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Tracking more nutrients

Hello - I love your app. However, I also need the ability to track magnesium, vitamin D, and omega 3 intake. As far as I can discern, your app nutrients don’t allow me to do so.

Cronometer, for example, does. I really don’t want to use another app but need that capability. Do y’all have a workaround or another way I can track same? Thanks much. Have a blessed night. - tacita
10 votes

Open for Voting · Last Updated


  • Hudson
    Hudson Posts: 74 MFP Staff
    We get that a lot of users leverage their food diary to track their supplements. We're definitely considering adding native support for tracking additional vitamins (such as Vitamins D and K), as well as supplements, or medications. In the meantime, many users use the Notes area to record these additional items.

    As an alternative, you can create a new Meal category called "Vitamins and Supplements". You can then create a custom food entry in the food database to represent your vitamin or supplement, and log this item to your diary when you consume it.
  • Tacita2020
    Tacita2020 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks much. As an FYI. My query actually wasn’t for supplement tracking but tracking those nutrients in food. For women in menopause, those nutrients that I identified are critical for helping to balance our current nutritional needs and control our weight gain. Thus, the more foods that one eats with those nutrients, the better health outcomes when managing menopause, etc. Have a blessed day.
  • kfpw4zsn4p
    kfpw4zsn4p Posts: 1 Member
    I would also love to be able to track additional nutrients (such as B vitamins, magnesium, and others) from food and supplements. I will try adding a category for supplements and hope additional items are added to nutrients. It seems redundant to add everything in the diary and also maintain a separate tally under notes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    kfpw4zsn4p wrote: »
    I would also love to be able to track additional nutrients (such as B vitamins, magnesium, and others) from food and supplements. I will try adding a category for supplements and hope additional items are added to nutrients. It seems redundant to add everything in the diary and also maintain a separate tally under notes.

    It could work for supplements, but it won't work for food very well. MFP database entries are crowdsourced from other users and most of the information that is input by those users comes from food labels. Many of those nutrients aren't required to be put on nutritional labels, so if it's not on the label it's not going to get into the database entry.