What changes did you make to your diet?

What's your before and after diets? What changes did you make?

Here's mine...

Breakfast: Coffee (sometimes I'd have a slice of pizza or a meatball vietnamese roll)
Lunch: Spudbar, Burger Edge, kebabs, meatball vietnamese roll (if i didn't eat it at breakfast)
Dinner: big piece of meat with salad and maybe some baked potato or cous cous, or a parma with chips at the pub, Kebabs, pizza, whatever
Snacks: throughout the day - rice cakes with peanut butter, left-over catering sandwiches, chocolate, ice cream, whatever, whenever

Breakfast: porridge with fruit and yoghurt and tea or coffee
Lunch: tempeh wrap made at home, or a salad roll
Dinner: portioned piece of meat with salad and steamed vegetables, of a steak with steamed vegetables at the pub.
Snacks: high protein stuff once or twice a day like tuna, yoghurt, protein shakes, apples, green tea

i definitely don't feel as encumbered anymore, the cravings for starchy foods is gone, and swapping sugary stuff for protein has done wonders.

what's your story?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i eat less often and bigger meals and i've added in ice cream and other goodies to make my diet more enjoyable
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Breakfast: None
    Lunch: Chinese take out, Subway, deli food from the grocery store
    Dinner: Cheeseburger from a pub, pizza, pasta
    Snacks: Whatever someone brought into the office

    Breakfast: Cereal with fruit and 2% milk, somedays I have eggs
    Lunch: Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit and granola
    Dinner: Protein with salad
    Snacks: Apple, string cheese, oatmeal, carrots

    And I feel a million times better!
  • moonflower09
    moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
    Probably one of the biggest changes I have made is weighing and measuring everything. It is so helpful and a good education to see what portions are supposed to be like.
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    Great topic.

    Heh mine is in reverse, as I am just starting again after 2 years of mindless eating, and not saying no to anything.
  • Musicgrl4life
    i'm very cautious with portion sizes. I am careful about how much sodium I have daily. I don't drink soda anymore. I drink more water.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Probably one of the biggest changes I have made is weighing and measuring everything. It is so helpful and a good education to see what portions are supposed to be like.

    I second this one. And, after some serious soul searching, attempting to cut down on dairy (haven't drunk even a sip of my beloved farmers union iced coffee in more than a week.)
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    i stopped eating out all the time...now i only do it when i have to and i try to eat something as healthy as possible when i do. I watch my portions and calories. try to make better choices (white rice to brown rice etc.) and still struggling with stopping soda all together but def. cut down ALOT. got along way to go but small steps at a time
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Several years ago I stopped eating red meat and pork. Then 2 years ago I stopped eating fast food and fried foods. I was having it more than once a week. Also no butter or margarine if I can possibly help it. I'm not a low carb person but I do tend to stay away from bread and that helps. Bread and pastry is my down fall.

    I eat a lot more fruits and veggies than I used to and I think my egg consumption went up. Love my sweets so I don't think I could ever give up Splenda or things made with Splenda.

    Other than that I am definitely more active. A big change that I want to keep forever along with eating right.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I eat heavy breakfast everyday, took out sugary stuff like sodas, iced teas, fruit drinks, sports drinks, processed foods & also junk foods from my everyday diet (though I take a few twice a month). I only drink fresh fruit juice once a month. So I drink lots of water, eat whole foods, whole grains, more fruits & vegetables everyday. I cook my own food, only eat out 2x a week when I'm at work.
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member

    Breakfast - Either nothing, or toast with butter and marmalade/ croissants at the weekend
    Lunch - Sandwich with cheese/relish/mayo/salad, packet of crisps, cereal bar or Tomato tart (large puff pastry base with tomatoes and oil and basil)
    Dinner - Out a lot so, penne arrabiata with lots of bread, pizzas, curry's, and crisps & ice cream and a bar of chocolate each night. Weekends were far worse.


    Breakfast - Homemade fruit smoothie or Toast with peanut butter
    Mid morning - Yoghurt or handful of nuts
    Lunch - Homemade leek and potato soup with crackers or last night's leftovers. Low fat or fat free yoghurt
    Mid afternoon - Fibre plus cereal bar (111 cals 2g fat)
    Dinner - Homemade Chilli, cottage pie, curry, lasagne etc & London Dairy low fat strawberry ice cream

    I try to have much of the same as I had before for evening meal but make it very low fat and the icecream is my evening treat. It's my something to look forward to after I have my mammoth (so it feels sometimes!!) workout for the evening. I also try to take in a lot of my energy throughout the day as I usually workout when I get home from work rather than before.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I eat more protein, I eat a smaller amount of low fat dairy products, my portion sizes at dinner have shrunk, I eat less sugar (have cut dried fruit and sugary breakfast cereals out), and I am careful about eating carbs now. I eat less pasta, noodles and flatbread because they don't fill you up; but I eat more oats, rice and corn because they do.
  • juganaut
    juganaut Posts: 79 Member
    Probably one of the biggest changes I have made is weighing and measuring everything. It is so helpful and a good education to see what portions are supposed to be like.

    Measuring things has also been invaluable to me. It's amazing to see how many Twisties there are in 27g, or how heavy that piece of chicken really weigh.
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I changed my diet to start weight loss and then again when I was diagnosed celiac earlier this year.


    Breakfast - Cereal, often sugary
    Lunch - Jacket potato/ Pasta/ Cheese toasty
    Dinner - Pasta/ Pizza/ Curry/ Breads - not especially unhealthy, always with veg, but just far too much
    Snacks - Ice cream/ sweets/ chocolate


    Breakfast - Muesli or porridge
    Lunch - Peanut butter or beans on toast/ soup/ salad with roll
    Dinner - Low fat curries (homemade) with naan/ stir fry/ chilli/ masses of veg!
    Snacks - Toast, fruit, handfuls of cereal

    NOW (after diagnosis)

    Breakfast - Rice or polenta porridge with honey
    Lunch - Leftover dinners/ eggs/ salads with feta and pumpkin/ homemade soup
    Dinner - Stir fry with rice noodles/ Curries (no naan!)/ Chilli/ Gluten free pasta with homemade sauce
    Snacks - Fruit/ Yoghurt/ Nuts/ More porridge to keep me going (dinner is late in my house!)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    The main change I have made is to portion size rather than to what I eat, although there have been some major changes because I'm watching my calories, so Ryvita has replaced almost all bread (apart from mini naans)

    Breakfast: Ham Cheese & Tomato Pannini; fruit or cheese scones with butter or paté; sausage roll in a bread roll with cheese and mayo; large bowl of porridge with maple syrup; 2xbowls of breakfast cereal

    Lunch: baguette with chicken, salad & mayo and a packet of crisps; microwavable ready meals with toasted naan; pasta and sauce.

    Dinner: usually large plate of meat potatoes & veg; lasagne with a lb of grated cheese + garlic bread; big bowl of meat curry with rice plus popadoms & chutney, samosas, naans; fish with half a tub of coleslaw; fishy rice & peas; moroccan chicken with whole pack of couscous - all meals included some type of bread.

    Snacks: chocolate, sweeties, biscuits, crips, toasties, cheese & biscuits.

    Breakfast: Ryvita, cottage cheese and smoked salmon; cheerios with banana; ham omelette

    Lunch: soup; Ryvita as above; omelette; beans on toast (1 slice); leftovers

    Dinner: as before, just a lot less on my plate and only eating 1 or part of 1 mini naan.

    Snacks: seldom, maybe a banana, some oat biscuits, a few grapes, water.

    I still drink exactly same as before, but do include 3-4 glasses of water instead of snacks.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    On the whole I pretty much eat the same kind of food, I'm just making sure I eat normal portion sizes, because I was actually eating enough for two people. The fact that I am now doing exercise where before I was doing none at all is another major factor.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    Breakfast - None
    Lunch - Sainsburys Beans with Sausages, 3 slices of white bread with i cant believe its not butter.
    Dinner - 2 Chicken Legs with oven baked chips / Minced beef with rice/spaghetti/Burgers and chips. pint of coke
    Snacks - Crisps, chocolate bars, etc.
    10-12 cups of tea, each with 3 sugars and full fat milk.

    0 glasses of water.


    Breakfast - None
    Lunch - Turkey breast chunks in Best of Both bread, with i can believe its not butter light.
    Dinner - 2 Chicken legs with oven baked chips/Be good to yourself diced beef with rice/extra lean beef escalopes with rice or chips. Pint of 7 up free.
    Snacks - Crisps, fun size chocolate bars, similar things but now in moderation.
    10-12 cups of tea, each with 2 sweeteners and skimmed milk.
    Isotonic drink with every exercise session.
    Multivitamin+minerals tablet, cod liver oil tablet.

    1 glass of water with my tablets.

    Not much of a change, just now logging everything, keeping things in moderation, and exercising 6 times a week, compared to 0 times.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    my diet then and now isnt tooo different only now i just watch my calorie intake.

    Breakfast- Kashi cereal with 2% milk
    snack- two handfuls of almonds
    lunch- taco bell or a ready to go lunch from fresh and easy
    snack- agave and peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat
    dinner- would vary, but would mainly be homemade mexican food or bolivian food which consitsts of rich sauces and meats and rice

    breakfast- egg w/veggies 1 slice of whole wheat bread with lots of water
    lunch- smoothie or lite hot dog with whole wheat bread or leftovers
    dinner- chicken breast with brown rice or modified versions of my favorite meals

    the killer for me is the weekends...when i eat HORRIBLE things, dont exercise and drink a lot. hah
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I now measure everything instead of just spooning/pouring it on.....I use actual measuring spoons to measure my sugar and measuring cups for milk.......My added sugar intake has really dropped......When I first started I was putting 1 teaspoon of sugar on my morning cereal, now it's half a teaspoon......

    I haven't cut much out only pizza.....But I'm going to have a go at making my own using the cauliflour to make the base.......

    My water intake has gone up........
  • RickinNH
    RickinNH Posts: 73 Member
    Strict portion control and near (not total, but pretty close) elimination of processed foods. Just about the only thing I regularly consume now that comes in a container is milk on my oatmeal in the morning, and yogurt.