I've lost 43 lbs, this is what I've done and my opinions.

Someone asked me at work about any healthful advice I could give since I've had done well. This is the e-mail I sent to them. I thought I'd share with the community.

So far I’ve dropped 43 lbs this year, over 6 inches from my waist and went down a shirt size. I’m hoping to do a little more but I’m pretty happy where I’m at. I’ll try to summarize what I’ve done, what I’m doing and just some tips I’ve found helpful. These are only what I’ve done and my opinions.

1. I’m tracking everything I eat and any exercise I get on the website www.myfitnesspal.com, I chose the lose 2 lbs a week plan and try to stick to my calorie budget. It’s amazing to learn how many calories are in certain items. Tracking calories is the biggest thing I’ve done to help. What gets measured gets improved.
a. I’m also entering the following measurements once a week into this website because I might not see an improvement in one measurement but may see an improvement in another:
i. Weight
ii. Neck
iii. Waist
iv. Hips
v. % body fat (I have a bathroom scale that gives me this number)
2. The first couple of months I was hungry every night before I went to bed, I tried to view this as an accomplishment and associate this being a healthy feeling. After a while my body got used to the new amount of food/calories I was taking in. Occasionally I have hungry days, sometimes I splurge on these days and some days I will myself to still meet my calorie count.
3. I figured out a realistic final goal weight based on body fat percentage using the formula on this site: http://www.healthchecksystems.com/bodyfat.htm
4. I chose many small goals along the way, my first goal was to lose 10 lbs, my second was to lose another 10 lbs, as things got harder my goal was to try to stay consistent and try to lose 2 lbs a week, I also had a final goal. Even if one loses a lbs. a week that’s 52 lbs. a year!
5. I exercise so that I can eat more food or some food that are higher in calories, I also exercise to be healthier for myself and my family. I lost my mom to heart disease when she was 52, I use this to motivate me to be healthier for myself and my kids.
6. I try to do exercises that I enjoy (e.g. I walk at lunch with my boss and we have fun talking and walking, I actively play with my kids, I shoot basketball, I don’t do any exercise I don’t enjoy. Find something you enjoy and it will not seem like a chore or drudgery.
7. I try to go outside as much as possible because if you are just sitting outside it gets boring fast. I automatically start looking for something to do which generally means being more active, especially in contrast to just sitting in front of the TV in the house.
8. If I mess up, I realize it was a mistake and it didn’t completely destroy my plan. I just do better the next meal or next day. I’m a perfectionist so in the past I’d mess up once and just give up.
9. I don’t deprive myself of anything I want, if I want a blizzard I get a blizzard. The only difference is I get a mini instead of a large now. All I need is a taste to satisfy my craving, I get the smallest portion I can and get out of there so I can’t get more easily. I also share portions with other people. And I track these calories. I’m wanting these things less and less.
10. Create a barrier for temptations. I don’t buy temptation foods to keep at home. I try to make these foods take effort to get, most of the time I’ll just stay home.
11. I do buy healthier whole foods (e.g. bananas, apples, grapes, carrots) and try to make them as easy as possible to get to.
12. I don’t buy specialty weight loss foods, I just look at calories and decide if I my calorie budget can afford it. I think most of these weight loss foods are overpriced and don’t have many benefits above what I normally would eat.
13. I don’t buy fat free food, I believe fat makes you full and provides energy, plus a lot of the time food manufacturers add sugar or sodium to make up for the flavor loss which I think is worse than the fat.
14. I try not to eat out as much and when I do I try to find the lower calorie options.
15. I read and watch things about weight loss (e.g. I watch Biggest Loser, read articles about health). This keeps me motivating and thinking about my goals.
16. I have found a couple of people to talk to about my weight loss and/or exercise it’s good to surround yourself with people with similar goals for a support system. This is another thing I like about www.myfitnesspal.com it lets you and your friends see your progress if you want them to.
17. I stopped drinking pop, I may have one once a month or once every couple of months.
18. I also stopped using fake sweetener I use sugar or no sweetener at all.
19. I try to drink at least 8 cups of water a day. I keep a container of water next to me all day long and constantly sip from it. It helps me fill full and seems to clean out my body.
20. Sometimes if I’m hungry and it’s not an eating time I’ll drink some water if that doesn’t do it I’ll eat an apple or banana.
21. I bring my lunch every day but Friday.
22. If this change is to stick it needs to be a lifestyle change and not a diet.

One last thought, no one changes until they want to. I’ve tried this before and it worked for a short while, but I didn’t care enough and it wasn’t a priority so I gave up on it. I was more ready to make a change this time.


  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    WOW I love it thanks for sharing. Just what I needed this AM
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Congrats on your amazing weight loss and thanks for sharing your tips. Totally agree!!!!! Keep up the great work.
  • kaizo
    kaizo Posts: 87 Member
    Great advice! Well done on your weight loss! :)
  • LaurieEReid
    Excellent! I agree with all these points. I'm still on my journey and plateaued but I'm keeping on.
  • song2sing
    Thanks so much for sharing, always interested in seeing what works for people and how they have adapted to the new lifestyle change! You are definitely in the groove!!

    Joyful in the Journey,
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    i love your post! well done :flowerforyou:

    my favotites are

    12. I don’t buy specialty weight loss foods, I just look at calories and decide if I my calorie budget can afford it. I think most of these weight loss foods are overpriced and don’t have many benefits above what I normally would eat.

    13. I don’t buy fat free food, I believe fat makes you full and provides energy, plus a lot of the time food manufacturers add sugar or sodium to make up for the flavor loss which I think is worse than the fat.
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    thanks for sharing congrats on your weightloss...
  • ashreneeknutson
    I LOVE THIS! Thank you so much for sharing and congrats on your success.
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Two thumbs up!!! You have adopted the things I have adopted. I have lost 100 lbs. within a years time. I weighed 210 lbs on August 1st 2010 (my b-day) On september 1 2011 I now weigh 110 lbs. I buy fresh fruits and veggies to keep here in the house to eat on where as I use to sit and eat "junk" all the time,not any more and I don't eat out very often and when I do, I take along my "EAT THIS NOT THAT" restraurant guide book. These books are so helpful. I also have the supermarket book too and take it with me grocery shopping. I exercise five to six days a week generally 45 minutes to an hour also. I have aquired a love for running. But you have done wonderful, keep up the good work:wink:
  • bethany1031
    bethany1031 Posts: 40 Member
    Brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing your story! Very inspirational!
  • Lindaj44
    Lindaj44 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for sharing that's a lot of good advise.
  • twowheelhooligan
    NIce write up!! For the most part I agree with what you wrote. The points I don't agree with are just because it's not what works for me, and I'm certainly not going to bring them out here as it is not my intention.

    Your letter/e-mail was written from the heart and that was felt by me as I read it. :smile: You had motivation from various facets of your life.

    I commend you on where you've taken yourself and for having a realistic approach. You've inspired me in my path to a healthier me as I navigate towards less weight and better health!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  • mxmandani
    Great post!
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    What a great list! Thanks for sharing. I do many of the same things you do. :smile:
  • terryrob2
    terryrob2 Posts: 76 Member
    Bump for me
  • aunt_hbomb
    I would have to agree with everything you said. You are doing it the right way and now I know I am too. Thanks for sharing.
  • Mandy1448
    This is great! Thank you for sharing. :smile:
  • lobecker
    lobecker Posts: 3 Member
    That's awesome - thanks for keeping it "real".
  • gottagethealthy
    gottagethealthy Posts: 43 Member
    Great job. Keep up the good work.
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks for sharing