My world is falling apart



  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I know moving home isn't even close to what you WANT, but consider yourself lucky you have family who accept you back into their home! Living on the street isn't fun! Does your school have some type of job placement center? Have you considered while living at home interning somewhere just to get experience so it will be easier to get a job? Think of this as a new opportunity, stay positive and focused and I bet you will be surprised how things turn around!
    You are totally correct there are a lot of parents that once you are out of the house there's no comming back
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Military? see the world, be all you can be
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Life can be tought at times,but it can always be worse. You just have to stick it out
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    And I don't know what to do. I graduated with a BA in May. I can't find a job and I get $25 a week for groceries from mom, which is just never quite enough for me to make healthy meals.

    I can't find a job. I can't. I keep looking and applying over and over day after day and I don't even get emails telling me no 50% of the time. In four months I've had three interviews. Yesterday I went on campus to meet my boyfriend for coffee (we've been together for one year now!) and I decided to show him the office I had a really good chance of working in: The Asian and Arabic Languages Office.

    They needed a receptionist with experience. I have the experience and I have been to all the regions that that office entails: Japan, China, Middle East. I was perfect. I even met with the director to discuss it because the process was going too slow and I was wondering what was going on.

    As we walked over to the glass door, there in the office is the new receptionist. I am 22. She looked younger. Yesterday, on an incredibly happy one year anniversary day, I felt like I was in a movie seeing someone else take my place. I cried in the atrium for an hour, my poor boyfriend trying to comfort me. I was so sure that was the job I was going to get.

    If I don't have a job in the next ten days, my parents are coming to move me home. They keep telling me that it's not the end of the world--but I would love nothing less than to get very far away from home. I hate home. I hate my parents trying to force me back into childhood. I will have no autonomy under their roof. None.

    I'm sorry for the pitiful, pathetic rant. I just feel like everything is slipping through my fingers. I don't know what to do. I've run out of hope.
    Many would be most grateful they still have living parents let alone ones willing to help them out. Gratitude can go far in hard times, it's tough being in a difficult situation, but it most definitely sounds like you're not on the streets or in this alone. You may not want to accept your parents help and you have a choice, you don't have too. Do consider though that they don't have to offer to help, then what choices would be left.. something to think about.

    Perhaps try this on your own without your parents and see how far you can go, it might be the push you need to get creative to pay the bills. Or it might bring some realization that your parents are merely trying to help out in a really really tough time in your life.:flowerforyou: :ohwell:
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    You are NOT alone! I graduated in May and I am still searching it is soooooooooooo frustrating but the economy is really awful right now. Thank God my husband's checks cover our expenses. I keep telling myself that God has a plan for me and I will just have to wait and see. I will be praying that God's helps you to find a job. All the best!

    BTW you cant let yourself get too down! there is the perfect job out there for you somewhere!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    PM me where you live and I'll see if I can help. I've got some connections if you live close to me. If NOT give up hope. Keep your head up and stay positive. You will find something eventually!

  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    It took my boyfriend a year to find a job after graduating, but he eventually got an amazing one.

    Just hang in there, don't give up. Maybe you can find something very part time until you find something more long term, even if it means working retail or fast food or babysitting?
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Many people have suggested a staffing agency and 2nd, 3rd, 4th or whatever place I'm in that option. You may float around varying jobs for a while but at least you'll be working. And many lead to permanent positions. Another thing you can try is just get out there and pound the pavement...just get out there and apply everywhere you can. It will get better...*hugs* to you. :flowerforyou:
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I've worked in human resources for over 20 years for very large employers in my area. My HR peers and I have uniformly been noting the large numbers of applicants for many entry level positions, esp. those that don't require specialized degrees or expertise. I did a recent recruitment for an entry level paraprofessional position among my own staff and the applicants included a recent law school grad, an MBA, an ABD in a social sciences discipline, etc. etc. I don't say that to be discouraging--it's just the reality.

    One of my daughters has been living with us for the past two years because she was unable to afford an apartment on her pay. She's not thrilled about it but she's grateful to have a place to live. A quick google search will produce many results for stats on how many young adults are currently living with their parents or other family members. It's the new Depression and people are bunking up.

    Bottom line, if you don't want to move back with your parents, then you need to find a way to be economically self-sufficient. Some options that might include lodging are personal care attendant, group home overnight attendant, live-in sitter, etc. Or rent a room in a house vs apartment, etc. As others have said, there are many people who don't have the luxury of parents and/or a home to live in. It's not ideal but it's a better outcome than being homeless. If you move home, find things to do to augment your resume--volunteer work can provide new skills and connections as well.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    You can substitute teach in many places with just a BA. You can also work in a private or parochial school without a teaching degree as long as you have a BA. You can tutor homebound students, or offer services as a private tutor. Check with school systems around your area. We are always in dire need of substitute teachers and tutors.

    I would also check around for companies that do product testing. We have one in our mall called Concepts. You can make as little as 10.00 in a few minutes trying some lotion, or up to a couple hundred dollars for several hours worth of testing, survery taking, etc. It's always a great way to make quick money. My sister does it twice a week while her kids are at school.

    Good luck to you. It's a horrible feeling when you think you have no control over your life and it is falling apart. You just need to keep trying and believe that something good will happen soon!
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I graduated in 2008; I was an office assistant at a state agency at the time, doing software testing. A permanent position opened up last year and I took it while I looked for something in my field. Good luck, it's a jungle out there.
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I know how you feel. I'm unemployed and have been in school and have been actively seeking employment. I actually have an interview tomorrow for a customer Service Rep for Home Depot, not my ideal job, but I will take in in a heartbeat if hired. Sadly now a days, it's not about how much experience you have you or if you graduated with a degree, it's about WHO you KNOW. Like the others have said, moving back home isn't ideal, but at least you have family that are willing to help you out. Good luck and I wish you the best!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I feel ya. I lost my job last summer, and after a few months in Italy (basically my boyfriend at the time paid my way there), I moved here to VA and haven't been able to find a permanent job. I worked a 6 week temp. job, but have managed to blow through my savings as well as my 401k (don't worry, I had them take out extra taxes so hopefully I don't owe next year - having worked in the financial industry had its perks, I guess). I have three BAs.

    Thankfully, tomorrow I go in to fill out my paperwork for substitute teaching. Hopefully that'll at least help me pay my rent. I'm putting my name out there as a piano teacher, so we'll see if I can get some students. That's pretty big side money that I can pull in if I can get a few students.

    Hang in there. You're definitely not alone. :flowerforyou: