Finding the right calorie intake with 500+ Calories burned p

Curious what's sensible if you're an avid exercise enthusiast (I burn 500-800 calories per workout - per garmin, polar, most cardio machines), and if you can achieve the same weight loss goals if you add the burned calories to your daily MFP allowance.

Example: My daily, 1LB per Week Weight Loss Goal calls for 1600+ cals per per day. With a great workout in the morning, this could imply a daily calorie limit of 2400.

I look forward to your responses.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes, I eat all my exercise calories (often around 500) and have had sucess.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Yes, I eat all my exercise calories (often around 500) and have had success.

    ^^^ this!
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    This is what worked for me. I usually burn about the same amount as you per day and I always try to stay under by about 200 calories, just in case I measured some of my food wrong or I really didn't burn that many calories. I lost 27 lbs. doing it that way, but everyone is different.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    Curious what's sensible if you're an avid exercise enthusiast (I burn 500-800 calories per workout - per garmin, polar, most cardio machines), and if you can achieve the same weight loss goals if you add the burned calories to your daily MFP allowance.

    Example: My daily, 1LB per Week Weight Loss Goal calls for 1600+ cals per per day. With a great workout in the morning, this could imply a daily calorie limit of 2400.

    I look forward to your responses.

  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    i eat all of my exercise calories..the more i can burn the more i can eat (yay!) and lets face it- i'm here cuz i love to eat :p sooo...on occasion I'm 50 calories under, usually i'm within about 20 calories of my calorie intake+exercise calories...very rarely do i go over- but it happens... and i'm succeeding on my journey
  • Get an actual chest strap heartrate monitor. I used to go off the machines at the gym and found actual calories burned were significantly off depending on excersises (sometimes off by hundreds give or take.)

    Anyway, yes consume the calories burned. I usually like to have a handful of walnuts (200 cal), a single or double serving of protein shake (100-200 cal) with in 30 min of a work out.
  • I have been losing but it is only a few weeks. I am down 10 pounds. I don't eat my exercise calories. I completely understand the rational but as long as what I am doing is working, I am not changing it.
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    I also eat my burnt my calorie or at least enough to to have a net of 1300 cal for the day ....

    It also depend of your goal, if you want to loose weight i dont think have to eat all back, just enough to have a net that wont put you in a too big deficit or starvation mode... If your looking for muscle and strenght then i would definatly eat them all back...

    My understanding anyway
  • I say if you are happy with loosing the lb. per week, then yes...add those burned calories back ! You may want to add only half or so if you dont want to take any chances or you want to loose an extra 1/2 lb. or so a week. It is great that you are burning off that many calories ! I would probably use it as an opportunity to treat myself to a night out or something ever once in awhile, instead of adding them back every day !!
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you!
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    This is what worked for me. I usually burn about the same amount as you per day and I always try to stay under by about 200 calories, just in case I measured some of my food wrong or I really didn't burn that many calories. I lost 27 lbs. doing it that way, but everyone is different.

    I eat all but about 200 as well to account for error in logging :-) This has worked for me....losing about 1.5 a week
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member

    I'm impressed with your results, my man. What are you shooting for, ultimately? I want to get to 170, where I started 210. Been using a 2LB per week approach, which I backed off to 1LB per week as I take 4 weeks off from exercise, recovering from a surgery. I'm back in action on 10/11 however, shooting for 180 by 11/1 (aggressive), and 170 by Spring 2012. Looking to create a band of brothers to will us all on to victory.

    JJ in MI
    Dad of 3
    Husband of 1
    170Lbs by Spring 2012
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    Incredilbe job! 1.5LB per week is smokin'

    Keep going!!!

    The benefits far outweigh the costs!