
This is my first time trying this online website. I have lost a total of 60 pounds using walking and cutting down calories but have recently put a few pounds back on. I am wanting to get back down to at least 170-175 so I need to lose 10 pounds. I am hoping by calculating my calories and work outs I will be able to do so. I am a substitute teacher and I also work at my local Dairy Queen so sometimes it is hard to get a work out in as well as being able to not give in to temptations. I am hoping some of you will have some encouraging words for me.


  • Welcome! This is a great site. I am sure you will be successful if you stick with it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mybutterfly63
    mybutterfly63 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! Welcome to the site! Feel free to add me if you like and we can help motivate each other hopefully!