How short is too Short?

Just wondering, if you only have 5 minutes of work out time, do you log it? Really, how short is too short when it comes to this?

I imagine you could total up the 5 minute workout times, if you have 5 you get 25 min, but in reality 5 5 minute work outs will not give you the burn that one 25 min workout would give... So how short is too short?


  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Depends what you're doing really. For example, 5 minutes of skipping is worth it, 5 minutes of walking at 2 mph probably isn't.
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    true that, but I don't imagine the people at work would find me skipping through the hallways all that entertaining. lol
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    Just go with what feels right for you. If you feel you need to log it, then log it, if not, then don't. It's your journey. x
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    good question...i've read that if you can only fit 10 minute workout bursts in, but you can manage that 3 times, that it's equal to a 30 minute workout AS LONG AS you are getting your heartrate up for the entire 10 minutes each time. as far as how effective 5 minute bursts are, i don't know. I mean, i've also read that a good way to sneak exercise in, is to do jumping jacks or jump rope durning commercials while watching tv. those are intense activites...and commercials are only like 2-2.5 minute intervals.
    that probably doesn't help, but that's all i've got...
  • It really depends on how intense the workout is.

    If it is vigourous (running, step aerobics) then I would jot it down. If it is light, (gentle walk, general house cleaning), I won't make a note of it.
  • If you feel the exercise you have done is worth a log then do so.
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    true that, but I don't imagine the people at work would find me skipping through the hallways all that entertaining. lol

    I would :)
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    I'd say it's way too short to log.

    However if you do 5 x 5mins then maybe log it as 20 mins to allow for the drop in intensity but to be honest without knowing what exercise you're doing for 5 mins it's difficult to say
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Personally I don't log anything less than 15 minutes - but that is personal choice.....if 5 minutes or 10 minutes is more than you would normally have done and it gets you "huffing and puffing" it might be worth logging....

    The important thing though is to keep challenging yourself to do more - ideally you would do at least one good walk of 30 minutes a day very soon...
  • I tend to log anything that 'feels' like exercise. You could log 1 minute of jumping jacks because its getting your heartrate up and feels like a work out.

    For example, I played Zumba on the Wii the other day... it was only a 5 minute track but it definitely felt like exercise so I logged it.

    I tend to only log walking if I'm walking for extended periods of time.

    In conclusion, time scale is irrelevent. If you feel like you've worked out for 1 minute, log it! :bigsmile:
  • true that, but I don't imagine the people at work would find me skipping through the hallways all that entertaining. lol

    well if you did it at my work i would be quite entertained, i may even join in the skipping action!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Like someone above said, I only log after working out for a certain time. For me it's usually 30 minutes but if it was a more intense workout I would probably log at 15 minutes.
  • Actually, I bet they would find it very entertaining! You just might get a nice white coat and get to ring the bell on your way to the loony bin. I don't know if the calorie burn would be the same on the 5 min vs 25 min, but it would give your metabolism a boost several times a day. If you have a HRM you would be able to calculate better.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    For an intense workout, probably 10-15 mins but for a less intense workout it would have to be half an hour.
    Probably enough to burn 100 calories basically, I don't like the little notice coming up and saying I've burned less than that, it bugs me and makes me want to do more.
  • stripeyrache
    stripeyrache Posts: 6 Member
    My walk from the station to work is about 8 mins. I walk it at 3-3.5MPH and feel that my heart rate does go up, so I log it. If I don't get a bit hot, I don't log. That's my general rule.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    true that, but I don't imagine the people at work would find me skipping through the hallways all that entertaining. lol

    On the contrary,my guess is that it would be quite the water cooler talk. Try it and let us know. :smile:
  • I only log anything thats out of the normal and at least half hour, for example I dont register any normal walking I do that I would have to do normally (to DLR, at work, etc) but I do when I go for a long walk after work as thats about an hour
  • I'm just getting started on my weight loss, so I log almost everything I do, even if it's only 5mins. I would probably not count things like walking as I chalk that up to just general daily living, but biking/jumping jacks etc I do. Even if it's only small, acknowledging that I'm making changes in my day to day activity helps keep me motivated.

    I try to underestimate the calories though, just to be on the safe side.
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    I would log it if you won't. Before work at 5AM I do 5 min of wind sprints.