discouraged and nervous to see my momster....



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My solution to your scale? Have yourself a cheat day. Just one. It's okay.
    My solution to your mom? Therapy and a back bone. People can only make you feel the way you allow them to make you feel. As soon as you set boundaries and respect yourself, they no longer have impact.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    i wish i could reach through my phone and hug you. I think we all have that one family member that, no matter what we do, they cant see it. My dad is like that-i call him and tell him everything i did that im super proud of that week, and all i get back is, "eh." it has taken a long time to figure out that i am good enough for me, if not for him. i know how aggravating it is when you expect a great loss and dont get it-i thought for sure i would break into the teens in bodyfat by this week...but ive been the same for 2 months. Just take a deep breath, realize you mom doesnt intentionally hurt you (even if it feels like it) and that you are doing great
  • deeutz68
    I'm sorry but personally I would cancel on mom. I'm sure you love her and want to see her, but do you really have to see her next week? You have made amazing progress, 23 lbs is nothing to sneeze at and shows a lot of hard work and dedication. Subjecting yourself to possible negetive imput may well mess up your progress, in fact, the fact that you didn't lose any weight this week could be because you are stressing so much about your meeting with your mother to begin with. One thing I have learned over the years is so many things play a part in our weight gains and not just because we eat the wrong foods and don't exercise. Stress and lack of sleep can play a part as well and it sounds like you are really stressing here.

    Not sure if you have tried counseling, but it may help you. Sounds like you have a lot of anger issues with your mother, granted they may be justified, but you are now a grown woman and responsible for your own actions. If you are only trying to lose weight to make your mother happy, you will never reach your goal. YOU HAVE TO WANT IT FOR YOU! No parent is perfect and perhaps your mother thought she was helping you and didn't realize the damage she was causing. I don't know, but it's time to let it go or it will always be in your way.

    Please don't think I'm trying to be mean, I'm really trying to offer what I hope is good advice. I've been on the diet/weight loss roller coaster for many years myself. I've seen others that have held on to anger and hurt from past experiences destroy a lot of hard work because they couldn't let go. It's time to put the past away and if that means not seeing your mother until you are better able to deal with her and the issues you have with each other than I would find a good excuse to cancel. I bet if you did and the stress was gone you would see a nice weight loss on the scales next week.

    Good luck in what ever you decide.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm so sorry you have had to go through this. No mother should ever make her child feel so bad about themselves. I know someone who went through the same thing when we were in school and I know how bad it made them feel. I know it's hard because we all want our parents' approval and when we don't get it, it hurts. I think it's time that you sit your mother down and have a talk with her about the way she makes you feel. If you don't want to do it face-to-face, call her this week before she comes for a visit. You never know, it could change a lot of things and you could have a wonderful visit with her.
  • CamiXiomara
    AH! If you are my friend on here, today you may have noticed my status that said I was discouraged because I weighed in, but didn't lose anything and am feeling SO discouraged.

    Here's the thing, I'm not getting ready to start my period so it's not that, and I work out 6 days a week and I really am SO smart and careful about what I eat. I haven't had a "cheat day" or anything like that. The reason I was so discouraged is because I was actually excited to step on the scale this morning expecting a loss based on how hard I've been working! :-( SO sad....

    But more so than that is my fear of seeing my mom....


    My mom is the reason I am bigger in the first place because you see, when I was 15years old, I was 5'6" and weighed 130 pounds. but she insisted I needed to lose a few vanity pounds and thus sent me into an out of control spiral of failed weight loss attempts resulting in a severe gain over the years. As I gained, she got meaner and meaner with her comments which resulted in me gaining more and more weight. I got it under control when I moved out of the house at 18 and was no longer under her watchful eye.

    I only see her a couple times a year, and every time I see her, I'm regressed right back to my high school days where she has the ability to make me feel 2 inches tall.

    I've done so well, and I see her one week from today. I so badly want her to notice and think I look good. I feel so good about myself and I ONE time want to feel good about myself around her too. I was really hoping to shed just a few more lbs before I see her! :(

    Sorry for the vent, rough morning....

    I don't like being critical, but as a person, I know how hurt you must have felt. As a mother too, she should've helped you feel loved, not the opposite. I think that you should worry about what you think of yourself. Your mother has no control over you anymore. You've lost a great amount of weight. You are dedicated in what you are doing, because you want to live a healthier lifestyle. Love yourself first. Put yourself first in everything - this isn't selfish - and then address this issue with your mother. Sometimes, all it takes to fix a problem is to talk.

    If it doesn't work, be proud that you tried to mend things with your mother. But remember, don't feel bad. You are beautiful and no one can belittle you, unless you allow them. Be positive when you see her. Look in the mirror and congratulate yourself for what you've accomplished in your life. Smile and the world will smile with you! Best of luck in everything that you do!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I can sort of relate to this one, I have a hard time discussing weight with my mother, although for different reasons. She was morbidly obese my entire childhood, although she would try to lose weight with diets or working out, she never stuck with it long, mostly because it's hard to balance that and four children in the Navy lifestyle. Anyhow, she had gastric bypass a few years back.
    Now, whenever I mention what I'm doing to change my lifestyle to healthier one, she always says things that I'm not sure she realizes are incredibly discouraging. I tell her that I've started a running program, she replies she used to love to run, she ran all the time but it never did anything for her. I tell her that I've lost twelve pounds, she replies that she used to lose weight like that all the time, it always came back. I confess that I'm feeling discouraged, she replies that I can't do this without weight loss surgery because we have the same genes and she couldn't.
    It's hard to not find encouragement in the one person that should be your personal cheerleader your entire life. It's even harder knowing that not only will you not find encouragement, but most likely you will leave that conversation feeling hopeless and in tears. But you know, you've got to shake it off and stick with this. We CAN do this. It may take us more than a year, but at the end of this, we will be healthier, stronger, and better women. The more my family tells me I can't do this without surgery, the more I determined I become to do just that. Stay positive, and refuse to let her negative comments effect you. Your current progress is nothing to scoff at, and if she doesn't recognize that, her opinion isn't worth jack *kitten* to you.
  • chelsealiz8
    Thank you all for your comments! I wish I had the time to reply to each and every one of you but your support has honestly made me feel better, like I have an "army" behind me.

    Some suggested I maybe don't meet my mom next week, but just so you know that's not really an option because I live in FL she lives in MI and she's coming in to town.

    I'm a strong woman, and pretty much anyone else in my family, circle of friends, stranger off the street or the president could try to discourage me and I'd brush it off as "whatever, they have no clue how hard I've worked and how great I feel", but something about the mom and the power she has....

    Oh well,

    thanks again guys, I'll keep you in mind if she tries to give me a hard time....