I'm feeling really bad about myself

dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
I know I'm sad because this is the 3rd night I'm sleeping alone this week and I still have 3 more to go before my husband comes back home from his business trip. And then he's only one 2 nights before he's gone again next week.

I'm on Day 7 of 30 DS and I'm committing to it. I've gained 3 lbs since I started and only had 1 moderately not so good day. I walked past the mirror on the way to the bathroom and still think I look 4+ months pregnant (my baby is almost 17 months old). I know results don't happen overnight but that really discouraged me.

I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep eating healthy, I'm going to finish all 30 days of Satan's workout and I will succeed. I just feel really low right now and needed to vent. I tried reading success stories to motivate me but I don't ever see myself getting lower than about 160 or smaller than a size 12 pants. So hearing about people who actually get lower now is just depressing me.

Sorry for the vent, just needed to get it out and need some support!!!


  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Once you start to see a bit of progress you will feel better. Everyone has bad days. You have the right attitude and you will succeed.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    you will get there!!

    i know you don't see it now, but it's hard to picture making it to your goal weight because it is HARD! it's easy to think about losing weight, but it's a whole different story actually DOING it.

    you sound like you are committed. if you think about it, you have 1 week down and only 3 to go! that's awesome! you are doing a great job so far and i think you have the right mindset.

    keep it up and keep moving forward. work out your frustration through exercise, it's a free stress reliever! :)
  • Don't feel so bad I had 3 c-sections and my stomach looks like I'm 4 months preggers also and it's taking forever this time for the weight to come off, my baby is 15months and I am so busy but now I'm making time for myself. As for Hubby try to do something time consuming so you won't start emotinally eating.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    There will be ups and downs...take it from me, having lost 107 lbs, there have been really low lows. You just gotta stick it out and ride it out. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey! I have two kids, also. The youngest is 20 months. I am still working on the weight! Do you stay at home with your kids? I had always worked full time until this year and we moved to Dallas, Texas from Denver. I get depressed about this mostly because I left my family and my job and friends that I love. It feels really easy to give up sometimes, but try not to! I got my haircut the other day t cheer myself up. It's those little things that sometimes make me feel better. Sometimes just being able to go the grocery store by myself makes me feel better!!!

    Don't give up! Your hubby will be home soon! The time that it takes kills me, also! I just wish the weight could come off faster!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    My stomach looked like I was 6 months pregnant, and my youngest is almost 7!

    You CAN do this! Don't let one bad day get you down, there is always tomorrow.

    There are people here who will support you NO MATTER WHAT, and you should NEVER feel ashamed of asking for it.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    For some, gaining weight when starting a new fitness program is common (http://zillafitness.com/startingoff/).

    I hate being apart from my partner. I try to stay busy and such. Just think of the upcoming reunion :blushing: to cheer yourself up.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    You will be OK. I am confident of that because you wrote this:
    I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep eating healthy, I'm going to finish all 30 days of Satan's workout and I will succeed.
    You are having a hard time. It sucks sometimes. Nothing I can say that will make it go away. But I suspect everyone here on MFP goes through similar feelings. So, know you aren't alone, or weird, or different. It's just a dip in the up and down nature of changing your lifestyle and making different choices.

    Stay focused on your own words. You already have the best advice inside you.
  • I totally know how you feel!!! Since doing Satan's workouts, maybe thats why I'm plateuing! We're using muscles we haven't used in forever. That could be why. You should applaud yourself for making it through those grueling workouts and tell yourself to not look at the scale for a week, or even longer! I know its super hard, but thats what makes us get discouraged. You're doing a great job! I
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Hey hey, cheer up, my stomach looks like I'm 6 months preggers and I haven't ever had a kid...LOL
    You're just going through a rough patch, but before you know you're hubby will be home and you'll have forgotten you even posted this.

    Keep your chin up!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Did you take before shots? If not, take them now, if only for your personal use.
    I'll get discouraged looking at myself in the mirror because it seems to me I'm not any different, but when I compare my body now to the before shots I can see a difference-same outline but definitely trimmer.

    Just stick with it. JM is hard but you will get results.
  • I knw it's hard, but when you feel like you are going to quit, just stick with it for a little longer, You will have pride in yourself that you overcame that urge and you will feel so much better! You can do it!
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    You can do this hun, one day at a time... I gained from the 30DS week 1 as well... its MUSCLE!
  • dlyeates Keep at it. you're committed to this and that's what it takes.We are your fitness pals and here to support you. :flowerforyou: If I could encourage you to stay away from the scale also that is my desire. Sometimes the scale is our worst enemy. I don't know what the 30ds is and I googled Satan's workout (yucky name!!!). but I think it is highly likely that you may have lost inches even if the mirror doesn't show it. (Sometimes it's our clothes we're wearing, probably still prego clothes, or at least *fat* clothes. Muscle weighs more than fat, so remember that.
    I hope, that while hubby will only be home for a few days that those days are blessed with friendship, fellowship and intimacy. Respect him and he will look forward to coming home as soon as possible the next time :smile:
    Remember, were here to be your friends and help you. Venting is a good thing sometimes :smile: :happy: :flowerforyou: .
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