

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2022
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Vicki- yes had the echocardiogram done.. saw the results ,i dont really know how to read them but im still standing so that's a good thing
    Basically flonase is the only thing I can take for allergies. I feel a bit better today. But have tomorrow off from watching Miles so ,im going to pack for my weekend trip and relax ,so some laundry and get the garbage out.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    I checked out the one thing I wanted to take DH to see in Barcelona, and, of course, it's closed on Mondays. :p There is one other place on my list, and it is open. We have both been before - me for 8 days! I love just wandering about.
    Also, in Sète, a lot of the good restaurants are shut on Tuesdays. :o I have found a nice one though.
    It's annoying when you turn up on a day when the one thing you wanted to see is shut. That has happened to us a few times. I now check before I get my hopes up! :D

    Thinking about losing a few pounds. Again. Easier when you have a good reason.

    Edie's game and art stuff turned up today. Lucky girl. Her birthday is later in September, so I've hidden it from her eyes that notice everything.
    Plus my thermal top. :p Need all the help I can get with our prices shooting up.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) It is already the new day, new month, and new season in Australia so I am posting the new thread for September now.

    Here is the link
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
    Stats for the day.-

    outside bike ride- 1hr 48min 33sec, 344elev, 74aw, 13.9amph, 135ahr, 159mhr, 25.10mi= 930c
    Strava app = 534c
    Walk home to gym- 11.22min, .53mi= 59c
    Strava app = 65c
    Elliptical machine- 20min, 2incl, 2resist, 129ahr, 151mhr, 1.58mi= 205c
    Walk gym to home-10.58min, .54mi= 68c
    Strava app = 67c

    Total cal 1262
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member

    Barbie: Hope the eye appointment goes well.

    Heather: What a wonderful gift from Johnny. We will do our second ‘cruise’ (ferry to Liverpool and back 😝) later this month when we take our younger grandson to his new Uni placement.

    Love, (((hugs))) and immense admiration to all of those in caregiver mode. Having been through it several times with my elders, I know the toll it takes.

    I am lightening my physical and emotional load slowly, box by box, file by file, as much for myself as for my family. It brings much joy and satisfaction.

    I’m still on a high from an outing last night with my two girls. We spent the evening on our wee boat enjoying a grandstand (free for us) Snow Patrol seafront concert on the quayside. We had a great view of backstage, as the stage was on the quayside. We were close enough to observe the group, and Courtney Cox from ‘Friends’ (who is dating one of the group) socialising. Boat owners were out in force
    for this bonus. My girls are great fans of this popular group of local lads,

    Have a great day.

    ☘️ Terri

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 640 Member
    Margaret, I'm so glad you enjoyed THE FAIR for us! We haven't gone back in years and don't intend to! LOL! WAY too much for us old geezers anymore. Everything you said is true and so hilarious. Love our state fair and it's one of THE BEST, but it's just too much and we've found it just doesn't change enough. Kids still love going and they take their kids and we live vicariously through them. AJ will be out there on Friday and Sunday night at the Vixen booth and she's taking the kids with her on Sunday all day. Lacy, Nick and Kolten are going on Saturday. We've had GREAT weather, except for last Saturday with the STORMS!!! YIKES!!!

    Well, my office was quite pleasant. It is brand new, done in really nice, blues and sort of off-white, greyish, I think. It might be white, but the light was dim, because I don't like fluorescents so I kept it low. AND I have one of those adjustable desks, so I could stand if I had a mind to. Chair seems comfortable. File cabinet is very small, but I guess I don't have much to put into it. We'll see when I really move in. NOW, the only thing left is getting me a large monitor and keyboard and mouse. I have a district-issues 13" laptop, but this old lady will NOT be playing with 38x2400 sized spreadsheets on that little thing!!! So I've got a call into the tech-geeks (and my boss) to set me up and I saw one of the DO-dudes yesterday (in person) and we were chatting and he said that there were some older "smaller" (18-20") monitors that I might be able to utilize until my big one comes in. Anything is better than this teeny thing. So, I think I'll be happy. No phone yet, but I called hubby while I was sitting there and the call went through, so I get cell service. Not great service, but it rings. lol.

    Love and Blessing, Carla, in MN
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 970 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Stevia ... did I mention this already? I tried to make a lower carb version of peanut butter cookies for my husband and they were a fail. I can't get over the after-taste of the stevia and they upset my stomach. He seems to like them. I'd rather go without a cookie and just have the real deal every once in a while.


    Have you tried using Splenda? It doesn't have as much of an aftertaste in my opinion. There is also a wonderful 5 ingredient PB cookie I make without flour (therefore even lower carb). I haven't tried them with Splenda, however. I taste the PB a lot more. You just have to eat them faster because they go stale quicker.

    Tina in CA