I eat what I want, when I want it. I read the label and I follow the serving size of whatever it is, I log it in my food diary and I move on with life.

    For me, having to wait for a certain day to consume whatever I want to have seems too much like a diet. This is a lifestyle change for me and that means being able to eat a Reese's Peanut Butter cup at lunch whenever the mood hits me and not on a certain day.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    To be honest I don't ever deprive myself from what I want. I just balance it out. If I want a piece or cake or something I just make sure do my exercise part to offset it.
    that's why at times I say to myself is it worth it and then I just put the cake down and walk away.. just walk away :)

    Agree, I try to do the same. I like to plan treats ahead and balance my day accordingly. It helps me keep an eye on my portions and not feel deprived of anything.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i save up my cheats for that T.O.M. helps me from being "overwhelming"

  • I completely agree with those who posted that, in moderation, "cheating" is actually part of a healthy lifestyle. Depriving yourself of things you are craving can result in slipping back to bad habits. I've learned that if I "cheat"and have a sweet or an empty carb or two, I sure don't want as many as I did when I was totally unhealthy. If I have a weekend trip of indulgence, I usually crave my regular diet when I'm, it works for me!

    To those who are using the "cheat" theory to think they are actually losing more weight that wary friends!!! It will not always work that way. Good luck!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I never think of it as "cheating" because I want to have a lifestyle that is forever sustainable. If "cheating" means I have some cookies or some alcohol, I really don't think it's a positive way to think about food and living! I just try to stay within my calories (and subsequent fat/carbs/protein goals). Today was the first time I went over my calories in a few weeks ("cheating," I guess?), and it was because of some good beers with friends--- definitely a worth-while tradeoff, I think!

    Great way to think about it!
  • Once a week, I fit it into my social calender. So last week it was the girls night on Friday. This week its a dinner with my brother.
    Why? Because I don't like feeling deprived. If I know I have a cheat meal coming up it helps me to stay on course.
    My 'diet' is very similar to my everyday diet, just slightly smaller portions (that I weigh!) and while when i am at my usual weight I might eat out 3-5 meals Fri-Sun (so my weight is maintained as would continue to lose weight at my regular M-F food) I just eat out once for my cheat meal when trying to lose weight.
    Oh I might go out but will just have a glass of wine while my friends eat, or order a small side salad. not proper eating out :D
    But I have never eaten fast food and usually chose a healthy option anyway...healthy options still have more calorie than I usually eat though!
    If it works for you (ie you still lose weight) have a cheat meal once a week-do it. If you need it once a month-do it. Whatever suits you.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I don't really have a "cheat" day, as I integrate things in modest amounts in my diet.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Whilst I have only cheated (go over my own calorie goals - not the same as MFP's) once, if I can work small amounts of treat food into my diet and not blow my calories or macronutrients on my count - I classify that as a lifelong sustainable diet, and not cheating at all.

    But you will never find me tucking into a 1000 calorie pasta alfredo, cause I couldn't work that into my calories or macronutrients without going over for the day.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i had a night out with my husband for a business dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and i managed to stay within calories, even had 2 beers and "naked" chicken wings with sauce. to me, that was just normal living. i have also adjusted some of our favorite meals to be healthy, low-calorie - so we can still enjoy our fav foods w/o feeling deprived.

    the kind of treating i am talking about involves something completely out of the norm for a healthy eating plan. donuts. cheeseburger. honestly i don't think i can go the rest of my life without eating something like that, not because it has a hold over me or anything like that, but i am just realistic. sometimes i really do just want a Coke or french fries. (i was drinking about 2-3 Cokes per day, and i've had ONE since August 1 !!!!!)

    the reason i plan the day is because i want to be in control. i read menus online before i head to any restaurant so i can make healthy choices, even if it doesn't seem like i can with what they have to offer, i have always found a solution and great alternative to be able to eat right and stay socially active. planning my treat day is just a way for me to be able to not think about calories and food and exercise for one single day. because this is new to me, trying to imagine the rest of my life going to the gym X-times per week and eating healthy etc. is overwhelming. even logging-in food/calories/exercise on MFP gets daunting to me. that one treat day allows me to not have to worry about any of it. so far, i've only had one of those days, and it was actually just one meal, not the whole day.

    i'm really enjoying everyone's replies and different ways of doing things! :smile:
  • My cheat days are Saturdays, I know every weekend that we will be out and about and will most likely end up going out to eat, I just try and not eat too much during the day. I have so many left over calories from the whole week, one meal on a weekend is not going to throw me off. Or when we go to my father-in-laws and he cooks dinner he plants a big plate of food in front of us...I just eat it. I use Saturdays as sort of my "reward" days, and thus far I have not gained weight back I have lost during the week.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I don't track intake or output on the weekends. I stay "aware" of what I'm eating, and what I've done without logging it. I'm not a binge eater, so, it works for me - so far (every body is different though).
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I never think of it as "cheating" because I want to have a lifestyle that is forever sustainable. If "cheating" means I have some cookies or some alcohol, I really don't think it's a positive way to think about food and living! I just try to stay within my calories (and subsequent fat/carbs/protein goals). Today was the first time I went over my calories in a few weeks ("cheating," I guess?), and it was because of some good beers with friends--- definitely a worth-while tradeoff, I think!
    I feel similarly.

    I'd say I have a day a week that I feel ok to go over calories, and I don't fret. I'm still losing, feeling good, and doing great I think. I would never do this (live healthier) if it meant I could never enjoy whatever entree I wanted, have a few drinks, and maybe even nibble some dessert, literally never again, that's not living to me. I don't need it everyday, but I need it sometimes, and I think that's fine, and it's working great for me.

    If you think about it, that's how I used to eat EVERY day. And that's why I now am working on losing 20 lbs. But, doing it once a week or every other? Maybe I'll never get "perfect" that way, but it's much better than I had been doing, and I don't want to be perfect, just better. :)
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I have a cheat meal once a week, including dessert because dessert would be my favorite part!
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    I never think of it as "cheating" because I want to have a lifestyle that is forever sustainable. If "cheating" means I have some cookies or some alcohol, I really don't think it's a positive way to think about food and living! I just try to stay within my calories (and subsequent fat/carbs/protein goals). Today was the first time I went over my calories in a few weeks ("cheating," I guess?), and it was because of some good beers with friends--- definitely a worth-while tradeoff, I think!
    I feel similarly.

    I'd say I have a day a week that I feel ok to go over calories, and I don't fret. I'm still losing, feeling good, and doing great I think. I would never do this (live healthier) if it meant I could never enjoy whatever entree I wanted, have a few drinks, and maybe even nibble some dessert, literally never again, that's not living to me. I don't need it everyday, but I need it sometimes, and I think that's fine, and it's working great for me.

    If you think about it, that's how I used to eat EVERY day. And that's why I now am working on losing 20 lbs. But, doing it once a week or every other? Maybe I'll never get "perfect" that way, but it's much better than I had been doing, and I don't want to be perfect, just better. :)

    i absolutely agree! doing it once a week/month is WAY better than what i was doing, so i can't reach perfection, but can be better! well said! :smile:
  • repertoire
    repertoire Posts: 53 Member
    I don't have a cheat day...but I do have one craving once a week. And I plan for it and get excited for it :) For instance...every Friday is my night usually...and I can have one thing I've been craving...greasy pizza for dinner, or a bowl of chips, or a chocolate bar etc. Its fun! Gives me something to look forward to and it usually fits into my calories anyways or only goes slightly over. It's my way of controlling my cravings. I don't want to deprive myself completely or I'll get resentful and go completely off track. But if I know I'm allowed to have my craving in a controlled way...I'm good to go!
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    Fridays are my "log nothing and enjoy" days, but honestly, I don't fret too much about it. I can have a burger and fries any day of the week, so long as I'm willing to "budget" for it. That could be eating lower-calorie foods for the rest of the day or exercising a little bit more to try and offset the higher-calorie meal.

    I truly admire people who can give up any and all unhealthy food for good, but I am not one of those people. I tried to be one of those people in the past and made it two months before I binged harder than a rock and gained back all my weight + 16 additional pounds. This needs to be a lifestyle change, and I cannot live with the stress that comes from fighting my cravings or not being able to enjoy a summer cookout with my friends and family.

    Now that I know how BMR/"calories in vs calories out" actually works, this process has been a whole lot easier. I've denied myself nothing and have still lost inches. What's funny though is the healthier I eat, the less I crave the non-healthy options - but not to the point of giving up my burgers and Mexican food. :)
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I don't think of it as cheating; it actually helps the body and gives you a little extra treat. I do it maybe 1 once week. If i'm out of town on vacation maybe a little more. Depending on your weight you can do once a week to once every 2 weeks or once a month.
  • Once a week... and I cheat heavily without feeling guilty. I still lose the pounds I want to lose, I just avoid the scale the day after. ;o)

    I do the same thing. The scale and everything. LOL!