50 Pounds Where to Start???

sheamichael Posts: 22
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

I need to lose 50 pounds!! I want to lose 50 pounds!!

Here is my story.

Pre-1st son: Weight 118-122
After 1st son: Weight 125
After 2nd Son: Weight 135
About two years later I developed (or aggrivated what was already there not really sure) PCOS and my weight shot up to 155-160 in about 2 months
Then slowly but surely my weight creaped up to 180 over the last 7 years (it has fluxuatde between 160-180)

Last year I had gotten down to 168 and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia so I could no longer run 7 days a week like I was before.

So I am in a bit of a situation with my insulin resistance (PCOS) and inability to do hardcore exersize. I will have to rely mostly on food quality (ie eating clean) and calories.

Weight was never really a struggle in my life until PCOS even at 135 I was happy with my size. Now I need the weight lose not only for self esteem but health reasons.

:-) Welcome to my journey!


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP!
    Wow...what a journey you have already been on.
    You know.....as frustrating as it is to have medical setbacks as a result of your PCOS and Fibromyalgia, at least you KNOW what you are working with.
    It can be even MORE frustrating to struggle with weightloss for no apparent reason.
    Does that make it easier for you? No, I am sure it doesn't, but, it does give you something to work with.

    There are a LOT of folks who lose exercise with just one or the other - counting calories or just adding exercise.
    So, it can be done. It takes a bit longer, but it CAN be done.
    And, even if you can't run, who's to say you can't take a daily walk, or do other low impact exercises to keep your body active and you feeling good?

    Congrats on having 2 boys and still keeping your sanity :) I only have one child (he's 12) and OMG is he plenty :)
    So, keeping your family straight and taking care of yourself is a LOT.
    Take it one day, one step, one meal at a time.

    You are in the right place.
    This is the most supportive and understanding community I know, AND....you might find more people who are going through what you are than you realize :)
  • I am in almost the exact same situation. I have never been over 125 my adult life even after the birth of my son, however in the past 5 years I have put on 50 pounds and have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and PCOCS as well as mild hypothyroidism. I began my weight loss journey 1 month ago and have only lost 1 pound, I work out 3 to 5 days a week, two of those days with a personal trainer, I am getting stronger just not smaller, I am curious to see if you get any advice as it could help me too. I keep reading conflicting things on how many calories i should be eating as well..........? I wish you all the best in your journey, it always encouraging to know there are others out there.
  • Thanks!! I need positive support. I have abest friend who is a finatic and her support is tough love, which doesn't work well with me! My boys are 11 and 12. I am still not sure how I keep my head above ground :-) Thanks for your kind words
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    Start with pound 1. Don't look at 50 - too overwhelming.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Your story is similar to mine! I started losing in January and now reached my goal of 40 :-) It is possible and most of my weight loss was with changing my diet. Don't go on a crazy all fruit, or no carbs, or no pizza diets, just eat healthier and count the calories even if it's a lick of an ice cream, that's calories, 5 chips... that's calories. I was successful and never hungry. i still at french fries and pizza, but in moderation. The key to your loss is going to be adopting healthier eating, counting calories and doing exercises your body can handle. Your new healthier eating habits are a lifestyle change just like having the kids is. Don't get discouraged and track your calories, exercise in the capacity that you can, maybe walking for 30 minutes if possible or even cleaning house for 30 minutes to burn some extra calories. I know fibromaylgia is painful so do things your body can handle and realize that eating is more important. It takes a 3500 calorie difference to burn off a pound. if you can cut 500 calories out a day under what you burn, that's a pound a week. i worked hard and on average i lost 1.33 pounds a week and took 33 weeks to lose 40. It seems like a long time but it is worth it. We didn't gain it overnight, we can't lose it overnight. Good luck on your journey, if you ever need support just ask me :-)

    SW 155.1
    GW 115
    CW 115
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Oh and celebrate every 5 pound loss, I got a massage for every 5 pounds. Think small goals that add up :-)
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    1 lb at a time, 1 day at a time...

    I never wouldve been successful if I worried about the 200+ lbs I needed to lose...

    Welcome to MFP!
  • If at all possible I'd try to get a second opinion about the Fibromyalgia. My wife was diagnosed with it but she seems to have less symptoms when she's not stressed-out. Diagnosing fibromyalgia is controversial.
  • I would aim to lose 10% of your body weight first. When I first lost a lot of weight, this was my initial target. By losing 10% you'll feel much better and you'll be able to exercise more which will make you feel even better! Plan a BIG reward when you get to 10% as it's a really important milestone and then it's a pound at a time until you get there.

    I don't think exercise helps much in losing weight (after all, if I walk the dog FAST for 35 minutes, that only burns 100 or so calories which is half a chocolate bar: better not to eat the chocolate!) but it DOES help with fitness.

    My number one advice is to LOG EVERYTHING and treat it as a game. Losing weight and eating healthily is a habit just as much as gaining weight and eating poorly - I just can't imagine eating the stuff I used to eat and I don't miss it at all.

    Good luck!
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    hey! i'm new too and i am also looking to lose 50lb after putting it on while i was on medication. it's hard but i know we can do it! this site is full of positive motivational people :)
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    If at all possible I'd try to get a second opinion about the Fibromyalgia. My wife was diagnosed with it but she seems to have less symptoms when she's not stressed-out. Diagnosing fibromyalgia is controversial.

    Stress is a major contributor to fibromylagia symptoms
  • I am in almost the exact same situation. I have never been over 125 my adult life even after the birth of my son, however in the past 5 years I have put on 50 pounds and have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and PCOCS as well as mild hypothyroidism. I began my weight loss journey 1 month ago and have only lost 1 pound, I work out 3 to 5 days a week, two of those days with a personal trainer, I am getting stronger just not smaller, I am curious to see if you get any advice as it could help me too. I keep reading conflicting things on how many calories i should be eating as well..........? I wish you all the best in your journey, it always encouraging to know there are others out there.

    I would love for us to stay in touch, maybe our journeys can help each other since we are in the same boat!!
  • If at all possible I'd try to get a second opinion about the Fibromyalgia. My wife was diagnosed with it but she seems to have less symptoms when she's not stressed-out. Diagnosing fibromyalgia is controversial.

    I have gotten a second opinion. Unfortuantly! Anyhow I started eating clean and pacing myself along with taking Vitamin b12 injections weekly I was able to come off all of my medication. I know its controversial but I also know its real no matter the real underlying cause, a positive "Not gonna let it overcome me" attitude and the B-12 injections have helped me significantly. But I do still have the sypmtoms, but I can bare with them :-)
  • Start with pound 1. Don't look at 50 - too overwhelming.

    Starting small first minor goal is 5 pounds 50 is the total number. I gained 13 in teh past 2 months, just not eating as healthy as I should and not doing any exersize.....
  • Start with pound 1. Don't look at 50 - too overwhelming.

    Starting small first minor goal is 5 pounds 50 is the total number. I gained 13 in teh past 2 months, just not eating as healthy as I should and not doing any exersize.....
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." SOOO true. Deciding to do something about your weight is the first step...truly deep down committing to the loss. You've achieved the second step - finding this site. Also really good is calorieking.com (their journal isn't free, but their food library is, and is very easy to use). Being accountable for what you put in your mouth helps so much (that has HOW many calories?!?!?!?! lol) Keep a balance of nutrients - that's how you lose. You can eat 1200 calories a day in pure carbs, and not lose weight.
    Figure out what exercises do work for you, and don't do too much too fast. If you're injured, then you can't exercise at all while recuperating. Rubber bands are awesome for toning and strengthening without being high impact.
    Above all...DON'T GIVE UP. Rome wasn't built in a day, you didn't gain all the unwanted weight in a week.
    On my food and exercise journal, I wrote "...So what are you going to do about it?..." I don't like the weight I'm at either, need to lose at least 30 lbs. I look at that journal everytime I say to myself "I hate how I look!" or "I don't like weighing this much." or "The military would kick me out if they knew how much I weigh." Well, I am now doing something about it. :)
    As a background for me, I am fighting moderate recurrent depression, and am on antidepressants that make me gain weight. I also have sleep apnea - so I battle fatigue as well. Uphill battle, but how sweet will the victory be? :)
  • Thanks! I have been down this journey a few times over the last few years. But I have let fibromyalgia get the best of me. Though I don't have sleep apnea, Fibromyalgia prevents you from getting deep restorative sleep also. I yawn all day no matter the time or place. And all I want to do is lay in bed and sleep. But I make myself get up and do as much as possible. I have to say I cant even mop my living room (tile floors) with out having a FM flareup and needing to rest. Which is sad because up until 2 years ago I would run 3-7 miles per day 7 days a week, and on top of that go to the gym 4 days a week. Being so inactive has depressed me and not being able to get up and go like I want also. But here I am a year later with all that behind me and taking my first steps to my 1000 mile journey :-)
  • Yes I think that would be great! Exercise is hard for me and it definitely wears me out, but I kinda feel like my body hurts and I am tired with or with out the exercise so I try to power through. I really love ZUMBA!

    SW 175
    CW 170
    GW 130
  • jpamplin28
    jpamplin28 Posts: 76 Member
    Start with 1 day at a time. When I first started it seemed to be so overwhelming to need to lose 120+ pounds. If 50 seems like to much break it down into segments. Either 5 or 10 pound segments at a time. Set up rewards along the way. You can do this. Those days will add up and eventually you will end up at your goal weight. I can't tell you that it will be easy or that at times you won't get frustrated and want to throw in the towel but I can promise you that it is worth the effort.
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