Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/18-9/24



  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    so water was not where i wanted at end of day logging,
    no c25k today
    yesterdays calories were 559 surplus not a deficit damn you Aunt Flo!!

    MAk what did you think of 30DS in comparision to PX90??

    Welcome to the new folks, and good to see so many bak this week,

    Ladygloria: love your goals! important to plan time for ourself and family time sometimes

    La_nanita I ak with you cursing Eve and that evil snake!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Kris - sorry for your frustration, at least we women have the excuse for weight gain and know that it is but a temporary thing

    ladygloria - glad you made some plans, hope they're what you and yours need and you find the time to execute them.

    My check in:
    Excercise 7 times, two chalean routines, ab three times week: 1 swim, I feel jet lagged and sore (my feet don't touch the ground in cars and planes, so very sore). Honestly, I should not use that as an excuse; I did nothing all week last week and just need to suck it up and do it.
    Calories = protein outnumbers fat: check :smile:
    3 servings of fruits/veggies: 2 servings of veggies. Tired and don't want to eat this late to make this goal :yawn:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Quick Monday night check in:

    (I've heard of women's cycles synching up when they live together, but I hadn't noticed an internet effect until this group. I joined the TOM party too. LOL!)

    1) Exercise 5/7 days: check 1/7
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday: check 1/7
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days: check 1/7
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY: check 1/7 Today was Monday weigh in. No gain/no loss/totally happy with this result. I PROMISE, AVOW, & AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Hope everyone has a better Tuesday (it has to be better just by virtue of NOT being Monday). Hugs to all! Good night!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    (I've heard of women's cycles synching up when they live together, but I hadn't noticed an internet effect until this group. I joined the TOM party too. LOL!)

    Bahahahaha, I was thinking the same thing! We are so awesome that even at great distances we synch up!

    I feel like a teenager, have not had these many pre-TOM symptoms in a while. Right now I am: bloated, cramping, constipated and breaking out. It's like SERIOUSLY, I am 33yrs old!!! I should be past all of this.

    Ok, done venting!

    BTW.. had a great work out with the doggy last night, trying to do some last minute training for a 5K I have 10/1. My goal is to jog/walk it in less than 45mins.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Monday and Tuesday check-ins:

    1- Keep up with Chalean X schedule - DONE! I had my first big exam today, and it didn't even occur to me to skip my workout to study. I think I'm growing up! :laugh:

    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day DONE!

    3- Drink a glass of water before every meal. DONE!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Papillon - great job on meeting your goals, how phenomenal

    My check in:
    Excercise 7 times, two chalean, abs three: 1 ab workout. Woke up early and did it first thing. Thank goodness too, cuz the rest of the day has been long and stressful and I am not capable anymore
    Calories = protein outnumbers fat: check
    3 servings of fruits/veggies: 2 servings of fruit
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    la_nanita: LOL! I know what you mean about feeling like we shouldn't have to be dealing with the teenager TOM symptoms. However, because of awesome PCOS, I get hot flashes too (ever since I was 15). Nothing like feeling pre-menstrual and menopausal at the same time! :angry: :laugh: (yes I am that emotionally/hormonally confused today).

    Tuesday night check in:
    1) Exercise 5/7 days--still 1/7
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday--only 9 today if I finish drinking the bottle in front of me before bed
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days--check 2/7

    That's it. Tonight was a late work night, so no workout and going to bed now. Night all. Have a great Wednesday!!:flowerforyou:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Ittee – Thanks! The BLTS are tough, that one’s going to be around for a while I think. It’s tough to get back into the swing of things after taking time off, but I have found the longer you put it off the harder it will be to get back into it. Way to get back into it Tuesday night. I know the feeling all too well of feet not touching the floor in cars and planes, no fun.

    Ladygloria – Nice job with your goals on Monday. Keeping form is hard during some workouts but working at it and I know you will get it down.

    la_nanita – I did a DVD swap with my sister, P90X for 30DS, that way we could both save a little money and try something new. I have to tell you, my TOM symptoms have gotten worse too, what the heck is that all about! And please tell me this... what is with the TOM acne??? Really does that really need to regress too. I keep reading all the water you drink will keep your skin clear.. I wish!! No fun… no fun at all. You are doing a 5K, so EXCITING!!! Good luck, I know you are going to make your goal :smile:

    KrisPage – Sound like you had a tough Monday. 30DS is … different, it’s weird to go from work outs that were anywhere for 45 to 90 minutes, to workouts that are 27 minutes. So that’s a big difference. There were breaks during the P90X workouts, none in 30DS. The p90X DVDs were split up to focus on different parts of the body (legs & back/ shoulders & arms / chest & back/ chest, shoulders & triceps) and then you’d do a cardio next day. 30DS it’s all in one, you do cardio, strength, and then abs. It’s a whole different system. It’ll take some getting used to, but I think I’m going to like it.

    Philosohoe – It’s kind of funny we seem to all seem to be synching up. It works even through the internet!! Great job with your goals Monday & Tuesday! Keep up your chant up! I'm chanting right along with you!

    Papillon22 – So proud! Our little butterfly is growing up :happy: I am sure you did awesome on your big exam. Great job with your goals.

    Tuesday check in:
    1. 30DS – Today was rest day for bowling. I wish I had done my workout though, that way I could blame my bad bowling on being tired from working out instead of my poor bowling skills. It was a bad bad bad night. (did I mention it was bad?) BLAH!
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workout's in – I’m always a little wound up after bowling so as I catch up on the Dancing with the Star’s Results show I’m going to do some calisthenics.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work everyday – worked from home so check!
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – I was doing ok until I went to bowling, it was a friend’s birthday, so I had a few BL&T of some sweets she’d bought. Hopefully the extra workout I’m going to do will make those extras disappear.

    So I realized something I’ve been looking back over my weight loss graphs and it’s so odd I drop right through the even number weights (200s, 180s 160s) But when I hit the odd numbered weights (190s, 170s) it takes… F-O-R-E-V-E-R!! I am in the 150’s and I determined to get through the 150s. My next mini goal myself is to hit 153 which would take me out of the obese weight category. I don’t think I have been out of obese since… probably high school. So I really need to buckle down get my workouts in, watch my BLTS, and kick the 150s in the BOOTIE!! (and maybe shrink mine in the process LOL!!)

    Have a wonderful evening all my friends. Tomorrow is Wednesday and another chance to reach out and grab those mini goals!
  • My Goal for this week
    1) Track food
    2) reduce late night snacking/. binging
    3) track exercise

    This would have to be a good start for me as well.
    Have to get on track and make some changes to start seeing some positive results.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Good morning to all!:love:

    Struggling with another cold :frown:

    Have been going to bed early so good on the sleep goal

    Watching the sodium-trying to keep it at 1500

    Have done zumba twice this week. I will probably skip kickboxing tonight because I have a meeting after school.

    Love reading about everyone's little victories!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So did not have time to report yesterday, Water was ok yesterday, no c25k need to get them done finding other things to do instead :yawn: calorie deficit for Monday was 226 and yesterday stayed under calories and had deficit of 1305 yeah!!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    thanks mak and lttee!

    mrogers: hope you feel better soon!

    wednesday check-in:

    1- Keep up with Chalean X schedule - Lean circuit 1 DONE!

    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day DONE!

    3- Drink a glass of water before every meal. DONE!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    sharron6906 – Great goals to choose! Good luck this week. Mini goals are a great way to get yourself on track :smile:

    Mrogers52 – I’m so sorry to hear you have another cold! Great job with your goals, it sounds like you are doing well even with the cold. Hope Zumba is going well!

    KrisPage – Sounds like you are doing well with your calories and water. Good luck getting C25K in.

    Papillon22 – Awesome job with your goals. You are doing so well Keep it your doing so amazing :happy:

    I’m getting my check in done early today. Then I’m off to spend some time with the husband.
    Wednesday check in:
    1. 30DS – Got my shredding done nice and early this morning.
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workouts in – I’m hoping to get one in a little later tonight before I go to bed.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Done! It’s getting a little light in the fridge again… seems to happen at the end of the week. Tomorrow might be interesting. I’m taking Friday off of work so I won’t have to pack a lunch tomorrow.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Did ok today with this. Had a few bites here and there better then yesterday, but there is still room for improvement.

    Went out to dinner with a good friend, we had a wonderful meal, but I didn't make the healthiest decisions. We had Chinese food, which is typically higher in sodium. I hope I haven’t tanked my whole week.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday. :drinker: Here’s to a great Thursday!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Mak, 30DS scares me. I guess when I get smaller my shins will be able to handle the jumping. Keep it up. I know you will be amazing at it.

    La_nanita, we’ll get through this stupid TOM thing (I’m apparently in the club as well) and you are doing so well. Great job! Don’t get discouraged. And woah, 5k, you go girl!

    Kris and lttee, thanks. The goals for myself are the hardest ones I’ve ever done. Seems we don’t take care of ourselves enough, huh?

    Lttee, have you started Chalean yet? Do you like it? I sure hope so. I stick to her routine for the most part and it kicks my butt! What ab workout did you do?

    Philosohoe, having lived in a women’s college I have experienced that phenomenon. Unfortunately, I too am apparently in this club as well. We really are a close group! LOL! And yes, PCOS sucks. Thankfully, I’m the type that never had any symptoms at all; but when I’m taking fertility drugs I really feel for women who do.

    Papillion, I’m so proud that you’re so dedicated to your exercise routine. Trust me, you’ll appreciate that more and more as time goes on and your body slows down. Way to go!

    Mrogers, way to go on your sodium and exercise goals. You’re doing amazing!

    Sharon, welcome and great goals!


    1. Chalean X schedule completely as is, except I will be switching in burn intervals in favor of zumba if I can make it. Otherwise, going to do the schedule as such and then add in one day of extra cardio in some form.-Did Push 2 tonight. I need to work on my form because my shoulders are killing me already.
    2. Try to find some me time in every day. With my longer hours, I no longer feel like I have time to do what I want. Maybe I should take half of my lunch hour and do something stress relieving.-had some me time with a longer shower tonight and then today at work took 15 minutes of my lunch to goof off and play games. It was nice.
    3. Do something fun next weekend with my husband and child. We've spent too many weekends away from the house running errands or doing things for others. Now it's time for fun!—can’t wait for this goal.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Ladygloria - my respect for you doing chalean is greatly increased, and anyone that can stick to a schedule has my awe and admiration. I have chopped up parts of the very first video and done it without weights about a week ago, but once my weights came in I'm all for it. Today I did that video again with weights. Don't know how much I'll follow her schedule, would like to, but not sure if I'm that dedicated yet.

    MAK - great job on your BLTS, and yeah, chinese food is tough one on sodium. You're still doing fantastic

    My check in:
    Exercise 7 times, two chalean, abs three: went swimming, and completed chalean burn 1.
    Calories = protein outnumbers fat: check
    3 fruits/veggies: 2 servings of fruit again. Gosh this goal is so difficult for me. I reallly need to pack something for lunch instead of expecting everything to magically happen after work.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Wednesday night check in:

    1) Exercise 5/7 days--2/7 tonight
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday--check 2/7
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days--check 3/7
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check 3/7 I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW. (There is a sick and twisted part of my brain that wants to weigh in despite the fact that I know that I am full blown TOM and probably holding on to every drop of the 10 cups of water I drank today. It's almost like I want to sabotage myself with negativity. This is why I do my chant. FYI, I don't copy/paste that sh*. I type out every word and say it in my head and sometimes out loud when I'm feeling too much temptation.)

    MAK--I don't know where, but I think I've heard other people talk about getting stuck in the "odd tens" too. What a weird phenomenon. However, you are seriously kicking butt with your program, so I know that you'll do great with breaking through your next milestone.

    Ladygloria--WTG with your Chalean! Ittee & I did Burn 1 in three parts mostly because I'm a wuss. She did it straight through on her own while I was working late. She's so sweet to slow down for me. Anyway, I am so impressed by your dedication to the program. I get dizzy with NO weights and can't do floor work yet because of stupid back/hip problems.

    Papillon22--Nice work with your veggies & workouts! Keeping up with all of that while still staying on track with studying is NOT easy! You should be proud! I know we're proud of you! :smooched:

    KrisPage--Good job keeping up with your water while doing all that outdoorsy work. I've been struggling with water this week just because I get too busy at work and forget even though my water bottle is sitting right next to me and staring at me all day.:ohwell:

    So tomorrow I'm headed out of town again. Fun family reunion time at Disneyland! I know I'll be getting a lot of walking in, but I'm a little nervous about how food will go. I'm allowing myself 2 free days from my sodium count, but I still don't want to go crazy. Plus I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, so wish me luck. I'll be logging in from my phone, so I probably won't get a chance to check in with the group for a few days. Probably back Sunday in time for new goals for the week.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic finish to the week. Happy 1st day of Autumn too! HUGS EVERYONE!!!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Exercise 7 times, two chalean, abs three: went swimming, did half of chalean burn interval, and did ab burner. So amazingly checked all three of in a way today.
    Calories = protein outnumbers fat: check
    3 fruits/veggies: 3.5!! I actually am learning and packed fruit for work.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi everyone! It seems like everyone is working so hard on their mini goals, it’s really inspiring and making me work hard on my mini goals (even those evil BLTS … more on those later)

    Ladygloria – have to admit 30DS scares me. That Jillian Michaels is intense, and level 1 is tough. But I am going to keep working at it. Great job with your goals this week. You are doing so great with Chalean X! Glad to hear you got some me time in and you had a good time. That is great to hear. Almost time for those fun weekend plans! You will have to tell us all about them!!

    Ittee – Thank you :smile: Great job with your workout goal Wednesday and Thursday. You are doing so great. 3.5 servings of fruit and veggies today way to go! Keep on packing that fruit for lunch.

    Philosohoe – Thank you :smile: It’s hard to believe 5 pounds and I go from obese to overweight. Never thought I would be so excited to be overweight! LOL!! I love the fact that you type out your vow every day! Makes you stop and think uh!? And I’m the same way with TOM for some reason any other time I can ignore the scale but TOM comes and I want to weigh in all the time... why is that! I can guarantee it will not be good news. <sigh> Great job with your goals on Wednesday! Keep it up.

    Thursday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 3 done!
    2. Get in 3 non 30DS workout's in – So I got turbo fire, and I did one of the workouts today. Lots of fun, but it is tough!
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – brought my snacks but not my lunch. No food in the fridge.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) –Ok day today. I think my enemy is a little jar of M&M’s in a coworkers cube… They call to me (really they do, I can hear them!) and I walk by her desk often, I need to just walk past and pay no attention to the M&M’s.

    Have a great night everyone. Keep up all the hard work, it’s almost the weekend. YAY!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi guys! Weigh in today ... Up half a pound. Need to really think about what I'm eating. I know I've eaten things that I didn't log. More BLTS then I care to think of. Time to get back to logging everything. Hope everyone's doing great today!!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So exercise has been non-existent this week. :sad:
    Calories / Water
    Sunday +559/ 6c
    Monday -426/9c
    Tuesday -1310/10c
    Wednesday -448/8c
    Thursday -284/7c
    So I really have not achieve any of my goals this week. :cry:
    Weekend are my worst so doubt I will get in the exercise. We will see. D@$n you TOM.
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