
val071418 Posts: 96 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
So I use an elliptical in the gym at my apt complex, and UNlike the treadmill it does not ask for age weight etc before starting a workout. Sy curiosity lies in how accurate is the machine on telling me how many calories I am burning?? I work pretty hard and the machine says in a half hour I have burned usually around 300+ calories. If I enter it in MFP it says around 800!! I always change the calories to what the machine says, but why is MFP saying it should be so much more?? Any insight in this situation would be great!! If it matters the machine is made by motion fitness...Thanks for your ideas!!:smile:


  • yeah mine at my apt has the weight and age thing and says that I usually do 4.5 miles and burn 500-600 calories in an hour and then MFP has it on like 875. So I don't know which to go by. I usually just use what the machine says though.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I bought a HRM because I don't trust what my elliptical was saying. I was right. My elliptical said I was burning over 400 cals in 30 mins but in reality I was only burning maybe 250 cals. So if you really want an accurate count then I would suggest buying a HRM. I have the Polar Ft4 and it's great. If not, then go with the machine.
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm curious about this too.

    I recently started using the elliptical at the Apple Athletic Club; their machine shows less calories than MFP.

    I've been using MFP's count.

    I try not to "eat" all of my exercise calories.

    I'm looking forward to reading the responses.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I burn roughly 600 cals an hour on the Elliptical - I'm 5"9", 28, and weigh about 250 lbs. 25lbs ago I burned roughly 650 an hour.

    This is all info from my HRM (polar something)

    The machine (even though I put in age and weight) tells me I burn anywhere between 800-1000....
  • Foxzy
    Foxzy Posts: 38
    I have heard that the machine's calorie burn can be off by 80%. Getting a HRM would be your best bet to be accurate as possible.
  • For what it's worth, I have determined that my Elliptical is mad crazy and only there to provide me with motivation by under estimating my calories burned... WITH THAT SAID, when my hubby gets on it (who is fit enough to run whole marathons), it's numbers seem to match what the computer says.... There are so many factors in calculating calories that everything we do is really just an "accurate estimate"... just remember that you are working out, keep in your target heart rate zone, and see if the numbers match up with what you see in the mirror.
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks guys!! I scored a HRM that was used a couple of times but I just don't get how to use it. I looked up the usewr manual online and just cant get it to tell me calories burned??? I can get my heart rate but not calories. I really dont have the money for a decent monitor now so I guess I will go with the machine for now and make sure to not eat too much of those calories back, just in case...Thanks for all the input, I will be getting a HRM when I get my tax return in Feb I guess!!
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member

    I would agree on the Polar or Garmin HRM. With these devices you're able to enter in your characteristics -- M/F, Current Weight, etc., then from there with the chest-strap, your heart rate is measured throughout, which can be stored on the watch and or uploaded to your computer. This would give you perhaps a more accurate reading that you could plug into MFP.

    One other potential bonus of using a Polar or Garmin HRM is that you could begin to compare the results from any given machine you use to what the watch says. Based upon the other posts it seems that watch / HRM are more accurate and less inflated. I've done some bike rides where MFP gave me a 1000 calories, when my watch was more conservative. Would be very difficult for MFP to know each of our HRM statistics, level of effort, etc. Too many variables.
  • im not sure why mfp says that. the 300 sounds about right :cry: lol i weigh 216 and i burn around 100+ calories every ten mins
  • I have read the average elliptical over estimates by 42% so figure about 60% of the number on the machine and you should be pretty close. I would also recommend a good HRM. You can get a good one at most sporting good shops for less than $80.
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