From 288 to 171!! How? I NEEDED support and found it! (No gimmick) A group here!

Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,648 Member
Back in 2010 I weighed in at 288 lbs. I was mostly confined to a power chair (97% of the time). My back pain was so SKY HIGH , along with being deeply depressed. At that time I was even suicidal. STRANGELY I hadn't connected a part of the depression and not wanting to live being MY OWN FAULT. Does that sound harsh? But, without realizing it, I was killing myself with food. I was told at this time I was now diabetic.

I was helping to raise a young girl, I KNEW I had to turn things around. Kids watch all we do, and I was NOT setting a good example at all, deep down I knew I had to fight and try. She was counting on me, I needed to also.

I had joined the site that starts with W, but I wasn't at all understanding it, so I went on a search online. I came across another site ,, Sparkpeople. With Sparkpeople I had great success!! Sure there have been ups and downs, I started to lose like crazy, sadly I wasn't LEARNING the right way to do this, I was mostly focused on the GOAL, but not the journey.

During that time I've had 26 surgeries on my feet (Last 2 since May 4th this year) I lost my big toe on the left foot to an infection (the diabetes is not bad now,,, A1C 5.3 to 5.8) but the damage has been done. If you are young and being told you are a diabetic, PLEASE PLEASE learn now how to do your body well for life. Right now I am fighting another infection, 2 weeks ago I was told my foot would be amputated, thankfully my foot Dr. is one strong, smart, talented Dr.!! I'VE NOT lost it and looks like he has it under control hence the 2nd surgery, and more bone removal. BUT I CAN STILL WALK!!!

Inside of EACH OF YOU is this same determination, or you'd not be glancing at success stories for hope. You may not see it now, but it's there.

Sparkpeople closed last year, the UTTER FEAR WE ALL FELT!! Millions of members now losing what it was we've had for many years, to "WHAT NOW!!??" I belong to the 5% Challenge and have since 2011. It's thanks to this challenge (Group/team) that I've lost so much weight, but that PANIC WAS SO REAL!! We began to look at other sites that'd suit our needs, wants. WOOHOO WE LANDED HERE on MYFITNESSPAL!!! And HAPPILY SO!!! We give to EACH of you members here on MPF the CREDIT for helping us so willingly!! WE KNEW from those of you here, that we FOUND A NEW HOME!!

In our GRADITUDE we want to invite you to join us on the 2022 SUMMER 5% Challenge. I'll copy one of our OALS (Over All Leaders) words since she put it so well in describing what the 5% Challenge is (From @kaliswalker )

2022 Summer 5% Challenge Invitation! It is open now and you are welcome to join.

I lost 90 pounds and it’s a battle to keep it off! But the 5% Challenges always get me going in the right direction. When I join my 5% team, I feel the support and encouragement to better manage my eating and exercise to lose weight.

Are you looking for a way to get fit, lose weight, and have fun along the way? Check out the 2022 Summer 5% Challenge! Team members will work towards losing 5% of their starting weight in 8 weeks by participating in team challenges that focus on motivation, exercise & healthy lifestyle habits. Members in maintenance are also welcome. Come JOIN us to write your own success story! Let’s have fun, make new friends and get in shape! Start date Saturday, July 9th 2021. If you blog please mention the new challenge and invite your friends!

Don't wait till you reach your goal to be proud of yourself.

Be proud of every step you take to reach that goal.

A little progress each day adds up to big results.

From myself come and join us, this is an AMAZING GROUP!! Though I am sick right now, fighting this infection I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!! During the Spring Challenge in week 6 I got the first infection (This is my 2nd one with this site) and I STILL LOST over 7 lbs in 8 weeks, now at 10 weeks it's 9 lbs!) so you know this works. Here's YOUR INVITATION!! If you have friends here on MFP or in RL please do let them know of your hopes, dreams, because with work you are about to achieve them!! INVITE them to join you.

Please click on the link Below.

AFTER YOU HIT JOIN **** THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT**** PLEASE CHOOSE A TEAM from the 6 who are still open out of 8.

We are excited to meet you!!



  • MidlifeCrisis78
    MidlifeCrisis78 Posts: 1,174 Member
    No gimmick at all! Just honest effort and consistency! Those are the two main ingredients! WTG Diane!
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