Why is my calorie goal different today than it was yesterday?

fjwbmbtdgk Posts: 1 Member
My calorie goal was 1,870 and now it’s 2,500. Is this a glitch, or am I supposed to eat 2.5k today? I’m cutting btw.

Best Answer

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,185 MFP Staff
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓
    Typically this occurs because you logged an exercise, or received a calorie adjustment as a result of adding Steps.

    Because your daily calorie goal already accounts for your intent to gain or lose weight at a particular rate, you can achieve your goal by eating the specified number of calories per day, with no additional exercise required. If you do exercise, then your daily calorie goal will increase for the day, to stabilize your weight loss or weight gain at the rate you initially specified.

    The calories added to your daily goal are divided among the various nutrients such as fat, carbs, and protein, which is why these increase when you log calories from exercise.

    If you are an advanced user or have specific dietary needs, you may wish to exert more control over your nutritional goals. Users who subscribe to MyFitnessPal Premium can modify the effects of logging cardio exercise. This can be helpful, for example, to those who must not consume more than a certain amount of carbs per day, or who may wish to distribute their exercise calories across fat, carbs and protein for specific dietary or performance goals.

    With a Premium subscription:
    - In Android and iOS, visit the "Goals" Screen and tap "Exercise Calories"
    - On the Web, click "My Home" then "Goals" then click "Edit" in the "Fitness" area

    Then, turn exercise calories to "Off" if you want your nutritional goals to remain static when you add cardio exercise.
    Or leave, exercise calorie "on," but select "Custom percentage" and modify the ratio of carbs, protein and fat added back to your goals when you work out!

    If you need additional support, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Happiness team for assistance. Please visit https://myfitnesspal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us or email directly to support@myfitnesspal.com


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,125 Member
    If it isn't due to an exercise adjustment (comment above) it could be a good idea to check your settings. Perhaps a glitch happened and you aren't set at the right activity level or weight loss rate anymore.
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