Turbo Jammers 3/9-3/15



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Deedun...hope your tummy is feeling better soon!

    Checking in again w/ Ab Jam and 30 min of pilates as well today.

    Enjoy the rest of your day all!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    Just checking in before I settle down for the nite. Just finished CP3 and Ab Jam and I feel great. I must have taken my uncoordinated pill this evening because I was just off tonight - but Chalene says"mistakes count", thank goodness! I guess I get points for trying really hard:laugh: I don't usually work out with the music "pumped up" ~ this was my 2nd time trying it that way. I seem to get a little distracted and start doing my own thing,lol! Either that or I find myself a couple of steps behind everybody else. I guess after i've been doing it for a few more months then I'll "get it" ~ It's so much fun!!!

    Hope everybody is doing fine tonight. I'm going to watch my DVR of last nites Biggest Loser (I love that show!!!)

    Deedun ~ hope you feel better really soon!!

    Gottaluv ~ Great job on your work outs ...sore shoulders, ab jam and pilates?? WTG!!

    Michele- Keep up the consistency ~ proud of you and glad you're here!!

    Sweet Dreams Family,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    Just checking in before I settle down for the nite. Just finished CP3 and Ab Jam and I feel great. I must have taken my uncoordinated pill this evening because I was just off tonight - but Chalene says"mistakes count", thank goodness! I guess I get points for trying really hard:laugh: I don't usually work out with the music "pumped up" ~ this was my 2nd time trying it that way. I seem to get a little distracted and start doing my own thing,lol! Either that or I find myself a couple of steps behind everybody else. I guess after i've been doing it for a few more months then I'll "get it" ~ It's so much fun!!!

    Hope everybody is doing fine tonight. I'm going to watch my DVR of last nites Biggest Loser (I love that show!!!)

    Deedun ~ hope you feel better really soon!!

    Gottaluv ~ Great job on your work outs ...sore shoulders, ab jam and pilates?? WTG!!

    Michele- Keep up the consistency ~ proud of you and glad you're here!!

    Sweet Dreams Family,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Double post here... apologies!!:laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Dragonfly LOL at the songs running around in your head. Now you've got them running around in mine. All you dance fans let me hear you clap your hands! Catchy but once caught hard to get rid of.

    It is hard to get rid of. We've been singing it around here for weeks...even my 8 month old claps her hands when we sing it!

    Deedun sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope it goes away soon.

    Kelly great job on your workouts.

    I should do another one tonight just to workout some of this pent up aggression/irritation. Have you ever been upset but not quite sure why but little things just add to it and the more you try to shrug it off the more it bugs you and you just wanna :explode: That's where I've been for days now. I know part of it is issues with the hubby, nothing major just the fact that he's a man....but since I don't feel like he's REALLY doing anything wrong, again he's just male, I can't blow up at him. My son I'm trying very hard not to take it out on him cuz although he's rather iritating...again not his fault. I don't know what my deal is but if I can't get rid of this feeling...it's gonna be another long month....yes I said month that's how long this has been going on already UGH!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry had to get that out.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful night. See you in the morn!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    Just checking in before I settle down for the nite. Just finished CP3 and Ab Jam and I feel great. I must have taken my uncoordinated pill this evening because I was just off tonight - but Chalene says"mistakes count", thank goodness! I guess I get points for trying really hard:laugh: I don't usually work out with the music "pumped up" ~ this was my 2nd time trying it that way. I seem to get a little distracted and start doing my own thing,lol! Either that or I find myself a couple of steps behind everybody else. I guess after i've been doing it for a few more months then I'll "get it" ~ It's so much fun!!!

    With CP3 it's easy to feel "off" because the music isn't quite sync'd with the moves. It's a little off...I think it starts right after the turbo. I've noticed that on the "Pumped Up" music option it seems like it's just a tad off thru the whole thing. Don't feel bad, once you get the hang of the workout then you can just jam to the beat and move thru it with no probs. And Mistakes do count....I did TJ for months and all it was was mistakes and I still managed to drop pounds!!!
    You're doing great. Keep it up!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good morning Ladies!

    Janet, WTG on your late workout! :drinker:

    Deedun, hope you're feeling better today! :flowerforyou:

    You know, I only tried TJ pumped up once...and it totally threw me off :laugh: That was almost a year ago, so maybe I'll try it today on CP3 and let you know. :tongue:
    should do another one tonight just to workout some of this pent up aggression/irritation. Have you ever been upset but not quite sure why but little things just add to it and the more you try to shrug it off the more it bugs you and you just wanna That's where I've been for days now. I know part of it is issues with the hubby, nothing major just the fact that he's a man....but since I don't feel like he's REALLY doing anything wrong, again he's just male, I can't blow up at him. My son I'm trying very hard not to take it out on him cuz although he's rather iritating...again not his fault. I don't know what my deal is but if I can't get rid of this feeling...it's gonna be another long month....yes I said month that's how long this has been going on already UGH!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG Lyn, I can so relate! I don't know what's wrong with me, EVERYONE in this house is on my nerves :grumble: :laugh: I keep thinking it's because it's been such a long winter. I know it's me, not them...they're acting the same way they always do...I'm just restless, irritable, and discontent. I'm trying to put that energy into my workouts. DH and I have a business trip to DC on Monday. We're leaving Sat. for a little R&R at a bed and breakfast first, so hopefully that will knock me out of my snotty mood! :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Dragonfly...WTG on those workouts! I tried a routine "pumped" up one time, didn't like it, and never tried again:ohwell: It completely threw me off!!! I watched The Biggest Loser last night as well. It was an interesting episode to say the least (I don't want to spoil anything).

    Lyn...I hear you loud and clear!!!! For the most part my husband is wonderful, but then there are those "manly" things that he does that I just don't quite get:grumble: :huh: :noway: Hang in there! (((hugs)))

    Megan...Have a great weekend away! My hubby and I are getting away too (sans kiddos:wink: ) for the weekend (my 30th birthday). I hope you get some much deserved rest:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day all! Definitely TS later on today and not sure what else!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Megan...Have a great weekend away! My hubby and I are getting away too (sans kiddos ) for the weekend (my 30th birthday). I hope you get some much deserved rest

    Have a great weekend, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Thanks Megan! DH is keeping most of the weekend a surprise, but he did let me know we are going to The Melting Pot for dinner Saturday night. Our oldest 2 boys (3 and 5) have insisted they throw me a party before we leave Saturday. My mom is helping them w/ a cake and some decor since my hubby is working nights this week (he doesn't really "exist" during these times LOL). Anyways...it should be really cute:smile:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    That's so sweet! Dinner sounds great too...I'm sure you'll have a wonderful weekend and some much needed time to relax. We're in the Georgetown area of DC, my favorite part...tons of shopping and restaraunts! I am taking my TJ with me though...every time we go on a trip I think of 3T and Chalene saying "You can put this band in your suitcase...you ARE going to workout on vacation" :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Sara, I'm new to the blog (not new to MFP, just blogging on it), but joined when I saw a thread on Turbo Jam because I just love it.... anyway, I wanted to tell you congratulations!!! You have done soooooo well! You need to treat yourself to a mani and pedi and some rock'n new panties and bra to accentuate your new fab measurements!! Girl is gonna have a naughty body for summer so guess you need a new swim suit too! :wink:
    Great, great job! Such an inspiration! After all this work you have done... you need to look at yourself in the mirror each day and just say.... damn, I look gooooood! That should be your new mantra.

    :laugh: Thanks, snarf! I'm working on it. I'm one of those people that picks herself apart so that is a challenge for me to think "damn, I look good!" :laugh: I'm getting there, though I promise!:tongue:

    Megan - Have fun in DC! When we go to Myrtle Beach in May I already warned my hubby I was bringin Chalene with us. :laugh: She tells me to in PK&J! I HAVE to!

    Kelly - I'm so excited for your weekend! I can't wait to hear all about it! YAY!

    Lyn - I SO know what you mean. Things just grind on you for so long that one day you just want to explode. *hugs* I hope it gets better soon. Usually if I can sneek out of the house by myself for a few hours one day, that seems to help me. You just need to be detached for awhile, kwim?

    I know I'm missing people so I need to go back & read more...BRB!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    Just checking in before I settle down for the nite. Just finished CP3 and Ab Jam and I feel great. I must have taken my uncoordinated pill this evening because I was just off tonight - but Chalene says"mistakes count", thank goodness! I guess I get points for trying really hard:laugh: I don't usually work out with the music "pumped up" ~ this was my 2nd time trying it that way. I seem to get a little distracted and start doing my own thing,lol! Either that or I find myself a couple of steps behind everybody else. I guess after i've been doing it for a few more months then I'll "get it" ~ It's so much fun!!!

    Sweet Dreams Family,

    As long as you're shaking your booty, it counts, Janet! :flowerforyou: I learned that in TurboKick last night, but I'll tell that story in a minute. :grumble: Good job on the workouts! You are kicking butt & taking names!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Welcome to our newbies. Now I'm not the only new one, YAY!!

    Sara you just inspire me. Thanks for sharing your journey in numbers with us. You give me new found hope!! Can'lt wait till your sites up, I'd planned on ordering Chalene Extreme but will definitely be waiting so I can order from you.

    I'm a morning exerciser and I always wait till after my workout to eat. Usually don't have breakfast till around 10 or so. So it works for me.

    I went out for a very brisk walk this morning. We live up against a mountain, so I walked up the trail behind our house and then all around the neighborhood and back up. It was good, and it was cold outside but I came in sweating. Shows you how hard I worked. YAY!!! I'll be ready for hiking weather soon.

    Hugs to all today

    Michele - Thank you! I'm not so used to being an "inspiration". :blushing: I'm really excited about ChaLean, too! I just got P90x in the mail yesterday & I'm going to start there & see how I like it. Something tells me that I'm not going to like it as much, though. :laugh: Big weighs scare me. :tongue: Have I told you how jealous I am of you living in the mountains?! I LOVE mountains! I would take them any day over a beach. *sigh* If only the rest of my family agreed with me.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey Sarah OMG those stats are Terrific !! Well done you !!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I will definetly wait for your site to be ready and I will be ordering CP 2&3 Cannot wait for them!

    For some reason I have a queasy stomach (Think I got a dodgy latte). I'm just home from work so I will take it easy but hopefully i will get in PK&J later as 2moro is my weigh in day :grumble: I offically managed to work off those 2 extra pounds I put on over the weekend so I am not expecting the scales to move much tomorrow..

    Oh and Lynn, the HRM is a godsend! I would be soooo lost without it!

    Eww! I hope you feel better! Sick from a latte just sounds horrible. :sick: Hope your weigh-in day goes great! And thank you! I'm so excited to be at this point! It just makes me :bigsmile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well, ladies, I went to TurboKick again last night & that instructor kicked my butt! One hour & I burned 825 cals! ACK! My avg HR was 174 & my max was 201! :noway: It was crazy intense, but not necessarily in a good way. She did two 2.5 min turbos back to back & after that I felt nearly dead. The "cooldown" was nearly a mini turbo in itself & my HR only got down to about 88%. We did NO stretching at the end (she ran 5 min. over into the yoga class & they all came in & kicked us out). After the "cooldown" she had us doing LOW squats, pushups :huh: & the crunches from H-E-double hockey sticks. She was one of those instructors that would yell, "Okay 4..3...2...GIVE ME 8 MORE! This is it!....4...3...2..GIVE ME 8 MORE! Last one!.... 4...3...2...GIVE ME 8 MORE!" yeah...how about you bite me. I DON'T HAVE EIGHT MORE TO GIVE YOU! That's a pet peeve of mine when they say that & then they just keep going & going & going. If you give it your ALL like you're supposed to, you don't have 32 extra just laying around, kwim?

    Whew. That turned into a bit of a rant. :laugh:

    I got on the scale this morning (addict) and I was at my goal weight! I was telling my black team that it's like my body just gave up & said, "FINE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU!!!" I'm not posting it on my ticker yet b/c I'm afraid it'll jump back up again the next few days & Wednesday is my "offical" weigh-in day so I'm trying to hold off until then. Trying. :bigsmile:

    TS & some cardio is scheduled for today! I need to keep doing my online "training" for the Beachbody stuff so I can get that moving. I'm so excited! I got my big box of goodies in the mail yesterday & I might look at Hip Hop Abs this afternoon or Yoga Booty Ballet. We'll see how it goes.

    Thanks again for all your support, ladies! I love it! :smooched:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    First and foremost...a HUGE congratulations to Sara!!!!! I tip my hat to you, girl:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Sorry about the instructor last night:grumble: :grumble: I'm anxious to hear what you think about some of the other workouts you are getting. I was watching an infomercial for P90x around 2am last night (you know one of the 4x Ryder was up) and was wondering if I would like it. Frankly, Yoga Booty Ballet sounds like tons of fun:bigsmile:
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Lyn I sure hope the mad goes away soon. I agree with you, about it being the end of a LONG winter. I"ve had a few of those same mads over the past few months. Just wanna bite someone's head off! Hang in there and lots and lots of hugs coming your way!:heart:

    Megan enjoy your weekend away. DC is such a fun place to go. Hope you get lots of shopping and relaxing in.

    gottaluv HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your little ones sound like they are so much fun, your b-day party just sounds so darn cute. Enjoy every minute of it. And enjoy your weekend away with DH this weekend. Sounds like you've got a great DH too!! Hugs my friend.

    Sarah oh I do love my mountains, but I miss the ocean too. I want to live somewhere with both mountains and oceans. Does that even exist? But for now, I must admit that there's nothing better than looking out my back windows at the snow covered peaks towering above me and out my front window at the lake and the snow covered peaks towering there too. It's gorgeous here in good old Utah. HUGE WOOHOOOOO's to you for making it through that workout last night and for seeing that goal weight on the scale too! You just ROCK!!!!

    I did CP3 this morning. Enjoyed listening to "all you dance fans let me hear you clap your hands". After all the talk about it the past couple of days I had to do the workout just for that song. A good time was had by all! (just me, but it always feels like a party when you're Jammin).

    DH has been out of town all week and he gets home tomorrow morning. So I"m enjoying my quiet day and then getting the house cleaned up and ready for his homecoming. I enjoy the quiet when he's gone, but I love it when he comes home too. Make sense?

    hugs to all today
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Thanks to all of you that understand the situation I'm in right now. Sara I've tried the "get out" thing and I'm just more frustrated when I come home to a destroyed house and find out that hubby didn't feed the baby or have son do (fill in the blank) or whatever should have been done while I was gone. I swear I am the only person in the house that knows what has to happen from day to day. Seriously when friends ask if we have plans for the weekend or evening or whatever hubby tells them "Call my secretary" SERIOUSLY???? WTH! So I'm the maid, wet nurse, secretary, cabby, sex toy (cleanest term I could think of), chef, disciplinarian, nanny .... um what else. And what is he??? Oh that's right he just goes to work, puts in his 8 hrs and then he can do his own thing. OMG I could go on and on with the things I'm annoyed with right now but I wont take it out on you guys....thank you for listening and understanding though I really appreciate it!

    Megan I hope you have a good weekend with your hubs. A little business and hopefully a lot of pleasure :laugh:

    Kelly-HAPPY BIRTHDAY this weekend. I hope you have a great get away with your hubby. Our 2 yr anniversary is this weekend and I'm not sure hubs even remembers :cry: How cute that your sons want to throw a party for you and bake a cake. That is so thoughtful of them....moments like those are why we love being parents right?

    Sara-Great Job with the Turbo Kick class....that being said I would have kicked the instructor in the head. We know Tk or TJ is suppose to be fun and it sounds like she made it torture. Can you find another class?? I wouldn't ever wanna go back to her. I want your opinion on the Yoga Booty Ballet..I think I told you I thought the infomercials make it look really cheesy so I'd like a first hand opinion.

    Michele-if you don't mind, what part of Utah are you in?? My brother lives in Springville but is moving to Spanish Fork in a couple weeks. My sister lived in Salt Lake (proper) for many years but has now moved to Vista CA. The only reason I ever go to SL is to go to Lagoon....I hate driving down there...crazy Utah drivers :wink: I understand the love for the ocean and the mountains. I love the mountains cuz I've always lived near them but I love the ocean because I've only seen it once or twice in my lifetime and it was a wonderful experience.

    I don't know what workout I will do today...maybe PK&J. I'm not gonna workout until son is off to school. Oh I just remember hubs is suppose to be coming home early today...wonder what time that will be :huh: Also have pushups to do....better find some energy.

    Hope everyone has a great day. I'll check in after my workout
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Michele...WTG on that workout! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Sounds like where you live is beautiful:smile:

    Drevans mom....Put all of your frustration into that workout today. Sounds like you need to let loose! Thanks for the birthday wishes and Happy Anniversary to you as well!