September Challenge Week 4 - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROU



  • amazing_grace♥
    @walkingingrace - you need to let me know how many glasses of water you are drinking each day since I cannot see your food diary to check it out.

  • stevemillar
    stevemillar Posts: 24 Member
    10 waters
    pygmy stuff done
    under calorie goal

    @Xtine72: What a pretty baby! Aren't they just amazing? i have 6 grandchildren.
  • keepitoff99
    Hi all, my name is Tricia; Amazing Grace said to post here an intro and if someone could fill me in on the challenge this week, that'd be terrific.

    I'm 38, mother of three (two girls, 14 and 12; and a son who is 6). I work full time, have a one hour commute each way to work, I'm taking an on-line course and am involved quite a bit with our church (Youth group Friday nights, activities for the family, and Sunday morning). My girls play rep volleyball so that keeps us busy with practices and tournaments and my son swims.
    Needless to say, I have very little time for myself!! I work out each morning pretty much every day (treadmill and eliptical) but sit most of the day at work and for the I need some motivation to get some more exercise in and eat less at night when I get home tired from work/activities.

    I noticed some are calculating water...and there are points each week?
    Thanks guys!!:drinker:
  • amazing_grace♥
    Tricia, WELCOME!!!

    The challenges for week 4 can be found at The Bushman series is Advanced, and the Pygmy Series is Basic challenges.... take your pic - you do not have to do both. Also, each series has a "team" challenge, for example the Pgymy Series Team Challenge is 2000 ab crunches for this week.... so people post on the thread how many crunches they will commit to for the week and then just post daily how many they do.

    The point system is as follows:
    2 pts if you do the challenges on the day they are due or before (must do ALL the challenges for that day)
    1 pt if you do them later in the week, or if you don't get to do all of them and finish them up another day
    5 pts if you come in under your calorie goal for the day
    1 pt if you drink at least 8 glasses of water for the day
    2 pts if you drink 10 or more glasses of water for the day.
    1 pt for every pound that you lose that week (weigh in is on Sundays)

    At the end of the contest, the winner will receive..................................................(drum roll, please!)............................... a post card in the US Mail from everybody on the team!! :drinker:

    Everyday (or whenever you can), post on the thread your "stats" so that I can keep up with everybody!!
    Also, be sure to post your weight on here every Sunday. I got your message that indicated that your starting weight is 156, and that it was ok for me to post that to the thread! :wink:

    Be sure to "friend" people that are on this thread (our team) so that you can give encouragement and support to everybody!! (there are 10 of us!)

    Let me know if you have any other questions!!

  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Ok so for yesterday, I know I was over cals..but I didn't log it. :( But I did do day 1 and 2 of the pygmy series yesterday!! Didn't put that into the system bc I didn't log the food...but they're done.

    I'm not sure how I'm going to do the rest of the week, because I am going to Forida to see some of my MFP friends!! I will try my best...and I will be walking a lot, so hopefully I will stay under calories. Probably won't be able to get my exercises done today. I will see how much I can get done tonight! (I leave tomorrow right after work).

    Sorry to be the bum of the group this week!

    <3 and luck to you all!!!
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm so jealous you're going to see Sarah and Jess. :-) Have fun!
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 126 Member
    bumpity bump bump :wink: :laugh:
  • amazing_grace♥
    For me......

    Day #3 Pygmy challenges done.... did the 2 mile walk on my lunch at work. (Have I said lately how much I hate that bear walk?) Ugh!! Water = 10 glasses, and came in under calorie goal.

    Rode my bicycle 15 miles tonight - that's the farthest I've ever gone in one ride!! I live at the top of a hill and the last 2 miles of my ride home is entirely uphill..... today was the first day that I have been able to ride the bike all the way up and not had to stop and walk up part of it. I'm stoked!!

    I left my worksheet (with everybody's stats and scores) on my desk at work, so I PROMISE that I will post scores tomorrow.
    Sorry. :ohwell:

    Have a good night everybody!!
  • Under calories-check
    Water 8 glasses
    50 crunches
    20 jumping jacks
    Will do other exercises this week to catch up
    Water for past two weeks Monday Sept 12 -9 glasses
    Thursday Sept 15 -16 glasses
    All other days -8 glasses
  • amazing_grace♥
    Under calories-check
    Water 8 glasses
    50 crunches
    20 jumping jacks
    Will do other exercises this week to catch up
    Water for past two weeks Monday Sept 12 -9 glasses
    Thursday Sept 15 -16 glasses
    All other days -8 glasses

    @walkingingrace, thanks for clearing up the water thing! You ROCK!
  • stevemillar
    stevemillar Posts: 24 Member
    Isn't she amazing!? (see amazing_grace's post immediately above this one.) I wanna whine to somebody when I just have to do the pygmy goals. lol
  • stevemillar
    stevemillar Posts: 24 Member
    10 cups of water
    pygmy stuff done
    under calories

    I almost blew it on the calories today. I was shooting from the hip and this evening i entered everything to see how big a snack i could have. I barely made it! Well, i don't need that snack anyway
  • sbrown44
    Hey all,

    Cam home from work and crashed but i did very well :D

    water from Tues=11 glasses
    food=under calories
    all exercises done with my 5lb weight for tues

    water from today=10 glasses
    food=under calories
    all exercises done.....I'm shooting for a different pant size when this is all over!!
    Crunches, committing to 500 already did 225 :)

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    I did terrible yesterday... :cry: Sorry!

    I went over my calories and didn't do the challenges. I volunteered at a benifit dinner for my friend who has lung cancer.

    I did get my water in. I'll do better today!
  • keepitoff99
    Starting officially today. Got 6 cups water in so far, staying within calories, got in a good workout this morning. Watched the videos for today's challenge so going to do it tonight when I get home from work.

    Happy to be part of this group - definitely giving me the motivation I so desperately needed!!
  • amazing_grace♥
    Starting officially today. Got 6 cups water in so far, staying within calories, got in a good workout this morning. Watched the videos for today's challenge so going to do it tonight when I get home from work.

    Happy to be part of this group - definitely giving me the motivation I so desperately needed!!

    @keepitoff99 - you GO girl!!! :drinker:
  • amazing_grace♥
    For myself:
    Under calorie goal
    10 glasses of water
    did all the pygmy challenges for day #4
    also did W3D1 of my C25K :noway:

    As promised, here are the scores so far (as of this post)

    sbrown - 27
    stevemillar - 27
    amazing grace - 26
    walkingingrace - 21
    jmanthei - 16
    SweetToothMelissa - 9

    Xtine - 17
  • stevemillar
    stevemillar Posts: 24 Member
    10 waters
    pygmy done
    under calorie goal

    i can tell u 4 sure that i would not have gotten my exercise done today w/o the challenge & this group
  • keepitoff99

    Day 4
    Pygmy Challenge (did 1 set of each, working on it - today's seem a bit more straightforward)
    Water (8)
    Crunches (20) - just starting and couldn't do more of would not be able to do 50 today
    Calories (under)

    I know I'm going to lose this week for sure LOL but trucking along and learning all the exercises.
  • amazing_grace♥
    10 waters
    pygmy done
    under calorie goal

    i can tell u 4 sure that i would not have gotten my exercise done today w/o the challenge & this group

    @stevemillar - yay! That's great to hear you stuck with it! Impressive!