Back ache with low carb diet

has anyone experienced this too?


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    no, but where are you in your cycle?
  • sarahthegreat1
    Quit that 1.5 years ago
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Water intake level??? I wanted to add that I have been low carbing for over 8 years and I have never had an issue with back ache.
  • sarahthegreat1
    64oz water or more. My core is really weak and I've been exercising swimming. But I did read online how the large protein and fat load can tax the kidneys. Just wondering.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    64oz water or more. My core is really weak and I've been exercising swimming. But I did read online how the large protein and fat load can tax the kidneys. Just wondering.

    That's true, but it depends on how much protein you're eating to replace the carbs you're not eating. If you went cold turkey, you may actually be in withdrawl. Try drinking a 1/2 gallon of cranberry juice today and another one tomorrow. That will clean out your kidneys and give you enough carbs to get rid of the withdrawl if that's actually whats going on. If not, it will still clean out your Kidneys.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    64oz water or more. My core is really weak and I've been exercising swimming. But I did read online how the large protein and fat load can tax the kidneys. Just wondering.

    In my research and reading, plus I trust my doctor (I go to a naturopathic Dr) and she said that is a myth about protein and fat taxing the kidneys. The kidneys are amazing and can filter out huge amounts of waste.

    I go for higher fat and moderate protein, and keep the carbs low.

    I know for a fact that they are using low carb, moderate protein and high fat eating plans to reverse Diabetic Kidney damage, so how taxing on the kidneys can it really be???
  • SimplyDeLish
    lower back could be kidney. High protein diets are notorious for being hard on the kidneys.
  • 2sexy4myself
    I recently have had some low back trouble myself. I have a desk job and have started exercising again. Well it turns out that the low back problem is really common for desk workers who begin to exercise without stretching first. I was able to find some low back stretching exercises on the web and will add them to my daily routine. Hope that helps.
  • sarahthegreat1
    Willing to try this if pain goes away!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    64oz water or more. My core is really weak and I've been exercising swimming. But I did read online how the large protein and fat load can tax the kidneys. Just wondering.

    In my research and reading, plus I trust my doctor (I go to a naturopathic Dr) and she said that is a myth about protein and fat taxing the kidneys. The kidneys are amazing and can filter out huge amounts of waste.

    I go for higher fat and moderate protein, and keep the carbs low.

    I know for a fact that they are using low carb, moderate protein and high fat eating plans to reverse Diabetic Kidney damage, so how taxing on the kidneys can it really be???

    Its not actually the protein itself, its other molecules that come with it, or are byproducts of the body's processing protein. Purines, etc that are associated with gout and such. In most healthy adults, high protein will only result in a funny smell, but if you have underlying conditions, it can have damaging results like gout and inflammation.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    lower back could be kidney. High protein diets are notorious for being hard on the kidneys.

    That is a myth. Doctors are using protein and high fat eating plans to REVERSE and CURE Kidney Disease...................
  • LowCarbForLife
    LowCarbForLife Posts: 82 Member
    lower back could be kidney. High protein diets are notorious for being hard on the kidneys.

    That is a myth. Doctors are using protein and high fat eating plans to REVERSE and CURE Kidney Disease...................

    This! Plus the fact that low carb diets are not high protein. They are high fat if you do them correctly, which should not place any extra strain on your kidney functions.

    OP, how about opening up your food diary? Its hard to give constructive advice when people only say they're eating "low carb" but don't detail exactly what it is they are eating.