Not enough calories!

No matter what I eat in a day I find it hard to eat the calories that I am supposed to. Today I ate more than usual but came under the calorie sugesstion by 600 calories! I am scared that if I do not start eating more I am not going to lose weight. Any suggestions?


  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    add some cheese, or peanut butter, or nuts in general those are higher in good calories :)

    also if you open your diary so we can see it we might be able to give you a few suggestions on how to beef up each meal!
  • boo5168
    boo5168 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same issue myself. I have been adding a protein shake at night before I go to bed which has helped some. You might look at adding a shake or two a day. Goodluck.
  • dcfl2012
    I am having the same problem ;/ Could we get a snack suggestion going here....That would be cool ! Thank You :noway:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yeah, I never have this problem.

    My day today:

    a half glass of milk
    3 scrambled eggs w/ oil
    coffee w/ milk and real sugar

    Whole wheat English muffin w/ real butter
    glass of milk


    Protien shake,

    Taco salad w/ turkey taco meat, black beans, corn, real cheese and light ranch.

    Evening Snack:
    Skinnygirl margarita.

    Total: 2254 and it's not like I stuffed myself or ate unhealthy.
  • moonflower09
    moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
    Love Nutella! Use whole fat products. I did have a small window when I ran into the same problem, but not anymore. I love to eat and found w/ careful planning I could get it all in. I love graham crackers w/ nutella and strawberry rhubarb jam and a glass of milk. Bananas are good too. I also include almonds, walnuts and olive oil almost everyday. Good luck! Oh yeah, I also bought some snack pack cookies for the days that I burn more calories through excercise.