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Barcode Scanner



  • Glitterdone82
    Glitterdone82 Posts: 43 Member
    edited September 2022
    I’m out too
  • dfurst1
    dfurst1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2022
    Please do not get rid of the bar code scanner. I will switch as well.
  • DianneYMe
    DianneYMe Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2022
    I too have referred your app to more people than I can count. I have left other apps to stay with MFP. But I will leave October 1 and never refer you to anyone ever again if this decision is not reversed.
  • tkazee
    tkazee Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2022
    Same, I always sync to my Fitbit, I started logging food in Fitbit and will be eliminating MyFitnessPal. Fitbit has a scanner now, don't know how good it is yet but I will be deleting Myfitnesspal.
  • JiKinslow
    JiKinslow Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2022
    I'll be leaving too. Already canceled my subscription.
  • emac826
    emac826 Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2022
    I've been a MFP user for 5+ years and will be leaving as well when/if the barcode feature goes away. I don't mind ads to support the framework and Kudos to those who can pay for premium, I can't. I use it to watch my intake and keep track of my nutrient balances. MFP isn't the only game in town anymore and losing this scanner is the final straw for me since the user input results aren't always accurate. If this moves forward I can't with good conscience recommend the app to anyone anymore.
  • brewsnale
    brewsnale Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2022
    Transferred to Cronometer and lose it! Was a loyal member for 10 years but i saw the writing on the wall. Visible changers began as soon as under armour sold mfp. No hooe under the current owner. Good riddance
  • beckerkra
    beckerkra Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2022
    I'll be stopping using MFP and use another free product out there that still has a barcode scanner instead for my food tracking if you resort to taking away features we've had forever. So you can lose your ad revenue from me as well. Only way they'll reconsider is if there's a mass exodus from their free platform and the loss of ad revenue outweighs the added "premium" members.

    Not a great move MFP. I've been using your app for over 3000 days (as seen from my login streak), but sadly it looks likely to be coming to an end. :(

    Taking away features as core as that is a poor marketing move IMO especially when there are competitors that still include barcode scanners in their free app offering.
  • beckerkra
    beckerkra Posts: 80 Member
    edited October 2022
    I have over a 3k login streak, but sadly it'll be coming to an end if they stick with this. I'll give them maybe a few weeks to learn from their mistake, but then I'm out. Plenty of competitor apps that still offer barcode scanning in their free offerings.

    No way I'll even log in to keep my login streak since I would want to make sure I take away the ad revenue they get from me logging in. Only way companies make changes is when it hits their bottom line. Posting on here isn't enough, so I'll be doing both. :) MFP, if you're reading, learn quick from your mistake. You still have time to fix this. Double down on it despite the outrage, and I won't have any sympathy if you really get hit hard on your bottom line from people jumping ship.
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    Seriously, $29 a month is an outrageous cost for any subscription. Does anyone actually pay that much????
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    edited September 2022
    sarah2002 wrote: »
    Seriously, $29 a month is an outrageous cost for any subscription. Does anyone actually pay that much????

    I can seriously get a whole gym membership for $29 a month. My mobile phone bill costs less than that.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    There's nothing at all to warrant paying Premium. I've now downloaded several apps and all of them have free barcode scanners and are accurate in their values too. Like Beckerkra has said, I'm giving it to the end of October too...
  • CMcP2021mfp
    CMcP2021mfp Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2022
    rtleslie55 wrote: »
    I have been a loyal customer and am currently on a 1736 day streak of continuous days of logging into the app. This seems like a slap in the face to me. This is a final straw for me.

    On a side note my wife and I went through our leisure wear last night and remove all the under armor items and threw them away. Won't be supporting them anymore.
    Under Armor doesn't own MFP anymore...that is WHY you're seeing these changes.

  • k8blujay
    k8blujay Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on this site for over 10 years... and the audacity they have to add more premium features and take away previously free features while not maintaining basic site functions is laughable... I can't even add photos to my feed anymore... not even through adding it to my weight... and then they take away previously free functions like the barcode scanners and subtracting exercise calories... Hell no, I'm not gonna pay for things that were free previously let alone "online coaching" or "meal kits"... I miss Steve. This site may have been a hot mess 10 years ago, but at least it was our hot mess.
  • k8blujay
    k8blujay Posts: 23 Member
    ocmitchris wrote: »
    Lietchi wrote: »
    rtleslie55 wrote: »
    I have been a loyal customer and am currently on a 1736 day streak of continuous days of logging into the app. This seems like a slap in the face to me. This is a final straw for me.

    On a side note my wife and I went through our leisure wear last night and remove all the under armor items and threw them away. Won't be supporting them anymore.

    I don't think Under Armour is the owner of MFP anymore, not since 2020:

    It was sold to a venture capital firm, Francisco Partners. They bought a place that I used to work at, and squeezed every bit of short term profit out of the company before pretty much killing it, which is what they appear to be doing here.

    VC's are leaches on society in my opinion...
  • k8blujay
    k8blujay Posts: 23 Member
    sarah2002 wrote: »
    Seriously, $29 a month is an outrageous cost for any subscription. Does anyone actually pay that much????

    I can seriously get a whole gym membership for $29 a month. My mobile phone bill costs less than that.

    WW is even half that and they have a much better platform...
  • McBurnsalot
    McBurnsalot Posts: 14 Member
    The people that bought MFP are going to drive this app into the ground. First full page ads that in interrupt using the app and now removing the bar code scanner. What’s next the database can only be used by premium members.

    I know they need to make money but there are ads so it’s not a free app really, they use ads to make money and I click on the ads whenever I can and consider whatever it is if it’s something I am interested in.

    There is too much competition in the app world to drive away customers.

    I’ll go back to using WW with their features if I have to pay for a good tracking app.
  • petmelwilson
    petmelwilson Posts: 12 Member
    I will be deleting my account and will log my calories directly into my Fitbit app starting October 1, 2022.