Curse you fall weather!



  • Whopooh
    Everyone needs to head over to and check out there recipes!! They have delicious fall recipes!!

    Thank you for the website. I love to read different food blogs and this looks like a good one.
  • rachel1496
    Agreed! It just feels like comfort food weather.
    TNGURL Posts: 89 Member

    Cooking a big pot of chilli right now.

    If u are using ground turkey, I am booking a flight!!!

    On my way over!
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i just feel like cooking and more cooking. i wish i had a dinner party every night to cook for!
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    <3 Fall !!!

    <3 Spring !!!

    <3 Summer

    Winter? Not so much. Unless there is a foot of snow on the ground and work is closed.

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I love winter!

    Well, normally.

    Normally at Christmas i use my saved up Sainsburys rewards points to buy lots of xmas choccies for free....

    ..this year? Hmm...not sure how that's going to work.

    How many calories in The Green Triangle? =/

    I love The Green Triangle.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The temperature is dropping and apparently my body has decided that I need to go into hibernation mode. For me, this means I'm craving every single baked good you can think of, and lots of it.

    it's entirely possible, perhaps even probable, that I'm suddenly hungry for other reasons and inappropriately blaming seasonal baked goods, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    No, we are animals just like squirrels, bears, etc. It is a hibernation response telling our bodies to eat more food to prepare for the winter. We have an advantage because we have a year round access to food so we must fight the urge to eat those types of foods.