

  • dieseljay74
    Focus on your achievements.....nothing (including food) is more addicting than results.
  • many people, myself included feel ill when they first start exercising. this soon stops as your body gets used to it. your body likes and needs exercise. as you exercise more this will increasingly become your source of happiness as you will feel and look healthier. i'm sure most people here struggle with it but it is the good fight. your well being, mental and physical the prize. you CAN do it. it is never to late to be the person you want to be. doing nothing will decrease you happiness, further impact on your health and weight. step up to the plate with the rest of us, embrace a new chapter in your life and reap the benefits. good luck :)
  • sherribarger
    I know exactly how you feel....if you don't mind my saying so,you sound depressed,and if you are an emotional eater it will make you eat more,and that will make you more depressed...I have found that sometimes by changing what we tell ourselves it can help break that cycle. When I am dying for my drug of choice(Dr. Pepper),instead of telling myself how badly I want one and how great it would taste,etc......I try to tell myself how great I am doing,and how I deserve to treat myself to a healthy meal,that I deserve it sooo much more than the junk I have been putting in my body. Also,I understand the lack of enthusiam for excercise...becuase of the severe arthritis in both of my knees I have been forbidden from any weight bearing excercise from my doctor,but have stared to enjoy my physical therapy(water based) by telling myself it is something I deserve instead of something I have to suffer through. May sound silly but it is working for me:) Hope that helps,and you are in my thoughts and prayers!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I'd also like to add that you are only 24 years old!! If you get going and start a healthier lifestyle now, you will make your life SO much easier in the future. I am 41, and can tell you that after 30, it gets harder and harder every year to lose weight, so why not put yourself at an advantage and get yourself to your goal weight now, before things get more difficult?

    I only wish I could go back to 24 years old and know what I know now. I'd be hitting the gym and eating a lot better every day, and wouldn't have had the struggles I had with my weight (which was mostly during my 30's).
  • plshelp
    little steps....that's all it takes. I'm basically the same as you! Love to eat and it makes me feel good. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now and already feel much better! I suggest to set yourself 2 rules this week....#1 is just to log on here everyday and record what you eat. #2 just try to make better choices on what you're eating. Go shopping if need be to get some healthy food alternatives in your pantry! As for exercise....just move more! You don't have to run a mile a day or do 20 push-ups....just get up and move for 20 minutes a day. If you like to clean....just vaccuum for 20 minutes (and it'll make you feel good that your house looks nice too). I try to just walk when I can. AND I'm taking it slowly. I know that I can walk faster but I want to just enjoy my activity so that I keep doing it!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    You don't have to like it, you just have to do it. And when it becomes worth it to you to put forth that effort to lose at a healthy rate, then you'll do it. If whatever eating plan you're following has you feeling deprived, then you're either on the wrong plan, or you're doing it wrong. Take the time to figure out WHAT isn't working for you & make changes. Or don't, & keep feeling like crap. I'm following a plan that never leaves me fact, some days I have trouble finishing everything I'm supposed to eat. And I eat foods that I love; the healthy ones whenever I want, & the not-as-healthy ones in moderation.

    That's an even bigger thing...the feeling like crap. Forget the scale. How are you ever going to stop feeling the way you do if you don't change your bad habits? Don't con yourself into thinking it will be easier later, because the exact opposite is true.

    You can do it, but it can't & won't happen until you decide it will. Until you do, hopefully you'll keep hanging around here to draw motivation from the many success stories on this site.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Ok this is going to sound cruel but...

    Go and look in the mirror.

    Go and get someone to take a photo of you.

    Do you like what you see?

    If the answer is yes then carry on the way you are.

    If you dont, well YOU need to do something about it. I have learned. There is no magic pill, there is no easy way there is no way on earth you can eat everything you want whenever you want and still lose weight.

    Something has to give. Ive tried and given up, tried and given up and well im trying again but this time there's no going back I cant be this size anymore, I cant live with being this tired angry and upset every time I try on clothes and they don't fit the way I want them to.

    MFP will give you the amount you need to eat without exercise (I was given 1200 and I'm losing 1-2lbs a week with hardly any exercise) and if you want to exercise extra so be it, but we cant force you. You have to make this decision.

    Choose foods which you like to eat but eat them in moderation, cut your portion sizes down (mine have been halved!) and drink water if you feel like snacking, everytime you go to the fridge for a snack, get a glass and fill it with water.

    Choose exercise you like, dancing, walking, computer games (kinect and wii if your lucky enough to have them) and do little bits, it doesnt have to be huge, a little exercise is some exercise.

    It wont be easy but your body will adjust and it will stop wanting the bad stuff and appreciate the good stuff, your energy levels will improve and you will want to do more exercise.

    But at the end of the day its all worth it. Every pound is worth it and one step close to where you need and want to be. Only you can make the decision to change!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I put up a "before" pic of me about 2 years ago and then all of the receipts for the amount of $ I spent on my home gym up on my bedroom mirror. Every time I walk by it I want to go work out.
  • kimbim60
    kimbim60 Posts: 59 Member
    I think you have to start with some type of exercise you REALLY like doing and work your way up to harder things from there. I started with swimming laps to doing deep water aquacise classes and now I weight lift 3 times a week and do zumba classes 6 times a week. Hope you find something you really enjoy doing, it makes it so much more fun and before you know it , your just hooked on the endorphins you get from exercising.
  • plshelp
    The worst thing to do is focus on how many pounds you need to lose. Focus on how much better you'll feel each and every day. It's amazing how just 1 week of eating better foods can make you feel. Before I came on this site....I was eating too large of portions! Which in turn makes you feel sluggish and depressed...which in turn makes you eat! Being overweight is a vicious cycle but you CAN OVERCOME IT! Look at all the support's amazing!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The worst thing to do is focus on how many pounds you need to lose. Focus on how much better you'll feel each and every day. It's amazing how just 1 week of eating better foods can make you feel. Before I came on this site....I was eating too large of portions! Which in turn makes you feel sluggish and depressed...which in turn makes you eat! Being overweight is a vicious cycle but you CAN OVERCOME IT! Look at all the support's amazing!
    Definitely! Focus on the process, not the goal.

    No matter what you eat or how much you work out, the weight is going to come off at its own pace and that can be frustrating because you only have so much control over that.

    But you DO control what and how much you eat and how much you move. Eating better and moving will make you feel better and will result in weight loss. Focus on what you can control.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    sweet, if you want to meet up one weekend and go walking down the canal or something I am more than happy to meet you half way!
  • Whitneylol
    You sound just like me! You've gotta commit yourself to something attainable right now. My success has come from doing something I like, riding my bike. Instead of saying "I have to burn __ calories in ___ minutes", I just go for a bike ride. I enjoy it and when you do something you like- you'll do itmore!

    Even if you like walking, walk for now! ANYTHING is better than doing NOTHING. :)
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Best thing to do is find things you can do that easily fit into your lifestyle. My route home is right past the gym so that made starting that a lot easier but even things like going for a 20 minute walk after eating will help increase you energy levels and put you in the right frame of mind.
    Also, if you tend to buy lunch at work or anything, just try switching to a packed lunch. Make it up in the evening after you've eaten so you don't feel hungry, then it's easier to make it quite healthy.

    It is hard to get started but once you start, your energy levels will naturally pick up and you will start to see results, all things that help motivate you.
    Even though one session can't make a difference, days I miss the gym (without a good reason) I look at myself and see all the bad while days when I do go, I get home and see the good. It's an important psychological effect
  • jenndeberv
    I totally understand. 24 day challenge is making such a difference in mine and my husband's life. Check out my profile page if you want to learn more.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    sometimes I felt bad after exercise when I first started, so start slow with like a simple dvd. and plenty of water everyday will make you feel loads better. it's okay if through this you mess up. there are super-humans who never slip up, and always exercise like no-body's business. for the rest of us humans, once you fall, keep it going. it's hard, really hard, but keep going. i like this quote i heard, "a year from now, you're going to wish you started" luck love