July 2022 Accountability Month - Check-In



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,660 Member

    Oh Donna!!!
    I will be thinking of you. Glad that you are getting some treatment my friend.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'9"
    Goal: Stay in maintenance range (160-165)

    Jul 1: 163.4
    Jul 2: 162
    Jul 3: 165.2
    Jul 4: 164
    Jul 5: 164
    Jul 6: 164.6
    Jul 7: 164.4
    Jul 8: 163.4
    Jul 9: 163
    Jul 10: 161.2
    Jul 11: 160.8
    Jul 12: 161.8
    Jul 13: 161.2
    Jul 14: 160.8
    Jul 15: 162.8
    Jul 16: 166.4
    Jul 17: DNW
    Jul 18: 163.8
    Jul 19: 165.8
    Jul 20: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 21: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 22: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 23: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 24: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 25: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 26: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 27: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 28: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 29: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 30: DNW (vacation)

    Off to Parry Sound to do a three hour scenic boat cruise.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,266 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from July 1st): 202.8
    Goal: 197.8 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-202.8-(Trend Weight 203.0)-
    07/02-202.6-(Trend Weight 203.2)-
    07/03-204.6-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/04-203.6-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/05-205.0-(Trend Weight 203.6)-
    07/06-203.2-(Trend Weight 203.6)-
    07/07-202.0-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/08-201.8-(Trend Weight 203.2)-
    07/09-199.6-(Trend Weight 202.9)-
    07/10-198.4-(Trend Weight 202.5)-
    07/11-195.6-(Trend Weight 201.8)-
    07/12-196.6-(Trend Weight 201.3)-
    07/13-197.0-(Trend Weight 200.8)-
    07/14-197.4-(Trend Weight 200.5)-
    07/15-198.2-(Trend Weight 200.3)-
    07/16-198.8-(Trend Weight 200.1)-
    07/17-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    07/18-200.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/19-200.6-(Trend Weight 200.3)-
    07/20-199.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/21-199.0-(Trend Weight 200.1)-
    07/22-198.8-(Trend Weight 200.0)-
    07/23-198.8-(Trend Weight 199.9)-
    07/24-199.6-(Trend Weight 199.8)-
    07/25-203.2-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/26-202.8-(Trend Weight 200.4)-
    07/27-202.6-(Trend Weight 200.4)-
    07/28-204.4-(Trend Weight 201.0)-

    07/29-202.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)- Well, not such good news from the cardiologist. Tues test (CTA) shows 3 major blockages in the heart in 3 different arteries. This may have lead to the mysterious heart attack I didn’t know I’d had. We still don’t know how old the heart attack is since the scarring is firmly in place on two walls. So Monday morning I have emergency surgery starting with a heart cath and ending with stents in all 3 arteries. It is about 3 hours from my home and there will be an overnight stay for observation of the stents as well as glucose monitoring since I run so high all the time. They sent me over to the hospital after my cardiologist appointment for pre-ops. We are not talking about the electrical problem in the LBBB yet, she said “one thing at a time and this is a true emergency”. Until Monday I am not to exercise or walk my yard too much (inclines). Not even pick up a full gallon of milk because she said it weighs 7 pounds and that’s too much for me right now. She said I am a heart attack (#2) waiting to happen. “Just sit, rest and let’s fix this Monday.” Wow! So I am coordinating who can go with me Monday and who can come back Tuesday to pick me up. Trying not to stress but, of course, the idea of them going into my heart in multiple places to place those stents makes me very nervous. I will try to post from the hospital or at least check in on Monday and Tuesday. I’ll let you all know how I’m doing asap. Wish me luck folks! If I can’t get back to you right away, know that I will miss you all for those couple of days!

    07/30-202.6-(Trend Weight 201.4)- Trying to stay calm and understand my medical reports and appt schedule on my online portal. One report says arrive 9:00 am Monday and surgery is at 11:00 am. Another report says I have a phone call appt with anesthest (can’t spell it) at 1:40 on Monday (2 ½ hrs after surgery) so I’m confused. The telephone appointment never came thru Friday so is surgery a different day and phone call appt Mon (that never came Friday) correct?. Of course, it’s the weekend now so I can’t reach anyone directly. It’s about a 3 hour drive and I would have to leave Monday before any of the offices are open to call. I have no idea what to do but I will call cardiology office and leave weekend message and hope they get it in time. Stress anyone? Also, so much going on here on the homefront not related but ultra-high stress. No, let me make that ULTRA ULTRA high stress. Trying to stay calm in all the storms but I am Type A afterall.

    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,660 Member
    I am Dawn
    61 years old, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October 2018
    I have lost around 50 pounds and have another 20-30 to lose. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and really did feel better. Right now I don't fit into the clothes that I was wearing then. I will use that as motivation to try to reduce.
    I am Dawn
    61 years old, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October 2018
    I have lost around 50 pounds and have another 20-30 to lose. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and really did feel better. Right now I don't fit into the clothes that I was wearing then. I will use that as motivation to try to reduce.

    Friday July 01 - 138.6 - Happy Canada Day : - ) I will try to keep it reasonable today after work when all of the festivities are going on. This morning shows me up 0.9 above last month's start weight.
    Saturday July 02 - 136.2 - Huh? Well, I'll take it : - ) Danced my *kitten* off at the park right near my house. We too had a big rain storm at one point and got drenched. Ran under a tree, the band temporarily stopped so we went back to my place to change clothes and went back when we heard the band start back up. We got a beautiful rainbow after all of that : - )
    Sunday July 03 - 138.4 - I went into the red a little bit (18) yesterday which rarely happens. The scale has reflected it. It is supposed to rain here for today and tomorrow, so I got all of the grass cut and stuff yesterday. Today I will pick away at indoor stuff, get the floors washed etc.
    Monday July 04 - 141.0 - Ouch
    Tuesday July 05 - 140.4 - Very late dinner last night, so hoping to see a good drop tomorrow as I anticipate a normal eating window tonight. Went to see the Elvis movie, then watched the Macy's July 4th celebration on TV.
    Wednesday July 06 - 138.6 - Okay, back to the month's start weight
    Thursday July 07 - 138.6 - Expected a big drop today, so very much activity and little food. Maybe it will take a couple of days, or maybe my body likes it best at this weight.
    Friday July 08 - 138.5 - So quick to gain, so slooowww to take off. Banner week, lots of exercise and healthy food choices. I honestly had expected a better drop. Friday night is usually when I eat something a bit more indulgent (but staying within calories). We'll see.
    Saturday July 09 - 137.7 - I did have 4 wings last night. Weekends I definitely eat a little differently. I also have more time for working out on my days off, but I don't get the steps on my pedometre that I do while waitressing during the week.
    Sunday July 10 - 138.8 - Taking the gain in stride.
    Monday July 11 - 141.0 - I don't get it : - (
    Tuesday July 12 - 139.8 - Lots of sweating in the yard after work yesterday.
    Wednesday July 13 - 138.6 - Back to this month's start weight again. Too scary to climb up into the 140s, which was my weight 2 years ago.
    Thursday July 14 - 139.5 - I weighed at 4am, so am okay with the rise.
    Friday July 15 - 139.2 - I would rather it had been lower heading into the weekend, but not stressing.
    Saturday July 16 - 140.2 - One pound gain. I take a break from salad or lean meat and veg on the weekends. Weight goes up, but to be sustainable long term I have to have some fun foods. I do keep it withing calorie range.
    Sunday July 17 - 140.7 - I am usually "good" all week and allow myself a few indulgences on weekends. This past week could have been better, I will try harder this coming week including today.
    Monday July 18 - 141.3 - I kept calories very low yesterday and got in lots of workouts. Ready for a drop.
    Tuesday July 19 - 139.8 - I am wondering if sweating all day in the sun over the weekend caused me to retain some fat. Who knows. More calories out than in yesterday, so hoping for a continued loss during the work week.
    Wednesday July 20 - 138.2 - Picked up some extra shifts yesterday and today, packing lots of veggies and stuff to nibble on to keep my energy up. Tired, but really happy to see a drop on the scale.
    Thursday July 21 - 138.3 - I feel leaner than that. I have been at every pound between 130 and 140 a few times, and at 5'2" I feel each one. I did work late last night and the night before, so later dinners and less sleep for 2 nights.
    Friday July 22 - 138.7 - Quite surprised to see a gain. I would have said that this must be as low as my body wants to go, but a year ago I was at 130.6, so I know that this isn't true. I can't eat any less or work out any more than I already am. MFP has been saying for 1 year that if I ate like that every day I would be 117 in 5 weeks. At this point I would just like to be able to fit into the clothes that I wore last summer.
    Saturday July 23 - 139.5 - We had power outages so I couldn't get on here to post. I weighed using a flashlight (my scale is in the basement where I sleep with quiet and no windows.
    Sunday July 24 - 140.5 - A slice of Pizza Hut pizza and 3 boneless wings. No doubt loaded in salt. Danced my fanny off at the park in the evening Saturday night
    Monday July 25 - 143.3 - Yikes.
    Tuesday July 26 - 141.4 - Late dinner and it will be the same all week because of my work schedule.
    Wednesday July 27 - 141.3 - Eating exactly the same as I was at 130.6, perhaps my metabolism is slowing down with age? After cherry season is over I will be doing another cleanse and adding a bunch of grains to my eating plan. (no cherries allowed on that particular cleanse). Also I have company coming for 10 days soon, so won't be doing a cleanse during that.
    Thursday July 28 - 140.4 - Still going to be eating 10 cherries a day while they are in season.
    Friday July 29 - 139.2 - Day off yesterday, but working late the next 2. I feel like the bloating is from water. I remember being in Jamaica with my sister, getting up, putting on our bathing suits and her doing her usual telling me to drink water. I drank a glass and within 5 minutes my belly extended and became hard. Gut issues I guess if water is doing that. Yesterday being a day off I really noticed it. Hoping that a late August cleanse will sort of fix me from this. Water only so far this morning and it is swelling. Hoping to at least get back to my start weight even though there are only 2 days left of the month.
    Saturday July 30 - 138.8 - Close to this month's start weight.
    Sunday July 31 - 139.2

    Start weight this month: 138.6
    EW: 139.2 - gain of 0.6 - (small gain, but 7.2 over a year gain if I kept this up - maybe how I got here)
  • aliru108
    aliru108 Posts: 94 Member
    I am going to make a big effort to quit bitching and moaning. I apologize!

    Dear @dawnbgethealthy, please don't!
    Isn't this supposed to be the place where we all feel free to express? I encourage you to do so!
    Best of luck with the cleanse! I might need one this week as well 😅
  • aliru108
    aliru108 Posts: 94 Member
    Hello again, everyone!!

    My name is Ana.
    I've struggled with body dysmorphia off and on throughout my life, almost always feeling very fat. There are pictures of me that prove me right, but there are others that prove me wrong.
    2009 was the year in which I felt better about my physical appearance but in 2011, after my husband passed away I reached my highest weight (180 lbs). By 2018 I had worked my way to 140lbs and maintained it for 2 years. I was feeling very good even though I still had to battle with negative thoughts and avoided looking at myself in the mirror. Last year I learned that the pandemic and depression related to my father's death brought me back up to 156.4 lbs.
    I gave myself a year to work on my health and even though I am not where I hoped to be, I am satisfied with my efforts. For the next year I will work on maintaining a fitness schedule and on relating to food in different ways... I want to eat to live instead of live for eating. Often times I worry I'll gain again, but it's been a month and so far it seems like I'm doing ok. Wish me luck!

    07/02 131 (-0.2) I was very scared because I was 4lbs heavier at the Dr's office a few days ago. I talked to my Dr and she suggested medication to get my intestines back on track and I am hoping to be off meds in a few months, which will resolve some of the problem.

    07/9: 133.2 (+2.2) Not bad. Weight fluctuates, especially close to TOM. On top of that, I've been eating 4th of July leftover all week 😅
    I've tried to be careful, though and even though I don't like the gain, I'm feeling OK. I've been eating my recommended amount of calories for 3 weeks and is awesome! Once I forced myself to eat and went pass the fear of gaining weight, my life is much more enjoyable.

    07/16: 130.5 (-2.7) I've planned my meals and somehow I seem to end at 1200-1300 kcal which allows me to give myself permission to have treats here and there almost every day. I am not very pleased with that. I'd rather eat those calories in nutrient dense food than treats, but that's how this week went about... Hoping the treats don't sneak on me in the upcoming weeks since vacation time is just around the corner.
    Still, super happy so far with being able to maintain my weight for the past month!

    06/23 : 134.4 (+3.9) I had all of my heavy meals later than usual all of last week. I also indulged a little more than usual and worked out a little less. Continuing the intestinal struggle as well.
    I'm surprised I'm not freaking out with the gain😅
    I have the strong feeling that most of that gain is stuck in my intestines... I know, TMI lol
    I am going on vacation for a few days starting tomorrow. My plan is to walk a lot so I can eat without restrictions other than not stuffing myself. I'm feeling unusually calm. I wonder why?

    06/23: 137.2 (+2.8) Feeling scared after 2 weeks of huge weight gains. I just came back from vacation so I'm hoping at least some of it is travel weight 😅
    I am planning on having meals high on vegetables and lean meat so maybe that'll help?
    See you all next month!

    Sending love to everyone

    Goals for the week:
    1. Self-love and compassion
    2. Balance my macros
    3. Increase water intake
    4. Listen to my satiety cues
    5. Sleep at least 7 hrs every night
    6. Careful with treats
    7. Morning exercise or walk 5x/week

    Highest Weight, 2011: 180 Lbs (81.6 Kilos)
    MFP Start: 175 Lbs (79.4 Kilos)
    Current Weight: 134.2 Lbs (60.9 Kilos)

    2022 LOSS: 8.4 Lbs (3.8 Kilos)
    January Start/End: 139.6 / 137.6 (- 2.0)
    February Start/End: 137.6 / 134.2 (-3.4)
    March Start/End: 134.2 / 134.4 (+0.2)
    April Start/End: 134.4/134.8 (+0.2)
    May Start/End: 134.6 / 133.4 (-1.2)
    June Progress: 133.4 /131.2 ( - 2.2)

    2021 LOSS: 16.8 Lbs (8.3 Kilos) So proud!!
    June Start/End: 156.4 / 151.8 (- 4.6)
    July Start/End: 151.8 / 148.4 (- 3.4)
    August Start/End: 150.2 / 146.4 (- 3.8)
    September Start/End: 146.4 / 141.2 (- 5.2)
    October Start/End: 141.2 / 138.4 (- 2.8)
    November Start/End: 138.4 / 138.8 (+ .4)
    December Start/End: 138.8 / 139.6 (+ 0.8)
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,266 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from July 1st): 202.8
    Goal: 197.8 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: 201.6

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-202.8-(Trend Weight 203.0)-
    07/02-202.6-(Trend Weight 203.2)-
    07/03-204.6-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/04-203.6-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/05-205.0-(Trend Weight 203.6)-
    07/06-203.2-(Trend Weight 203.6)-
    07/07-202.0-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/08-201.8-(Trend Weight 203.2)-
    07/09-199.6-(Trend Weight 202.9)-
    07/10-198.4-(Trend Weight 202.5)-
    07/11-195.6-(Trend Weight 201.8)-
    07/12-196.6-(Trend Weight 201.3)-
    07/13-197.0-(Trend Weight 200.8)-
    07/14-197.4-(Trend Weight 200.5)-
    07/15-198.2-(Trend Weight 200.3)-
    07/16-198.8-(Trend Weight 200.1)-
    07/17-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    07/18-200.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/19-200.6-(Trend Weight 200.3)-
    07/20-199.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/21-199.0-(Trend Weight 200.1)-
    07/22-198.8-(Trend Weight 200.0)-
    07/23-198.8-(Trend Weight 199.9)-
    07/24-199.6-(Trend Weight 199.8)-
    07/25-203.2-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/26-202.8-(Trend Weight 200.4)-
    07/27-202.6-(Trend Weight 200.4)-
    07/28-204.4-(Trend Weight 201.0)-
    07/29-202.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)-

    07/30-202.6-(Trend Weight 201.4)- Trying to stay calm and understand my medical reports and appt schedule on my online portal. One report says arrive 9:00 am Monday and surgery is at 11:00 am. Another report says I have a phone call appt with anesthest (can’t spell it) at 1:40 on Monday (2 ½ hrs after surgery) so I’m confused. The telephone appointment never came thru Friday so is surgery a different day and phone call appt Mon (that never came Friday) correct?. Of course, it’s the weekend now so I can’t reach anyone directly. It’s about a 3 hour drive and I would have to leave Monday before any of the offices are open to call. I have no idea what to do but I will call cardiology office and leave weekend message and hope they get it in time. Stress anyone? Also, so much going on here on the homefront not related but ultra-high stress. No, let me make that ULTRA ULTRA high stress. Trying to stay calm in all the storms but I am Type A afterall.

    07/31-201.6-(Trend Weight 201.4)- Down 1.2 for the month so I’m happy to see that but I really miss Onederland and hope to see her again soon! I’ll be spending the day setting up my first of the month bills, cleaning up the house a bit and packing. I hate things hanging over my head so I’m glad this is happening quickly. I will try to keep up with the posts and will keep you updated as I can. Thanks so much to you all for the many many well wishes, prayers, good vibes, wonderful thoughts and many helpful tips. You folks are the best friend a girl could ever have!

  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member

    Praying for you this weekend, for peace and comfort. I hope you have answers to your questions but if it was me I'd show up for the surgery time; the anesthesiologist always stops by to talk to me in pre-op so I'm sure they'd do the same for you.

  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    edited July 2022

    So sorry I've been missing this month much more than I've been present. It did occur to me this morning that August begins tomorrow, so I did create the August thread.


  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Height 5'4" Age:52
    Ultimate Goal Weight 127-134 lbs.

    March Start Weight: 194.8 lbs.
    April Start Weight: 189.4 lbs.
    May Start Weight: 184.1 lbs.
    June Start Weight: 181.8 lbs.
    July Start Weight: 175.4 lbs.

    July Goals: Running 3 x per week, Body Strength Workouts, Mindful Way of Eating, Daily Accountability

    7/01: 175.4 Yesterday was a running day + core workout. NSV: I ordered a dress online in an XL and Large to see which would fit best for an event this week and then decided to order the Medium just in case. It arrived last night, and the medium is the clear winner!
    7/02: 175.2 Yesterday was a running day + upper body strength workout. Switched my Saturday run to Friday due to a forecast of all day thunderstorms on Saturday and had to run in the 90+heat...so miserable but got it done! And do you think it is actually thunderstorming now that it is Saturday....no!
    7/03: 175.0 Yesterday was a full body HIIT workout and other than that a very sedentary day, need to move more today.
    7/04: 174.7 Yesterday was a scheduled rest day but got in a good number of steps going for a walk with my husband and then out shopping. Today I hit the 20 lbs. weight loss mark & am no longer in the obese range for BMI... YAY!!
    7/05: 173.7 Yesterday was a running day + full body endurance workout with weights. My meals for most of today and tomorrow are mostly out of my control (and I plan on alcoholic beverages tonight which I have been limiting while losing weight) but will do as well as I can but fully expect to see a gain when I weigh in again on 7/7 but also fully know it will come right back down when I return to my normal schedule.
    7/06: (Out of town, will not be able to weigh-in) Yesterday was an upper body endurance workout before I left town and then lots of steps afterwards, hit 24,000+ for the day.
    7/07: 177.0 Back home to weigh-in this morning, scale is up 3.3 lbs. from Tuesday's weigh-in. I was expecting this and know it is not a real "gain'. The important thing is I am in a place where I can have days that are indulgence days and then get right back to working on my goals without being derailed. This is a big improvement for me!
    7/08: 175.6 Scale is moving back down, which is encouraging but woke up feeling sick this morning. So far testing negative for C19 & hoping it's not strep either. Going to take it easy today, no workouts, lots of fluids.
    7/09: 173.8 Still sick but still testing negative so that's good news. Have head congestion, sore throat, fever, headache, body aches, chills, super weak & tired, so definitely have something but fingers crossed it doesn't last long.
    7/10: 173.3 Took my 3rd Covid test today, after 2 negatives the 3rd one came back positive.
    7/11: 172.6 Was able to do a tele-visit with a nurse practitioner yesterday through my state's board of health and got approved for a prescription for a Covid medicine and was able to receive it same day. Supposed to make a world of difference in recovery, hope so!
    7/12: 172.6 I wouldn't say I am feeling "better" but more feeling "not as bad". Does that make sense, lol!
    7/13: DNW
    7/14: 172.7 It's been a week since any activity/workout...going to try a slow, short walk today (I won't be near anyone). Symptom wise, still congested, coughing, head pain, and weak feeling. I am trying to focus on the fact that I AM feeling better and not getting in my head, wondering about if I have lost the strength/fitness I had before C19 and will need to rebuild from scratch or if I just need to fully recover and I will be able to pick-up where I was before. Reality is probably somewhere in between.
    7/15: 172.6 Yesterday's walk was super sloooow but felt okay. Going on another walk today and maybe some yoga if my headache will allow it. Today is my last dose of the C19 meds & last day of required quarantine. Will re-test again tomorrow.
    7/16: 172.2 Went on a walk again yesterday & was a little faster than the day before, slowly my energy is returning. Planning a longer walk today to work on endurance.
    7/17: 171.7 Doubled my walking distance yesterday and was back to my normal pace. By yesterday evening felt a good bit of my energy return, too. Tested negative today, YAY! but sill dealing with the cough, headache, and congestion, feel like it will be a bit before I can start running again.
    7/18: 171.3 Really was feeling the heat yesterday, so stayed inside and did not get a walk in but the lingering sick feeling is ebbing away and lots more energy is returning. Stamina is not existent though, so taking it super slow as I resume normal activities.
    7/19: 170.9 Was a rainy day all day yesterday but the forecast showed at break from 3-4 p.m. so went out for a walk then. Got lightly rained on but it actually felt nice. Planning to venture out to the grocery store today and actually cook something for dinner tonight. I haven't cooked a real meal in what feels like forever!
    7/20: 170.2 Got in a long walk yesterday and will brave the heat again today to get another one in. Been spoiled by the lower temps this summer but it going to be close to 100 today. Staying hydrated!
    7/21: 169.7 YAY! for dropping into the 160s!!!! Also just hit the 25 lb. weight loss mark. Looking forward to when I can start working out again, maybe next week.
    7/22: (DNW) Woke up not feeling great this morning, took some nausea medicine and drank a glass of water 1st thing, so skipped my weigh-in because of that. Blaming the sandwich I had last night for dinner, I try to avoid gluten because of how it makes me feel but every now and again I give in to temptation. Lesson learned!
    7/23 (DNW) I didn't set an alarm this morning and just let my body sleep as much as it wanted, woke up a little before 11 a.m. so didn't weigh in since it was so far off my normal weigh-in time. Plan to do the same tomorrow, post Covid I am still just so worn out. Will weigh-in again Monday morning.
    7/24 (DNW)
    7/25L 169.8 Rough weekend of not feeling great, stayed in bed all day yesterday. Going to try to see if I can get in a workout today, not going to push it, but feel like I need to at least try.
    7/26: 169.6 Definitely a better day yesterday, feeling so much better. Got in a hot walk before the storms came in and did a posterior chain workout with weights. Need to meal plan & grocery shop today.
    7/27: 169.5 Yesterday did a core/upper body workout with weights and got in a walk. Temps were much cooler yesterday which makes it all easier! I am feeling my shoulders this morning from yesterday's workout :)
    7/28: 169.4 Slowly chipping away at my goals, every little bit counts! Yesterday was a lower body workout + a walk.
    7/29: 169.4 Yesterday was a core workout + a long walk.
    7/30: 169.4 Yesterday was a quick walk + upper body workout with weights. Dinner was out of my control last night, had to guess at calories to log, glad not to see a gain! Hope to finish the month tomorrow with a loss on the scale.
    7/31: 169.4 Well, my scale seems to really like this number! (I think it is due to DOMS related water retention after returning to working out this week after a 2-week break, definitely feel the muscle soreness. Expecting the weight to start dropping again once that subsides.) Yesterday was a full body HIIT workout with weights + a long walk. So happy to say goodbye to the month of July, this has been a hard one but looking forward to all that August brings :) See you next month!

    July Weight Loss = 6.0 lbs.
  • msashleybing
    msashleybing Posts: 40 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 28
    July start weight: 202-205lbs
    1st goal weight: 190lbs
    UGW: 125-130lbs

    I am just starting my weight loss journey. I gained a bunch of weight during pregnancy and my little man is almost a year old now. It's time for me to drop the baby weight!

    7/10 - 200.6lbs
    Notes: I have been watching the scale bounce around the same 5 lbs for the last 6 months. I kept talking about losing the weight, but also kept procrastinating. I'm biting the bullet now and getting back in shape. I did 40 minutes of plates last night and am making today my official day one.

    7/11 - 200.0

    7/12 - 201.8
    Notes: I didn't weigh in first thing this morning and hubby made breakfast. I'm not convinced that explains all of the weight gain, but we'll see.

    7/13 - 200.6
    Notes: Fluctuation is normal. I want to only see drops and that's not realistic. Keeping my calories counts in check is harder than I expected.

    7/14 - 200.0

    7/15 - 198.6

    7/16 - 199.0
    Notes: I have worked out the past 5-6 days and am so proud of myself. Even on nights when I was tried and didn't want to. Now that I'm seemingly out of the 200s, I hope it stays that way! I know I will continue to see ups and downs, I'm just eager to hit my first mini goal.

    7/20 - 199.2
    Notes: I've been bad about checking in, but still tracking calories. I went up to 201 again over the past few days. I need to drink more water and eat healthier. Sure, I'm *mostly* keeping to my calorie limit, but I know I need to do more. At least I'm back down again. Let's keep this downward trend!

    7/21 - 199.0

    7/22 - 198.6

    7/23 - DNW

    7/24 - DNW

    7/25 - DNW

    7/26 - DNW

    7/27 - DNW
    Notes: The 21st I was working/cleaning. The 22nd I was cleaning/shopping/packing. The 23rd I was at the airport/on a plane most of the day. The rest of the week I have been on vacation! I won’t be home until Sunday, so no weigh ins, but wanted to do an update. I weighed 198.6 before I left, so I’m curious what I’ll be when I return. I have been at the beach so lots of swimming! I haven’t been super strict about eating and was bad at tracking for a couple days, but started again. I don’t need to be back at 202-205!

    7/28 - DNW

    7/29 - DNW

    7/30 - 202
    Notes - This was just a curiosity weigh in. We got home in the evening and I had just ate dinner. I knew it would bit a higher than a proper weigh in.

    7/31 - 199.2
    Notes - Final July weigh in! Even after a week of being lax while on vacation, I still saw an overall loss for July. I’ve started using 205 as my official start weight since that was my highest weight after having my little one, so I’ve had an overall loss of 6lbs!

    I’m excited for August!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'9"
    Goal: Stay in maintenance range (160-165)

    Jul 1: 163.4
    Jul 2: 162
    Jul 3: 165.2
    Jul 4: 164
    Jul 5: 164
    Jul 6: 164.6
    Jul 7: 164.4
    Jul 8: 163.4
    Jul 9: 163
    Jul 10: 161.2
    Jul 11: 160.8
    Jul 12: 161.8
    Jul 13: 161.2
    Jul 14: 160.8
    Jul 15: 162.8
    Jul 16: 166.4
    Jul 17: DNW
    Jul 18: 163.8
    Jul 19: 165.8
    Jul 20: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 21: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 22: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 23: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 24: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 25: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 26: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 27: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 28: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 29: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 30: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 31: DNW (vacation)

    Back home tonight and back on the scale tomorrow! See you in August. Here's one more pic from my trip.

  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    @deepwoodslady - sending love and light your way during your surgery tomorrow.

    @dawnbgethealthy - thank you for the suggestion! I came home famished and realized there aas no way I could not eat something after work, so I pulled out the carrot sticks and started munching away!
  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    My name is Tina, Height: 5'6" Age: 55
    MFP starting weight: 149.2 (3/30/21)
    May start: 128.4 May end: 127.4
    June results: -1.0
    July goal: maintenance of 128-132

    I was not going to participate this month but realized soft diet restrictions lift as of the 6th. So I know as I incorporate more food, the scales will move. Goal is still to maintain weight. I would love to get to 125, but it has taken surgery and very little food to get to 128. I am happy around 130, so I believe I will focus on maintaining and working out. Need to tighten up now.

    7/01: 128.6 (128.9 trend)
    7/02: DNW
    7/03: 125.8 (128.1 trend)
    7/04: DNW
    7/05: DNW
    7/06: 129.0 (128.1 trend)
    7/07: 129.4 (128.3 trend)
    7/08: 129.6 (128.4 trend)
    7/09: DNW
    7/10: DNW
    7/11: 131.8 (129.6 trend)
    7/12: 131.2 (129.8 trend)
    7/13: 129.0 (129.7 trend)
    7/14: 128.0 (129.5 trend)
    7/15: 128.0 (129.3 trend)
    7/16: DNW
    7/17: DNW
    7/18: 130.8 (129.8 trend)
    7/19: 129.6 (129.8 trend)
    7/20: DNW
    7/21: 130.8 (130.0 trend)
    7/22: 131.0 (130.2 trend)
    7/23: DNW
    7/24: DNW
    7/25: 129.8 (130.0 trend)
    7/26: DNW
    7/27: 129.8 (130.0 trend)
    7/28: 129.2 (129.9 trend)
    7/29: 130.0 (129.9 trend)
    7/30: DNW
    7/31: DNW

    I gained 1.4 pounds overall for the month yet still stayed within the range I set to maintain. I am pleased
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Age: 45
    January Starting Weight: 194.7
    February Starting Weight: 196.1
    March Starting Weight: 189.8
    April Starting Weight: 187.0
    May Starting Weight: 185.8
    June Starting Weight:
    July Starting Weight: 190.7
    July Goal Weight: 188.7

    July's Daily Plan - Take meds, Quit soda, Log everything, Rec Center Workout
    07/01: 190.7 - Check, Check, Check, Check
    07/02: 190.7 - Not hitting calories yet, but I am on the right path. I took a beginner's strength lesson.
    07/03: 190.3 - Zumba day! It was so fun!
    07/04: 190.3 - Plantar fasciitis triggered again. It's so frustrating. Focus on creating routines.
    07/05: 190.5 - Big meal for fireworks celebration and pre-braces meal for my kids.
    07/06: 190.2 - Work out included cycling and a beginner weight lifting session.
    07/07: 189.9 - Three doctor's appointments in one day and work in the evening.
    07/08: 189.4
    07/09: 191.4 - A hungry day. High sodium.
    07/10: 190.7 - Zumba and pool day. Clear mammogram! But need to watch for Lymphedema.
    07/11: 190.7
    07/12: 190.5
    07/13: DNW - Traveled to my parents for a visit with my kids and forgot to bring my scale
    07/14: DNW - I went to the local YMCA and took a step class.
    07/15: DNW - Traveling back home. My calves and so sore!
    07/16: 191.4 - I figured on this post traveling. Went to a Zumba class with still sore calves. Lol!
    07/17: 188.6 - Not sure that I trust this number.
    07/18: 190.3 - Yeah, I knew that number was odd.
    07/19: 189.8
    07/20: 191.6 - Salty Pho broth and belated bday cake.
    07/21: 190.8 - I went to the gym twice today because the first workout class ended up being more of a learn a few dance moves than actually dancing and getting my heart rate up. So much of my weight is around my belly and it feels so uncomfortable.
    07/22: 188.7 - Light weight-lifting after work.
    07/23: 190.3 - My lower back is feeling that work out from last night.
    07/24: DNW
    07/25: DNW
    07/26: 190.7
    07/27: DNW
    07/28: DNW
    07/29: 191.1 - I'm sorry, guys. I did not do well keeping up this past week. I need to do better.
    07/30: 191.1
    07/31: 191.1 - Strange to see the same number three days in a row.

    While I did not lose any weight this month, I took my measurements and I am measuring two inches smaller around my waist and my hips than I was a few months ago, so that is progress! How that works, I don't understand, but it did make me feel better seeing a loss somewhere. I did really well taking my thyroid medicine everyday this month and that will help with my future weight loss. While I did not make it to the gym everyday as my gung-ho attitude was at the beginning of the month, I did not miss a single Zumba class! While I was able to quit drinking soda, I am still drinking lemonade at work and I need to stop that sugar influx.
  • krlove80
    krlove80 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello My name is Karey
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'10"
    Goal: To drop 10lbs or more by 8/24/2022 and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

    Well this is how I finished the month of JULY!

    7/12/2022 - 275.8lbs
    7/13/2022 - 273.7lbs
    7/14/2022 - Stayed at a friends last night, so was not home to weigh myself this morning. However, my blood sugars have improved A LOT from being in the high 200's mg/dL now between 75-95 mg/dL <3
    7/15/2022 - 278.9lbs - I seem to be gaining :/
    7/16/2022 - SAME
    7/17/2022 - Didn't weigh in because I felt defeated and didn't want to see the gain.
    7/18/2022 - 280.2lbs - Noticed that I have been bloated and not regular so wondering if this is the cause to the rapid weigh gain. :|
    7/19/2022 - 281.2lbs
    7/20/2022 - SAME
    7/21/2022 - 279.3 - Maybe we are getting somewhere LOL
    7/22/2022 - SAME
    7/23/2022 - No weigh in because I was starting to feel defeated again and didn't want to know my results every single day so told myself I'll give it about a week and then see.
    7/24/2022 - No weigh in
    7/25/2022 - No weigh in
    7/26/2022 - No weigh in
    7/27/2022 - No weigh in
    7/28/2022 - No weigh in
    7/29/2022 - 267.3lbs - OMG <3 I must have stepped on the scale 6 times this day just to be sure something wasn't wrong with my scale LOL. Down 12.8lbs at this point.
    7/30/2022 - 266.9lbs
    7/31/2022 - 266.3lbs - Definitely this was a challenging month for me, but I am happy to see that things are going in the right direction. Cheers to AUGUST!