Egg whites - a good low fat way to keep full?

I love eggs as they keep me full (I only allow myself 1 - 2 yolks a week though so it is usually egg whites only) but is it unhealthy to consume around 5 egg whites a day? Obviously eating other foods along with meat fruit veg etc and drinking lots of water...


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    mother nature cries when the yolk is thrown out

    no need to fear the fat and most of the nutrients are in the yolk, but no i wouldn't consider 5 egg whites a day bad or unhealthy
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    The yolk has the cholesterol, I am sure 10 egg whites a day is fine.
  • i eat between 4-8 egg whites per day! as long as youre using the natural egg white, not that processed crap you can buy in the little pint thing! i cant believe people eat FAKE eggs! they are even more expensive than just buying a dozen and cracking them yourself!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I don't think eating that many egg whites would be bad for you as long as they are real egg whites and not processed. Sounds good!
  • angelinerstetzko
    That's perfectly fine! Every morning I eat 3 egg whites (sometimes I'll give myself 2 egg whites and a yolk) because the protein is so important when you're working out. Plus, eggs are one of the foods that will keep you full for longer. It's a great meal. I make mine with parsley, roasted red pepper flakes, garlic pepper and a little bit of tomato and basil feta...then I pair that with a piece of fruit. Totally healthy and nutritious breakfast!
  • rush2875
    ur post mad me hungry lol
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    egg whites is #1 in body building and fitness world. they even sell them by the buckets online not because its bad but because its consumed by the truckloads daily.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I don't think that is unhealthy, I just buy egg whites in a carton and eat half a cup scrambled with my breakfast ever morning.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    mother nature cries when the yolk is thrown out

    no need to fear the fat and most of the nutrients are in the yolk, but no i wouldn't consider 5 egg whites a day bad or unhealthy


    What are some of the nutrients I'm missing out on? I actually eat egg whites because I HATE the yolk...I think it's gross lol
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    mother nature cries when the yolk is thrown out

    no need to fear the fat and most of the nutrients are in the yolk, but no i wouldn't consider 5 egg whites a day bad or unhealthy


    What are some of the nutrients I'm missing out on? I actually eat egg whites because I HATE the yolk...I think it's gross lol
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    mother nature cries when the yolk is thrown out

    no need to fear the fat and most of the nutrients are in the yolk, but no i wouldn't consider 5 egg whites a day bad or unhealthy


    What are some of the nutrients I'm missing out on? I actually eat egg whites because I HATE the yolk...I think it's gross lol

    Oh wow! I didn't know I was missing out on that. I guess I can keep one egg yolk in there lol
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I usually eat 2 - 3 whites and one whole egg with the yolk - because I love them! :tongue: Sometimes I spice it up with a couple of tablespoons of salsa and 1/4 of a sliced avocado. Always have one slice of Miltons whole grain toast too - usually keeps me full through the morning.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Really appreciating the tips everyone, thank you so much!

    I know it feels so wriong chucking out the precious yolk, I love it but it's just not conducive to losing weight if i had more than a few a week.

    I noticed that the times I have run out of eggs, breakfast was just toast (I hate sweet breakfasts, got to be savoury every time for me) with butter or low fat cheese spread and cherry tomatoes, and even then....with 2 slices of bread as opposed to my usual 1 with egg.....i was hungry wtihin a couple of hours.

    Whereas when I have an egg for breakfast i remain full till late lunch.

    Keep the egg white recipes coming, i'm going to try them ALL out :happy:
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Really appreciating the tips everyone, thank you so much!

    I know it feels so wriong chucking out the precious yolk, I love it but it's just not conducive to losing weight if i had more than a few a week.

    I'm not going to tell you what to eat because things work a little differently for everyone, but egg yolks do have a lot of good stuff in them. Until a few months ago, I also believed the opposite and I ate only egg whites. I've switched to egg yolks and have continued to lose weight. In the last 7 days, I ate eggs 4 or 5 morning and I lost over 3 pounds (of course, a 3 pound loss in a week is not typical, but the point is that eating the eggs did not abate weight loss).
  • anvacarz
    I eat 4 hardboiled egg whites a day and usually yolks on the weekends (when I have time to actually cook!).

    This morning I chopped up the whites and added them to leftover tuna (with hummus, small amount of mayo, almonds, raisins and lettuce) and just added a little pepper. It was really good! Even with the random raisins. :) Usually though, it's just eggs and toast. I like to boil the eggs the night before I just chop and eat in the morning.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Really appreciating the tips everyone, thank you so much!

    I know it feels so wriong chucking out the precious yolk, I love it but it's just not conducive to losing weight if i had more than a few a week.

    I'm not going to tell you what to eat because things work a little differently for everyone, but egg yolks do have a lot of good stuff in them. Until a few months ago, I also believed the opposite and I ate only egg whites. I've switched to egg yolks and have continued to lose weight. In the last 7 days, I ate eggs 4 or 5 morning and I lost over 3 pounds (of course, a 3 pound loss in a week is not typical, but the point is that eating the eggs did not abate weight loss).

    Yes they are full of goodness, great for your hair and skin and have vital elements for a healthy lifestyle - but there is the danger of too many yolks = high cholesterol. Over here in the UK I think the government's health guidelines suggest you eat no more than 3 or 4 yolks per week max. Such a shame but high cholesterol runs in my family so I better watch it.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I eat 4 hardboiled egg whites a day and usually yolks on the weekends (when I have time to actually cook!).

    This morning I chopped up the whites and added them to leftover tuna (with hummus, small amount of mayo, almonds, raisins and lettuce) and just added a little pepper. It was really good! Even with the random raisins. :) Usually though, it's just eggs and toast. I like to boil the eggs the night before I just chop and eat in the morning.

    That sounds delicious, kond of like a tuna coronation, I'm so gonna try that one (omitting the raisins as I am not a fan, might add chopped apple or mango for a small injection of sweetness)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Yea, my trainer and many people I know at the gym eat 8 egg whites in one sitting. it's fine.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I eat egg white all the time. Great protein source without all the calories. I add peppers, onions, tomatoes, spinach and put it in a Thomas's sahara mini pita. Great anytime.:drinker:
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    one thing i am unsure of is on my food diary, it says I have gone way over my reccomended daily protein intake, and that's just with a bit of lean ham and around 4 egg whites, is this not conducive to weight loss?