Anyone else deal with anxiety and/or panic disorders while trying to get slimmer/fitter? Add me!

Just want fellow anxiety buddies-- maybe we can vent over status updates? I dunno

In the middle of a panic attack and pacing so just typing while anxious


  • delinsc123
    delinsc123 Posts: 1 Member
    I have very bad anxiety and am Bipolar. It’s hard to lose the weight living with so much stress
  • TheBarefootMama
    ME!!! I have GAD (general anxiety disorder), PTSD, and SA (social anxiety). I also have a depersonalization disorder. It's all the worst and I hate it. Being a mom (one of my 3 has autism) and a caregiver for my mom who is a cancer patient means never having a minute to fall apart during the day. It's so stressful to try and lose weight while dealing with it all.
  • z6jv4rrmdy
    z6jv4rrmdy Posts: 18 Member
    I have horrible anxiety and I would love to chat anytime with others who have it!! It truly sucks especially when it gets really bad!!
  • natsmom118
    natsmom118 Posts: 83 Member
    Yeah I have dpdr