When you're down...

Okay so for me I always get to a point early on when I'm like why am I doing all this fitness crap, its not working anyways.

I've only been at this for a week and I guess it was because when I was doing my Zumba today I wasn't really into it and some of the moves I couldn't execute like I should....it just made me depressed.

I have no patience when it comes to this and expect results fast, but I know it takes time...*sigh* more like forever

Anyways what do you guys do when you're in the dumps???
What keeps you motivated?


  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Thinking of it as a lifelong change and realizing that this is a marathon, not a sprint...and focusing on the NSVs (Non Scale Victories)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Thinking of it as a lifelong change and realizing that this is a marathon, not a sprint...and focusing on the NSVs (Non Scale Victories)

    ^ What she said.
  • I try to think more in terms of being healthy rather than just losing weight.
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I take a deep breath and focus on my goals. I remember that I started this for many reasons. I love the way I feel without the excess weight and I'm starting to adjust to the way I look. I take things one meal, one day at a time and just keep doing it. Before long I realize that a few days have passed and I've been successful. Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • I feel your pain. I am new to MFP too, and so far it just hasn't clicked yet. Anytime I have lost weight in the past I have become obsessed, which is what I need to get results. Let's recommit today. We are going to do this! No excuses!
  • your quote is "no more games" right/ . Well quit playing one with yourself. You know that your current state didnt happen in a week, so your expectation is unrealistic. Keep working, it is not easy for you, me or the rest of on here. Down in the dumps is a state of mind. I think the proper question would be what are you doing currently. For me, do something that you love to do. Golfing is my outlet and during the winter I play video games to relieve stress. Keeping my job keeps me motivated, hence stay in shape and keep the weight off.
  • fuminator18
    fuminator18 Posts: 89 Member
    yes, you have to come to the realization that we didn't get here (over weight) in one day either. Years and years we didn't take care of our health added all up. So, it will take time, no doubt about it. BUT then you also have to realize, a little good you are doing TODAY is also counting for the better!! i have bad days too, but keep getting back on my feet and restart!
  • ...i was wondering what nsv stood for....thank you.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I am never motivated to exercise. I just do it anyways.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Things like doing formal aerobics get me down like that. I have never been good with choreographed moves, like at all. I went to exactly ONE aeorbics class when I was in high school and was so embarrassed by not being able to do what everyone else was doing that I just ran around the track for the duration. I liked that better. Maybe you need to find something that's more within your comfort zone? Or one you can do at home, where nobody sees you? Or, maybe work your way up to that instead of throwing yourself into a class that you clearly can't/don't want to keep up with? I always like to rent a DVD with certain fitness gimmicks before I'll commit to anything. If I clearly will never be able to keep up with it in a public class setting, I'm only out the rental fee.

    What I started off with this time around was 5 minute walks. Some may think it's lame, but I found progress by adding 5 minutes each day, or completing a distance in record time. I can do a mile in 15 minutes, where it used to take me twice as long!

    I also started with some really informal water aerobics. Printed off a sheet that I found on the internet and used a coworker's pool. She and I (and a couple of other coworkers) would show the others how to do the moves and then we'd just do them. It was also a group that we felt comfortable making fun of ourselves and laughing at each other's comments. ("Does one's leg really go THAT high up?" or "Wait, I have to move my fat roll before I can do this one.") It was actually FUN to do!

    The biggest thing is to do something you LOVE and feel comfortable with to start. You can always move up to the harder stuff later.

    Just some ideas to chew on.
  • gardy1mn
    gardy1mn Posts: 3 Member
    I use my imagination. Thinking what I could/will look like with a weight loss. I will download some new music, vary my routine.
    Then I will think of my daughters and being around for them. It's difficult some days. Hang in there.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Looking at myself in the mirror.
  • I blog. Whenever I feel down or have stuff on my mind I blog about it. It makes me feel better and usually while I am writing I find my motivation again. It is like talking to a friend who doesn't talk back, lol!
  • I kept a few of my "bigger me" shirts. When I don't feel like working out, I put one on and work out in it. Reminds me of where I was and helps to motivate me and keeps me going
  • Thank you everyone for your posts and you are all right! It took a good 2-3 years for all this crap to happen and I can't expect it to just go away.....I just hate feeling so outta shape....

    like you know when you get winded just going up stairs, I think its sooooo ridiculous...i refuse

    So this definitely helped and back on my journey i go lol

  • I also started with some really informal water aerobics. Printed off a sheet that I found on the internet and used a coworker's pool. She and I (and a couple of other coworkers) would show the others how to do the moves and then we'd just do them. It was also a group that we felt comfortable making fun of ourselves and laughing at each other's comments. ("Does one's leg really go THAT high up?" or "Wait, I have to move my fat roll before I can do this one.") It was actually FUN to do!

    The biggest thing is to do something you LOVE and feel comfortable with to start. You can always move up to the harder stuff later.

    Just some ideas to chew on.

    lmao I admire your courage !!!

    I can't even feel comfortable enough around friends to workout with them....even my mom, she walked in on me working out and it completely blew my exercising mojo