Hello - another day another diet

Hi all, Just saying hello, as i thought i would give mfp a proper good go, got sick of weigh watchers and fell off the wagon as i have done with all the diets i have tried - how annoying

Hope to " chat" with some people on here and encourage each other


  • Welcome back?

    I guess you already know that there is a great amount of support to be found here :)

  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
  • As a former WW member, welcome. But hey - let's not look at it as a 'diet'. You go on a diet, you go off. Look at this as a change to your lifestyle, becoming more healthy and living better. This is an everyday way to live!! Take care.
  • Thanks everyone i must admit i have had this app and website in my faves for a good couple of years without actually giving it a good go... I'll track everything even if i go over etc and really try to change my habits who knows maybe MFP will be my last stop ! xx

    Thanks for replies xxxxx:happy:
  • Welcome! I find that, in today's world, it's hard to maintain a healthy food lifestyle.... especially when my co-workers are always bringing in donuts and cookies! I don't eat them, tho... but I look to my friends on mfp for encouragement. Sometimes, just reading their status updates and their success stories is enough to keep my fingers from the donuts. :) Good luck!!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome.. As someone already said.. treat this as a lifestyle change :):flowerforyou:
  • chefsusan
    chefsusan Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome! Yes, it is another day. But don't think of it as another diet. Think of it as a new way of thinking and eating. I have done WW, NutraSystem, and a lot of other ones to loose weight. And I have gained back the pounds plus more. Feel free to friend me if you want you.
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    I probably won't be popular for saying this but I hate WW with a passion! lol! It encourages people to lose too much weight too quickly with no real advice on good exercise and nutition goes out the window!

    Better off on here I reckon welcome back! :)
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    I am a former WW also. WW worked but was just too expensive. This site has great tracking and lots of people to help. If you want you can add me as a friend.
  • I'm with you girl! I've done it all, WW, Formu3, the whole 9. Start, stop, start, stop...an:wink: endless and VICIOUS cycle! I'm new to this site and I too plan on giving it a good go! Glad to know I'm not alone :)
  • MFP isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle :) Good luck!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I probably won't be popular for saying this but I hate WW with a passion! lol! It encourages people to lose too much weight too quickly with no real advice on good exercise and nutition goes out the window!

    Better off on here I reckon welcome back! :)

    I did loose weight on WW but you are right that it does not really emphasize exercise. The points at first seemed easier but then they went and changed them and you needed a special calculator - what a mess. And it was just too costly!
  • I probably won't be popular for saying this but I hate WW with a passion! lol! It encourages people to lose too much weight too quickly with no real advice on good exercise and nutition goes out the window!

    Better off on here I reckon welcome back! :)

    I did loose weight on WW but you are right that it does not really emphasize exercise. The points at first seemed easier but then they went and changed them and you needed a special calculator - what a mess. And it was just too costly!

    Exactly why i left, got bored of paying so much and bored of colculating everything ! Hard getting back into it but this site and app is brill.... good luck everyone xxxx
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    The phonw app is what saved me this week. I just did not have time to log in to track things. All I had to do was pull up the phone app and I was done!