Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • sugarfreesquirrel
    sugarfreesquirrel Posts: 268 Member
    I would like some new friends to do the journey with :-)
  • YouGotThis2307
    YouGotThis2307 Posts: 1 Member
    Came here, today, looking for exactly this. Like minded people who can help me along this difficult journey. Please feel free to add me so we can support each other!!
  • TonyNeedstolooseweight
    Looking for more friends for motivation :)
  • polaroiddaisy
    polaroiddaisy Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I’m not new but it’s been a while. Joined the app in my 30s, and I’m 41 now. Being a part of community would be a great help! I’m treading carefully as I used to suffer from ED and there’s certain things I cannot do and certain things that are triggers. For example: I’m not allowed to weigh myself so my in-app weight is not accurate. I’m trying to mediate between things that are good for me and things that I need to do to loose weight. Fingers crossed I’ll find a happy medium that’s sustainable.
  • Imboss6
    Imboss6 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Paula, I really need a community to help me with my journey. I have accomplished my first goal of giving up sugar and have lost 15 lbs in the process. Who new clean eating would solve my weight problems 🤔. I will help motivate you if you are willing to help me. Add me to your friends!
  • fozzie500
    fozzie500 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi anyone that reads this, I'm like the, renegade master... 🎶back once again.. 🎶 been on MFP for 10 years, but was only active for about 3-4 years, back looking to add friends as some of my old friends from here are no longer active. I'm 51 years of age from England. my profile pic is from 2013 when I was 42.
  • emjustem06
    emjustem06 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey howdy hey, y’all!!

    I’m back at the MFP game after a long break. Starting over fresh. Im thirty-four years young with three kiddos. My exercise is chasing them, maintaining my property and morning yoga daily with some light workouts (Russian twists, sit-ups and squats are my go-to’s). I’m down almost thirty pounds but have a long way to go. Implementing a very raw, high fiber, low carb, no sugar gig. Specifically, Dr Fuhrman’s Diet.

    I would LOVE to rebuild an active support system on here! This community has always been a huge help and encouragement. I follow back, so hit me up!
  • Richiemaerk
    Richiemaerk Posts: 307 Member
    Need folks to help me stay on this journey. Don’t have a ton of friends on or off line. So some what ups and chatting would be super welcome. I want to know what your doing to achieve your goals and is it working?
  • Mikeruns2021donotaddme
    I’m on here looking for 5-10 more consistent members to have as friends who are motivated and active. Not looking for a large group of people. Just consistent, hard working people looking to take on challenging one day at a time. I’m a semi serious runner looking to run a 2:25 marathon. Looking to get stronger and be stronger then excuses I’ve used in the past. Ideally, friends would be dedicated to making themselves better and challenges themself physically and mentally everyday

    *sorry about my username, I can’t change it.
  • Lynnda7
    Lynnda7 Posts: 13 Member
    Please add me I'm looking for some "re-start" motivation!!:)
  • samanthastafford
    samanthastafford Posts: 1 Member
    Brand newbie here. Im looking for inspiration and motivation. Please add me, I have 2.5 stone to lose and a lot of fitness to gain.
  • iricollections
    iricollections Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! New need friends for motivation
  • IamJessieW
    IamJessieW Posts: 2 Member
    I took a 2 yr hiatus from MFP but I'm back and in need of some inspiration and a cheering squad.😁🙏
  • cjf2008
    cjf2008 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me! I need accountability partners!
  • devonmurt
    devonmurt Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Getting back on track to make some pretty intense health goals. Add me and we’ll make one another accountable 🫡
  • Iamabutton
    Iamabutton Posts: 3 Member
    Heyo, looking for a few friends to help motivate/hold one another accountable (kindly, of course).
  • justlog2day
    justlog2day Posts: 44 Member
    I have some work to do to get back to where I feel the best.

    Feel free to send me a request!!
  • iron_playground
    iron_playground Posts: 7 Member
    I could always use more friends
  • Heeb29
    Heeb29 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm hoping having more friends will help motive me more