Deload week/nutrition

I'm looking for some advice in regards to my nutrition while looking to take a week long break to get back in the right mindset and reground myself and was wondering if I needed to drop my daily calories a little bit during the week or keep intakes the same? My goals are muscle building at the moment if that helps any. No fat or weightloss goals just trying to pack on muscle/weight.


  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,532 Member
    edited August 2022
    No, in your situation eat as normal. It will help your recovery process, which is part of the reason for the deload. A week of weights is not many net calories burned anyway, so unless you're looking to lose fat, which you aren't, don't worry about that.
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    Don’t stress over this level of detail. Just eat to maintenance and keep
    Up protein. It’s a week it won’t make any difference long term
  • azuki84
    azuki84 Posts: 212 Member
    stop thinking 1 week is your end goal. your entire life is your end goal