The struggle is real

Hello everyone, I recently had surgery and before the surgery I wasn’t able to work out for months due to pain. Currently I still can’t workout my lower body, I’m at the heaviest weight I have ever been without being pregnant. If anyone has any helpful upper body exercises I can do from a seated position I’m open to suggestions. Looking forward to meeting and encouraging each other on this journey.


  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    I've barely been able to walk for the past year and half, much less do any rigorous exercise.

    I do a ton of gentle PT exercises, but they don't do much in terms of weight management.

    I stay lean strictly through managing my diet. I learned long ago that depending on exercise to maintain a healthy weight was not a good option for me because I have a complex genetic disease that often leaves me inactive for lengths of time.

    So I learned to modify my calorie intake directly proportional to my activity. If I'm more sedentary due to injury or illness, I cut back my food intake.
  • bluubird12
    bluubird12 Posts: 3 Member
    There are a lot of chair exercise videos on YouTube. It says it's for elderly but I don't see why the heck not anyone can use them. Best.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    There's a huge range of upper body strength exercises you can do seated - but they are for strength, function and body composition.
    For cardio some gyms have hand bikes.

    But exercise really has very little to do with weight loss, especially for someone with restrictions.
    But those restrictions don't stop you eating in a sensible calorie deficit to lose weight, it's a bit harder with a smaller calorie allowance but loads of people lose weight with no exercise.
  • steviejbjuice
    steviejbjuice Posts: 2 Member
    Speed bag (like wind my bobbin up)
    Star jump/jumping jacks (arms only)
    Arm circles (arms out straight and rotate little circles)
    Seated bicycle crunch (hands on ears, elbow to opposite thigh/knee)
    Seated side crunch (like above but elbow to hip area or as close as)
    These are some I did when I broke my big toe.
    -i could stand so did some others but zero lower body impact
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Manage your calories and you can manage your weight.

    Look on YouTube for chair exercises. I used to work at a nursing home and we had all kinds of chair exercise videos we did with the residents.