I'm new, and looking for motivating friends!

I guess I just want to better introduce myself..

My name is Amber, I’m 23, and super over weight. I wish I could say that I didn’t know how I got here, but ultimately I do know. I graduated high school at 190lbs which I thought was overweight, and that I was hideous, after a few family deaths, and beginning a new relationship the lbs began to pile on. I got comfortable with my new partner, weight and looking good wasn’t a concern anymore. We ate out all the time, and rarely made time to exercise. Then one day I went shopping for new pants….I was wearing a 15 so I grabbed a couple of those and headed to try them on….but none of them fit, they didn’t even come close. Little did I know I needed a 22; then bam, it really hit me, my face looking back in the mirror wasn’t even mine, it was some fat girl’s not me. What I would give to be back to 190lbs!!

It’s funny, all my life I was told I was fat, at age 10 my dad told me I needed to start dieting because I was bigger than all my classmates (not to mention 5 inches taller). ‘it will only get harder as you get older’ he would tell me. Even though he was right, it gave me only a feeling that I would grow to encompass, the feeling of being unwanted and worthless.
Currently, all I see when I look at myself, is fat. I don’t see the person anymore…I’ve lost my person!
So here I am, trying to find my person again, trying to find that face that used to be mine, trying to find that size 15 again!!! Most of all though, I am trying to find years. I need to gain back all these years of my life I have spent not living to my full potential, and the years that obesity is taking off of my life.

So If there is anyone out there looking for their years, their face, and their life, let’s find them together!
I have been trying to do this alone for years, I truly believe that the only way I can do this is with people who will support and motivate me, and I will support and motivate in return.


  • PhiMuHoney
    PhiMuHoney Posts: 127 Member
    You've taken a major first step in getting yourself healthier and happier! Welcome to MFP!! I had been feeling the same way about not recognizing myself in the mirror and beggining to regret not doing it sooner! Don't worry, you are capable of doing this! :D
  • Hello, welcome to MFP! Good luck on your journey and goal.
    Add me if you like for motivation. (:
  • Hi, You have taken the biggest and hardest step already - realizing that you need to do something about your weight, I have been using fitness pal for about 6 weeks and I loveit. The calorie tracker really makes you aware of what is going into your body. i have never counted calories before and I was really shocked. My problem is that I just like food and not healthy food, I don't eat because im hungry, I eat just to eat.

    Keep on posting it really helps!
  • welcome!

    I've been chubby most of my life. I actually started my first diet when i was 8. Stayed on it long enough to lose 25 lbs. But, I do get what you mean, I don't really see myself either. I've become obsessed with my weight, and getting it off. I've been trying to do diets over and over again alone. That's why I've failed every time. But, this site is really helping me stay motivated to keep on losing more weight. Just taking it a day at a time.

    good luck to you!
  • Good luck. :)
  • I know what you mean about getting comfy with a partner easy to do. You have taken a great first step! Ad me if you like some reinforcements.
  • melnem
    melnem Posts: 26 Member
    good luck on your journey! Tracking your food intake really helps you realize just what you are eating. Sometime we think it's not so bad until you see the numbers, then it kinda hits you smack in the face! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    This site with the tracking, exercise, and most of all friends cheering you on is very motivating! Add me if you like, I'll be your cheering squad.
  • mikalart
    mikalart Posts: 12 Member
    I wish you nothing but the best.... I know how you feel, I always saw myself as I felt on the inside, a confident stunning woman. I avoided the mirrors and lost myself in the food. Until one day I got my picture taken and really looked at myself!!! From that day on I vowed to loose the weight and get healthy...I am 39 pounds liter and feel 39yrs younger!! remember each day is a challenge and will test your strength, don't give up, just keep going even if you have a bad day:) the bad days make the good ones better!! Good luck:bigsmile: