Anyone planning a vacation for weight loss reward?



  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    At first I want, now I am. My end goal is april 9th. I want to be in my best shape by then. My goal for weight loss (if possible) is 11/9/11, then Im gonna do 5 straight months on p90x. Well my girlfriends just told me shes gonna take me to an outdoor/indoor waterpark hotel for my bday (i LOVE waterparks). And the best part (this is something Ive wanted to do since I was 8) they have a swimup bar!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    It's not a reward, but a motivation. DH and I are celebrating our 9th anniversary in Key West at the end of the month. We're spending one day at Ft. Jefferson and I wanted to be bikini ready for the snorkeling. On Labor Day I vowed to lose 10 pounds before we went. I'm down 9 pounds now with 1.5 weeks to go, so I think I'll make it. My thighs are still a bit "thick", but I've got my flat stomach back!
  • Bellini500
    Bellini500 Posts: 60 Member
    I booked the holiday and am losing the weight for that! I am so excited - its a 3 week trip across the USA - starting in New York and ending up in Los Angeles. Woohoo!
  • michy_elliot
    Not as a reward since I'm only toning up, but I'm going to Bali for 10 days in December with my boyfriend, plus going to Queensland for a week in January with the girls. The reward is how I'll feel having the time of my life, in the best shape of my life, in the smallest bikini of my life! :P